Update: Last night’s performances were strong across the board with Joshua winning the night, in my opinion.
I don’t agree with the Judges (and crowd, I suppose) on Phillip’s “We’ve Got Tonight”. I thought it was a flat and awkward performance and everyone was trying to spin it into something great.
Phillip still goes home tonight – as I said last week.
Last week’s blog (Hollie elimination):
Well, this week was easy.
And, no, there won’t be another mountain – at least not this week.
After the performances last night, there really wasn’t much drama in the elimination.
So long, Hollie.
But congratulations. You made it about a month longer than you should have.
And, you were the most attractive of the Final 12 – so you will definitely be missed for that.
I can’t help but think Skylar would have killed on the second song last night (the one they wish they would have written) with most likely something by Miranda Lambert.
Ah, well… life isn’t fair.
So… it’s off to the cruise ship cabaret for Hollie and now the real drama can begin.
The question is – will it be Joshua or Phillip who joins Jessica in the finale?
Here’s my pick – the Top 3 Power Rankings by order of elimination:
That’s it. Take it to the bank.
The talent was really good this year – the rest of the show, pretty awful.
My colleague Jill Kennedy @ OnMedea thinks American Idol Is Dead. I definitely agree when it comes back next year it needs a major overhaul (and a couple of new judges that can actually put two sentences together).
Vidar – The Norse God of Silence, Stealth & Revenge
They made it much more dramatic that it probably was from the votes. We knew Phillip was safe but they had to make it seem like maybe it could have been him. Hollie seemed ready and relieved to be the one. The next couple of week should be entertaining.
I won’t be purchasing anything from Jessica (Disney princess singer wannabe idol), or Joshua (over-dramatizes and screeches when he has a perfectly lovely voice but refuses to let it speak for itself). I will, however, support Hollie with my purchasing power; she has THE BEST studio recordings of the final four, and has been truly been excelling these past few weeks when the others have been descellerating or growing stale. I don’t dislike Jessica or Joshua, just think they’re not doing the right thing at this point with their vocal abilities. Hollie’s the one who deserves the shot, and she’ll get it … she’ll have a contract and shine that much brighter on her own! I enjoy watching Phillip, but he’s too one-note and his range is abysmal.
Hollie was and never will be the singer you’ve deluded yourselves to believe she is. THE END.
just accept that hollie lacks the talent that joshua and jessica has…
I truly agree, Hollie just got lucky she reached round 4. Other’s would describe her having 9 lives just like that of a CAT.
blah blah blah. so gay and bitter. haha
Hollie needs more practice to become a singer. Right now, she’s just a would-be singer. True!
hollie is the worst .. just admit it.. you deaf! haha
are kidding me? hollie is good but not as good as jessica or josh. she needs more practice! she was just lucky to reach top 4.
Hollie should never have been voted off. She had to fight against Jennifer Lopez all season. The judges were always down on her and she didnt deserve it. Jessica was voted off once she should not have been allowed to stay. Done watching idol.
have ur own AI so ur hollie will win
love what you have just said!!! hahaha! hollie will definitely win in your own contest!
Though Hollie has a wonderful voice, she is not an entertainer. She doesnt have the soul or the technicality to be an overall performer. She needs to relax, learn who she is and incorporate that into her act. She is lucky to have lasted this long and I feel that the majority of those who voted FOR her felt pity that she was not a class act.
Hollie got a lot of votes from people who were sick of the judges slamming her every week. The voters didn’t pity her. She is a good singer. They pitied what the judges were doing to her. There is a difference.
AI needs new judges who are impartial.
So its confirmed, some people have indeed become tone deaf. Hollie’s voice is a poor copy of Christina Aguilera’s & Celine Dion’s but she has none of the brilliance & perfection of both singers. She can reach the high notes but with a lot of difficulty, oftentimes her voice cracks but tone deaf peeps don’t notice it. Jimmy Iovine was spot on when he describes Hollie as too technical and she “overthinks” and that’s cause she is worried and doubts that she can hit the notes.
the judges were not the one who voted. 8’s the viewers. do u knw that?
Hollie has the voice, the only thing that matter during her last performance is that she doesn’t know how to really get connected to the song that she perform which makes her voted off to AI. JL said “too much shaking”…I agree
Then you probably haven’t seen her performances from post-save Top 7 to Top 5. Oh, and with “River Deep, Mountain High?” Those performances all showed how she could compete with the rest of them.
And I find it to be a case of glass houses that you are calling Hollie unclassy. She went out with class and a bang. And whether you like it or not, she’s has a lot more class than you’ll ever have, you pr*ck!
maybe thats d reason she was voted out coze she’s too classy
Phillip should not be in the top 3. The only reason he is still there is because of these pubescent girls, it has nothing to do with talent because his voice quality didn’t come close to the other 3. If Joshua doesn’t win this show has become Noth g more than a popularity show for looks and not the show it is suppose to be. I will switch to watching the Voice only where people Re mature enough to know musical talent!
I’m not a pubescent girl & I vote every single week for Phillip…becasue I truly like him. Please don’t be condescending towards anyone who votes for him just because you don’t care for his style of music. That is YOUR opinion, not mine.
Hollie’s gone,,,,now bye bye Jessica!!!!!! We DON’T need another wedding singer.
Asinine much, buddy?
Anybody who thinks Jessica is “another wedding singer” should listen to her YouTube duet of Skyscraper with J Rice. She’ll be a star whether she wins Idol or not. Take it to the bank.
they cant accept that an asian will win AI
White Guy With Guitar #5 for the win! The world needs another shitty Dave Matthews sound alike.
Was that sarcasm? ‘Cause I sure as heck wouldn’t want to have my favorite show watered-down into being a looks and popularity contest.
Vidar, I am disappointed with you. You think Hollie wore out her welcome since a month ago? I suggest you look at a certain White Guy With Guitar for that. And no, one great performance after a whole slew of piss-poor performances does NOT make him king.
And the cruise ship cabaret comments? Wow, that is low coming from you. At least acknowledge that she picked up her stride late in the game. Like it or not, she did whatever she could to get herself as far as she did: All without the blessing of the Idol Powers That Be and probably most of the public. That says much about her.
You’re right, Cup of Joe. Vidar is a little disappointed in… Vidar as well. I liked Hollie. Thought she had all the necessary tools to make it big time. But it just never came completely together and that was disappointing. Nothing wrong with Cruise Ship Cabaret – it’s a living. She’s not going to sell records – seriously, what’s her style/genre and who would buy it once she figures it out? – but she is a great singer.
Style: Adele.
I hope you’re kidding. If not, you have a problem
good luck nxt AI hollie
Jessica is indeed the best when it comes to voice quality. We will support you all the way. We are sure that you will be one of the top 2 this season!!!
I am reserving my “purchasing power” to buy Jessica’s music. I like all final 4 but I’m voting for the best and most talented.
The only way the American Idol machine works is if it produces pop stars – Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood (country-tinged pop), Chris Daughtry (rock-tinged pop), etc. Reality shows/singing competitions were never meant to launch careers of singer/songwriters, thats what small venues, coffee shoppes, bars are for. 75% or more of the people who vote for Phillip probably have never heard of or owned an album by any of his influences, Dave Matthews, the Black Crowes, Johnny Lang, etc so they won’t buy his album either. The only artist left who has the complete package that can have a long, productive career at the top of the pop charts is Jessica Sanchez, who just so happens to be by far the most gifted singer to EVER grace an American Idol stage. That is why so many in the recording industry are singing her praises, because they know that in a world where digital downloads of select songs off an album and the latest Now compilation top the sales charts, that an amazing talent like Jessica, armed with great songs and the right marketing, could be the jolt the recording industry needs. Lets pray that America gets it right and crowns Jessica Sanchez their next American Idol. Now, all of yoy who love top 40, let your texting and dialing fingers do the walking, and help carry Jessica to her rightful place at the top.
This is the most valid reason of what music industry needs. Jessica Sanchez is not only attracting most of the Americans here but also the world. The Asian market is so huge. Many asians around the world are vying for her to win. This must be the reason why the music producers are eyeing on her because she is very marketable worldwide. Let us consider the sales of records worldwide and not only here in the States. Non only asians, but consider the south americans especially from Mexico. Asia is the biggest continent of the world and there are billions of people there especially from China. If I am a music producer I will get somebody like Jessica Sanchez who has the talent. I can train her for stage presence and personality. She is still so young and I believe she can be improved but she has already the inate talent of singing. She is like a raw diamond that only needs polishing. Once its done then she become a brilliant jewel. I am not after for looks and personality without talent. This is a singing competition and selling of music records. It is not a beauty contest.
amen to that
What Timothy said.
Imagine- JS
Beggin’- PP
I’ll be there- JL
The girls; Skylar & Jessica will sell the most CD’s of this year’s contestants
Holli will do well
Joshua and Phillip will have MAYBE one good selling CD – Joshua will fade faster than Reuban Studdard and Phillip will fade faster than Taylor Hicks.
Phillip sounds the same every week and the little girls won’t have the money to buy his music – Joshua’s sound will NOT come across the same way on stage.
Colton will be the best selling guy over all the guys this year.
Agreed !
Joshua is a theater, live performer. All of his studio performances are weak compared to his live ones. No one will buy his records. Joshua is not a person you could listen to all day and put up with it.
Jessica is more of a live performer as well. She has a big voice, but her voice is annoying in a way when she does the studio performances. I can see her doing Disney channel shows or movies where she is a teen facing troubles. Like that’s so Raven or something.
Hollie I see as a Celine Dion + Adele type of artists. She performs great, and her studio recordings are great as well. She never over-does herself or is mean to anyone. She is the perfect winner. But of course America either wants the huge voices or the good looking ones. I bet you 75% of Jessica, Joshua & Phillip’s fans will leave after idol. Hollie’s fan-base is the type like Lady Gaga, or Haley Reinhart. So if Hollie really wants a music career, she’ll be very successful.
Phillip WILL drop a lot of fans after Idol. I can see him as the quiet artist that Kris Allen & David Cook are. successful, but mostly just performs live in front of a lot of people. He is entertaining. I can also see him going the Maroon 5 way. A bunch of music, some concerts here and there, and famous because of his looks. He could go either way.
I am quite sure that Joshua will go. His fanbase isn’t strong enough and people are getting sick of the judges and Jimmy pimping him like no other. Jessica has the Philippians on her side, and Phillip has the teen girls. If American Idol doesn’t kick off Joshua tomorrow, it’ll wither because Jess or Phil do horrible, or because Idol just wants him to win and don’t care whether he got the lowest votes or not. If it’s Phillip & Jessica in the finale, it could go either way. The Jordin vs. Blake way, or the Lee vs. Crystal way. But most likely Phillip will win because Jessica was at the bottom once.
Mentioning Hollie and Adele together in one thought should be banned from this world. Singers like Hollie can be found in high schools all across America. I wanted to like her, and I agree she has a nice tone but come on– you know and I know that she will never be heard from again. Just like the people you were so sure were going to be successful last year and the year before, and the…
American Idol is dead. Have watched every year from the beginning but after this year, I will watch no more! I really do not think they can save it regardless what changes they may make.
why? the talent is still there. it’s not about the judges. they have to fix the voting system. no more power voting to boost numbers.
No, Idol is not dead. And lets hope that talent will win and not again a good looking white heartthrob with a guitar.:-/
I vote for Jessica, second best is Joshua, third best was Hollie. This Phil boy is so much overrated.
Jessica, with her sore throat problem, did well. Not as well as her previous performances but she delivered her best. Wrong time for her to get sick. How come American Idol didn’t say that on air? Phillip and Joshua did so good, too. But I will vote by talent and Jessica, by far, is the gifted one. She just happens to be sick tonight. Jessica will sell records because she has fans all over the world now — from Europe, Canada, USA, Philippines. Loved Hollie, too. My granddaughter loves Hollie! These two girls are very talented. Hope America votes talent and not the white guy with guitar.
Phillip will win and fade away just like Lee and David who got dropped by their label. David Cook is a far better singer than Phillip and he could not sell enough to keep his record deal. His last song which got a standing ovation for, he did not even go for the high notes, but they know the voting is for Phillip, so they had to give him some credit. Weakest male singer ever to potentially win Idols.
I agree. I don’t understand why he’s even on the show. It’s a SINGING competition, and Phillip is definitely not a singer.
I agree .. Do not understand how Phillip got this far !!!!
And last nights last song was so HORRIBLE !!
Im still in shock. The praise he got !!
philip put absolutely no passion or soul into ” we got tonight ”
does any ones else see that ?? I cant believe it !!
It could have been a great moment for him .
Thank you. Agreed.
You said it. “We’ve Got Tonight” was so awkward and he was so uncomfortable. How they twisted that into praise was crazy.
I miss Hollie….she was the best.
Jessica will be the winner. I am sure that Philip should be voted out tonite and i heard he is also suffering or to be treated on lung after summer tour. If Philip will win it is a good insvetment for american idol.
I am definitely not a teen, and yes Phillip is attractive but if you close your eyes and listen, he has a uniqueness to his voice that is very soothing and entertaining. I will buy his records.
Loved, loved, loved Hollie!!! Don’t much care now who wins—-but don’t think Phillip has any vocal talent at all…I’m just saying..get real!
I know the top 3 idols’ competition is very tight. I still believe the only lady in the contest still the best and has a genuine voice comparing to the other 2 contestants. Philip sing with same voice from the start and joshua screams everytime he sings. I hope America will vote wisely and choose the singer who has a golden and genuine voice.