Has Pope Francis Jumped The Shark?

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, God Blog, Dominic Lanza, Pope Gregory XII, Innocent VII, Martin V, Western Schism, Angelo Correr, Angela Corraro, Antipope Benedict XIII, King Ladislaus, Benedict XVI, Pope resigns, Carol I Malatesta, College of Cardinals, Peter Turkson, Luis Antonio Tagle, Odilo Scherer, Fear of a Black Planet, Public Enemy, Fight the Power, Chuck D, black pope, Pope Francis

UPDATE: Now Pope Francis is on the cover of Rolling Stone (he’s jumping a freakin’ whale now!)

PREVIOUS POST: With the announcement that Pope Francis is Time Magazine’s Person of the Year, I think it’s time to ask the question – has Pope Francis jumped the shark?

In the past week, revelations have come that he used to be a bouncer, at night he goes out in disguise and gives blessings to the poor on the streets of Rome, he formed a task force on the Child Abuse Scandal – and now, he’s Person of the Year!

And he’s on Twitter! And he lives in common quarters. And he takes the bus.

It’s too much – too soon.

We’re Poped Out!

We like our Popes to be mysterious, even a bit creepy – like Ratzinger (Benedict XVI).

Pope Francis is someone you can watch a football match with while doing jello shots and eating sausage.

That’s what I do with my asshole friends (especially Lance) – not the leader of the Catholic church.

This guy had better pull back into the shadows or all will be lost.

More draconian, less peace-and-love-ian.

Religion is not a happy business. It is deadly serious.

I think it’s time to move back to Dark Ages before people actually like going to Church again.

Remember, the Church is supposed to put the Fear of God in people. Not gelato.

gods_internGod’s Intern (Steve) – Manka Faith’s God Blog

Fear Of A Black Pope

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, God Blog, Dominic Lanza, Pope Gregory XII, Innocent VII, Martin V, Western Schism, Angelo Correr, Angela Corraro, Antipope Benedict XIII, King Ladislaus, Benedict XVI, Pope resigns, Carol I Malatesta, College of Cardinals, Peter Turkson, Luis Antonio Tagle, Odilo Scherer, Fear of a Black Planet, Public Enemy, Fight the Power, Chuck D, black pope

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, God Blog, Dominic Lanza, Pope Gregory XII, Innocent VII, Martin V, Western Schism, Angelo Correr, Angela Corraro, Antipope Benedict XIII, King Ladislaus, Benedict XVI, Pope resigns, Carol I Malatesta, College of Cardinals, Peter Turkson, Luis Antonio Tagle, Odilo Scherer, Fear of a Black Planet, Public Enemy, Fight the Power, Chuck D, black popePublic Enemy must re-form and remix “Fight The Power” from their 1989 iconic CD “Fear of a Black Planet” and call it “Fear of a Black Pope.”

Almost every news story mentions that Cardinal Peter Turkson (below) from Ghana has a legitimate shot to become the church’s first black pope.


We know this will never happen in our lifetimes.

There is a greater chance that everyone in the Gaza Strip will convert to Judaism than there is for a black Pope in the Catholic Church.

And the Church should be ashamed of itself (even more than it currently is).

The same can be said for Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle from the Philippines and Cardinal Odilo Scherer of Brazil (though he has a million times better chance than the African or Asian candidates – who have zero chance).

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, God Blog, Dominic Lanza, Pope Gregory XII, Innocent VII, Martin V, Western Schism, Angelo Correr, Angela Corraro, Antipope Benedict XIII, King Ladislaus, Benedict XVI, Pope resigns, Carol I Malatesta, College of Cardinals, Peter Turkson, Luis Antonio Tagle, Odilo Scherer, Fear of a Black Planet, Public Enemy, Fight the Power, Chuck D, black popeAt least Cardinal Scherer is the right color (German descent will do that for you).

All the speculation, all the drama this week will come down to nothing but a European Popemost likely Italian – and that’s the reason the Church is in big trouble.

I have never seen such a complete and insane inability to think differently or of the future.

It’s stunning, frankly.

This unwillingness to adapt to changing times is what will eventually bring down the Church (if it hasn’t been brought down already).

As a a die-hard Cathlolic, this makes me sad.

All the excitement around this week in Rome with the Conclave and the white smoke (Is it white? Is it black? Is it green?) and the eventual Habemas Papam will lead to depression and criticism from all around the world.

And the Church will once again be stuck until the next Pope selection begins and the brief moments of hope we have before they name another European.

Ah, well… at least I am in Rome and I have wine, cheese and gelato.

Buona fortuna!

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, God Blog, Dominic Lanza, Pope Gregory XII, Innocent VII, Martin V, Western Schism, Angelo Correr, Angela Corraro, Antipope Benedict XIII, King Ladislaus, Benedict XVI, Pope resigns, Carol I Malatesta, College of Cardinals, Peter Turkson, Luis Antonio Tagle, Odilo Scherer, Fear of a Black Planet, Public Enemy, Fight the Power, Chuck D, black popeDominic Lanza – Sr. Vatican Correspondent – Manka Faith God Blog



Pope Gregory XII Resigns!!!

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, God Blog, Dominic Lanza, Pope Gregory XII, Innocent VII, Martin V, Western Schism, Angelo Correr, Angela Corraro, Antipope Benedict XIII, King Ladislaus, Benedict XVI, Pope resigns, Carol I Malatesta, College of Cardinals

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, God Blog, Dominic Lanza, Pope Gregory XII, Innocent VII, Martin V, Western Schism, Angelo Correr, Angela Corraro, Antipope Benedict XIII, King Ladislaus, Benedict XVI, Pope resigns, Carol I Malatesta, College of CardinalsPOPE GREGORY XII RESIGNS!!!

That was the headline from the Roman Daily Whatever on July 4, 1415.

And today’s headline about Benedict XVI is no less shocking. But there are millions of sources writing about that subject today. No need for one more.

So I say – who is this Pope Gregory XII and why the heck did he resign from such a great job?

Well, he sort of had to because the very small College of Cardinals at the time (many were just relatives) made a deal with Pope Gregory XII in 1406 that if the other Pope in Avignon (Antipope Benedict XIII (1394-1423) were to, in the future, renounce all claims to the Papacy (which he reluctantly did on July 4, 1415), Pope Gregory XII would also have to resign so that a fresh election could be made and a new Pope could start a new era for the Church.

(But not before Gregory XII got four of his relatives into the College of Cardinals – one who eventually became Pope Eugene IV.)

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, God Blog, Dominic Lanza, Pope Gregory XII, Innocent VII, Martin V, Western Schism, Angelo Correr, Angela Corraro, Antipope Benedict XIII, King Ladislaus, Benedict XVI, Pope resigns, Carol I Malatesta, College of CardinalsIt, of course, wasn’t as clean as all that. Once you introduce someone with a title “Antipope” – you know you’re in for trouble.

There was lots of corruption, lots of family fights, lots of things, in general, that Jesus wouldn’t approve of much.

Thank God the Church has fixed all those little problems.

For a good little summary of the whole Pope Gregory XII resignation – head on over to Wikipedia (where we all get our facts).

As far as Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation goes – my Catholic intuition tells me that all is not as it seems at the Vatican.

If failing health was a solid reason for resignation, nearly every Pope would have resigned years and years before they died.

None of those guys are ever healthy. Their diet is just a ridiculous amount of sauces and carbs. And the wine consumption? Forget it.

It’s not a healthy job.

Dying in office is what you do when you’re a Pope.

Being Pope isn’t like being President of the United States.

There aren’t ex-Pope’s running around building houses and giving speeches.

You’re Pope, even if you’re sick, and then you die as Pope.

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, God Blog, Dominic Lanza, Pope Gregory XII, Innocent VII, Martin V, Western Schism, Angelo Correr, Angela Corraro, Antipope Benedict XIII, King Ladislaus, Benedict XVI, Pope resigns, Carol I Malatesta, College of CardinalsPope Gregory XII had to resign because it was part of a long complicated agreement to end the whole wackiness of the Western Schism (again – go to Wikipedia for details).

Details will come out eventually on why Benedict XVI really resigned – and I have a feeling it won’t be pretty.

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, God Blog, Dominic Lanza, Pope Gregory XII, Innocent VII, Martin V, Western Schism, Angelo Correr, Angela Corraro, Antipope Benedict XIII, King Ladislaus, Benedict XVI, Pope resigns, Carol I Malatesta, College of CardinalsDominic Lanza – Sr. Vatican Correspondent – Manka Faith God Blog