the haunted pubs of ireland

    In the emerald expanse of Ireland, where mist kisses the earth and whispers of ancient lore dance upon the breeze, there exists a realm where spirits both of liquid and ethereal nature converge: the haunted pubs of Eire. It is within these hallowed halls, steeped…

    the legend of ‘muckie’ the muckross monster

      In the emerald embrace of Muckross, where the shadows weave their ancient dance and the whispers of bygone tales linger on the breeze, there resides a legend as old as the moss-covered stones that line the shores. ‘Tis the tale of Muckie, the enigmatic behemoth…

      skellig michael

        Hello, Seamus here. A bit from my AI overlord about one of me favorite places and a song off my upcoming new record – SKELLIG MICHAEL Skellig Michael, also known as Great Skellig, is a rugged, remote island located off the southwestern coast of Ireland….

        spiderman musical, dawn kenny, love n loss…

          … castle askill, enshrouded by darkness for days now, wept 1000 oceans… da story o’ me journey to da Big App needs a tellin, so dat i may find closure… … dateline 7 april… was surrounded by harem o’ hot Thai models when Bono rung…

          alone in an abandoned dingy on inishkeel

            … alone in an abandoned dingy on inishkeel… turned out, it tweren’t abandoned, Portnoo beach dweller name o Ailbhe called it home… … gentle wizened soul, let me stay da noight, promised not to eat me… also agreed to run me out to Inishkeel da next day,…

            journey to enlightenment

              … day two o’me journey to enlightenment… … landed in infamous Coxtown, tole Donal ta find a humble retreat wit dirt floors n stone walls, so he booked us at five star Coxtown Manor… da boys wreaked havoc in manor bar, vowin to live up to…

              da sea giveth and da sea taketh away

                … da sea giveth, and da sea taketh away… and it leave ya smellin kinda fishy… … St. Pat’s concert atop da Clarence Hotel were monumental craic, a night which will live in nymphony… da Edge sat in on me tune “Aisling Da Body Electric”,…

                jen lawrence & da labyans

                  … c’mere i’ll tell ya a question… … so much to report since lass blog… big bash at castle askill on Oscar night, guests sincluded usher, george michael, marion co-tee-yard (how do ya spell dat fookin name), andrea corr, robbie pattinson, emmy blunt & colm meaney… i…

                  da wreck of kalliopi

                    … home reflectin on lass week’s big amsterdam show wit da concertgebouw orchestra, tree hour version of me new piece “da wreck of kalliopi”… was promised dared be 375 hot asian violinists, turned out dare were 5… … bitch-slapped me manager donal for gittin dat…