Since 2001, Manka Bros. has enjoyed global success with its spectacular "Magpies" franchise (based on the hugely popular young adult novels by British writer Martin Hagham) about the Newcastle United football team with supernatural powers. Unfortunately, Mr. Hagham died just after completing the fourth book, "Magpies On Sadr Day," which Manka Bros. is currently remaking for the third time and will be released in 2019.
Recently, Mr. Hagham's son, Purdip Hagham, completed a "fifth Magpies" novel - "Magpies & The Pervasive Evil" (Manka Books) which Manka Bros. Films immediately snapped up and put into production (though at a far smaller budget than his father's books).
Many fans have written in asking how the amazing special effects are put together for the "Magpie" movies. Here's a BEHIND-THE-SCENES look at how the magic happens.