We Be Trippin’… For J.C.!

Bill Hybels, Bob Coy, Calvary Chapel, Dave Stone, Dennis Rodman, Grace Note Records, Joel Osteen, Katy Perry, Khan Manka, Lakewood Church, Lil' Wayne, Manka Bros., Manka Faith, Old Testament, Oral Roberts, Original Sinema, Pat Robertson, Rick Warren, Robert Schuler, Robin Rafe, Saddleback Church, Southeast Christian Church, The Book Of Judges, Tween Jesus n Me, Willow Creek Community ChurchThis is Corey and Jennifer from ‘Tween Jesus ‘n Me!

We are really upset right now about some of the most popular songs being played on the radio.  They do NOT make us want to LOL.

We don’t know what country this Katy Perry person is from, but if she thinks she can corrupt the minds of today’s American kids, she’s sadly mistaken.

Apparently, she had a few alcohol drinks, got all confused, “kissed a girl” and she “liked” it.

See Miss Perry, this is what happens when you drink Satan’s bad girl juice.  Girl on girl action is just plain wrong (see The Gospel Of Matthew).

Something cannot feel wrong and right AT THE SAME TIME “Ain’t no big deal, it’s innocent”?

Think again, missy.

The only thing innocent is our love for the Lord and Savior.  It’s Jesus’ cherry chapstick you should be tasting.

Bill Hybels, Bob Coy, Calvary Chapel, Dave Stone, Dennis Rodman, Grace Note Records, Joel Osteen, Katy Perry, Khan Manka, Lakewood Church, Lil' Wayne, Manka Bros., Manka Faith, Old Testament, Oral Roberts, Original Sinema, Pat Robertson, Rick Warren, Robert Schuler, Robin Rafe, Saddleback Church, Southeast Christian Church, The Book Of Judges, Tween Jesus n Me, Willow Creek Community ChurchWe’d also like to call out someone named “Lil’ Wayne”.

How DARE he mention “The Almighty Power”, then two lines later use the MF word!  He then proceeds to use the “sh” word, the “bs” word, the “f” word for homos, the “b” word (not a female dog), and Dennis Rodman.

He refers to white people as “crackers”, mentions “coke” and talks about “loose bowels”.

Then after all this blasphemy, he has the nerve to say “And the Bible told us every girl was sour”!!

Well, we don’t know what bridge he’s “pussy poppin” on, but we’ll be damned if we’re gonna be “ill” like “L’ll”.

We’re gonna call our local Wisconsin radio station RIGHT now and demand they pull these songs from their playlist!

With Deep and Abiding Reverence and Abstinence,

Bill Hybels, Bob Coy, Calvary Chapel, Dave Stone, Dennis Rodman, Grace Note Records, Joel Osteen, Katy Perry, Khan Manka, Lakewood Church, Lil' Wayne, Manka Bros., Manka Faith, Old Testament, Oral Roberts, Original Sinema, Pat Robertson, Rick Warren, Robert Schuler, Robin Rafe, Saddleback Church, Southeast Christian Church, The Book Of Judges, Tween Jesus n Me, Willow Creek Community ChurchBill Hybels, Bob Coy, Calvary Chapel, Dave Stone, Dennis Rodman, Grace Note Records, Joel Osteen, Katy Perry, Khan Manka, Lakewood Church, Lil' Wayne, Manka Bros., Manka Faith, Old Testament, Oral Roberts, Original Sinema, Pat Robertson, Rick Warren, Robert Schuler, Robin Rafe, Saddleback Church, Southeast Christian Church, The Book Of Judges, Tween Jesus n Me, Willow Creek Community ChurchCorey and Jennifer

18 Replies to “We Be Trippin’… For J.C.!”

  1. um…im 15 and heres my opinion on this. you kids are both gonna grow up to be gay. to the little boy, whatever your name is, you are most certianly gay already. and that girls gonna be hookin if her parents keep forcin em to do this…

  2. Katy Perry is very Christian. And very naked in that picture. i think it’s a great combination.

  3. ummm ok… you said katy perry needs to taste the lord cherry chapstick…well if we are all “gods children” wouldnt that be incest? oh yeah, the bible doesnt frown upon that.

  4. Isn’t God the only one that is supposed to judge people? This page, as well as your music, is overflowing with judgments YOU have passed on others, be it for what they have said or what they think… just thought I would point that out

  5. i love this. this is pure comedy gold. can whoever wrote this contact me asap. i want to make some money on comedy club tours.

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