Ben Hur Silverman

IAC has released the logo for Ben Silverman's world-changing, earth-shattering, ground-breaking new venture - Electus.
In my opinion, it is the perfect logo for the company. Everything you need to know about Electus and its future success is represented in the design of that logo.
Accompanying the logo (on the IAC website - is... still to come) is a new description of the company. (Could we be getting close to launch?): "Led by founder Ben Silverman, Electus is a next generation studio enabling premium content creators to engage with advertising and technology partners at the inception of the creative process and partner on the finished product across a global and multi-platform distribution model.

Because nothing says "Next Generation" like a logo with A HORSE AND BUGGY ON IT!

P.S. - Ben Silverman is the upcoming keynote speaker at MIPTV this year. Because he is busy changing the world, I have taken the liberty of penning his speech for him.
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Definitely a throw back to the moguls of old. Something out of Las Vegas Caesar's Palace of the 50s.
Can't wait for all that shareholder value! I can just taste the dividends now!
I really don't get the name. i don't get the logo. I don't get Ben. I just don't know what the hell is going on.
I wonder how that sounds in Japanese, where the l's sound like r's.
It's hard to get anything anymore, HP. We've become a nation of press releases. We're great at press releases bad at execution.
I believe that would be 'erectus', John.
Funny, I was thinking the same thing. The post was great btw, can't take credit away from that.