Mornin’ Eagleville – Blood Sausage and Bourbon

Mornin’ Eagleville… yep, we’re in it. Hang on.

If you like blood sausage then the Rigsby’s got a treat for you – free blood sausage with an oil change this Saturday at the Rigsby Garage.

Blood Sausage and Coffee at Rigsby Bros. Grocery & Auto Repair & Tax Preparation

And thanks to the Rigsby’s for sponsoring today’s show…

Rigsby Bros. Grocery & Auto Repair & Tax Preparation

Sheila Barnhart has had a Hell of time raising money for the Eagleville Food Bank. The food don’t buy itself, Eagleville, and more people need it than donate. So, let’s step up!

Especially you homesteaders from out of state who have moved from blue states for cheap real estate. Step up, libtards, you got the money from selling your house in California.

Step up!

Harlis Brown’s 1975 Skylark at The Dairy Bar

It’s classic car day at the Dairy Bar – which normally means Harlis Brown and his 1975 Skylark – but they keep trying at the Dairy Bar to get people there. So stop by for a burger and a shake and look, again, at the Skylark

Skydivers – Seconds Before Their Deaths

Six skydivers – trying to break a record for lowest parachute deployment – smashed into the ground on the Eagleville farm of Mary Landis. The drop zone flight originated from Nashville. There were no survivors… (beat)… And, if I may editorialize… idiots.

Rutherford County Bourbon – Slurp Slurp

If kids like candy then grown men like Bourbon – and this weekend the Bourbon will be flowing like candy at the Annual Rutherford County Dry County Drukening, in which the dry county laws are dropped so that good Christian folks of this county can chug-a-fuckin;-lug and drink and drink and get drunk and drunk. 

That’ll doer for another day.

Be good, Eagleville, and we’ll catch you tomorrow…


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