Khan Manka, Jr. (62) assumed the title of Chairman of the Board of Manka Bros. Studios (at the age of 16) following his father Harry Manka's death in 1976.
Prior to his appointment, Mr. Manka was a musician playing guitar and drums for several Southern California bar bands.
Connie Manka
Connie Manka (15) is no stranger to large media companies. As the daughter of Chairman Khan Manka, Jr., she has been involved in several major decisions for the company.
Currently in 9th grade at the prestigious Emanuel Academy of Beverly Hills, Miss Manka does very well in her math and science classes.
She is Co-Chair of the Finance and Audit Committees.
Lars Ulrich
Lars Ulrich (57) is a percussionist for the successful musical group Metallica. Mr. Ulrich has been on the Board since 2006
He is Chairman of both the Finance and Compensation Committees.
Petra Ecclestone
Petra Ecclestone (32) is a British heiress, model, fashion designer and socialite - the younger daughter of Croatian former Armani model Slavica and English Formula One billionaire Bernie Ecclestone.
She serves on the Ethics and Audit Committees.
Jon Koncak
Former NBA player for the Atlanta Hawks, Jon Koncak (57), at 7'1", is one of the tallest Directors of any Corporate Board.
Elected to the Board in 2012, he is a member of the Personnel Committee and Captain of the company basketball team (last year we destroyed Intel's basketball team for the Media & Tech Championship - sending them home crying like the losers they are).
Manon Rheaume
As a back-up goalie for the Tampa Bay Lightning several years ago, Manon Rheaume (49) has the distinction of being the first woman to play in the NHL.
A Director since 2009, she serves on the Personnel and Political Action Committees. She is also Captain of the company's hockey team in which we destroyed Disney in 2019 to win the Hollywood Cup 6-1 with Manon in goal.
Leontyne Price
Leontyne Price (94) began a long association with the Metropolitan Opera in 1961where she was the first African-American to be a leading performer.
Her advocacy against Manka Bros. poor standards in content quality has resulted in an increased effort at the company to make better shit.
She is co-chair of the Compensation and Culture Enlightenment Initiative committees.
Jose Feliciano
Popular musician and author of several children's books, Jose Feliciano (75) has served on the Board since 1998!
He is Co-Chair of the Compensation Committee and really keeps us in line when we're (inadvertently) being cultural insensitive to, basically, anyone in the world.
C.J. Siegal
C.J. Siegal (94) has been on the Board since he was coaxed out of retirement in 2008.
He was previously the COO of Manka Bros. from 1976-1978; 1981-1984; 1987-1991; 1997-2004.
He now serves as CEO Emeritus. His retirement date is now when he dies.