This Date In Manka Bros. History – June 22, 2012
This Day in Manka Bros. History – June 22, 2012:
In a surprise move (and to the total shock of most in corporate Hollywood and on Wall Street), Robin Rafe is promoted from cashier in the studio cafeteria to President of the Manka Bros. Theatrical Group.

This Date In Manka Bros. History – June 21, 1963
This Date in Manka Bros. History – June 21, 1963:
Construction is completed on a bunker under studio head Harry Manka’s office to be used for Manka family members and top execs in the event of nuclear war.

This Date In Manka Bros. History – June 20, 1958
This Day in Manka Bros. History – June 20, 1958:
The Bulgarian shack where the Mankewitz (Manka) brothers were born is moved from the original dirt patch in Yambol, Bulgaria, to the Manka Bros. studio lot in Burbank.
This Date In Manka Bros. History – June 18, 1916
This Date in Manka Bros. History – Jun e 18, 1916:
Khan Manka (Sr.) loses his beloved pet lion, “Slats,” to Samuel Goldwyn in one hand of poker. Slats would go on to become MGM’s iconic “Leo The Lion.”
This Date In Manka Bros. History – June 16, 1952
This Date in Manka Bros. History June 16, 1952:
Celebrated script picking chicken, Manken The Great, is fired (and eaten) by studio boss Harry Manka after picking several bombs in a row.
This Date In Manka Bros. History – June 14, 1956
This Date in Manka Bros history June 14, 1956:
A UFO smashes into Stage 14 on the Manka Bros. studio lot and immediately disappears. This blurry photo taken by studio co-founder Simeon Manka is the only proof of the event.
This Date In Manka Bros. History – June 13
This Date in Manka Bros. history June 13:
Manka Bros.’ annual day to remember all those who died while on the Manka Bros. Studio Tour (1973-2023).
Manka Bros. Remembers…
This Date In Manka Bros. History – June 9, 1923
This Date in Manka Bros history June 9, 1923:
Khan Manka (Sr.) marries his younger brother Harry’s fiancée – Miss Bulgaria 1921, Irina Borislava.

#TDIH #HollywoodHistory #TodayInHistory #Scandal #Today #Bulgaria #MissWorld2023 #MissUniverse #WGAStrike
This Date In Manka Bros. History – June 8, 1959
This Date In Manka Bros. History – June 8, 1959:
Manka Bros. ends the practice of using ‘stunt-children’ in movies. Harry Manka said at the time, ‘Kids under the age of ten should not be doing deadly stunts.’ After this, he nominated himself for the Nobel Peace Prize.