Haley Reinhart? WHY????

American Idol, Ari Emanuel, Ben Silverman, Bruce Gowers, Cecile Frot-Coutaz, Freemantle Enterprises, Gaude Lydia Paez, Jeff Weiner, Jeff Zucker, John Pritchett, Kara DioGuardi, Ken Warwick, Kevin Reilly, Khan Manka, Manka Bros., Nigel Lythgoe, Nikki Finke, Paula Abdul, Peter Rice, Randy Jackson, Rupert Murdoch, Ryan Seacrest, Scott Grogin, Sharon Waxman, Simon Cowell leaving American Idol, Simon Fuller, Terry Semel, Haley Reinhart, James Durbin, Scott McCreery, Lauren Alaina, Jennifer Lopez, Ben Silverman, Jimmy IovineAm I the only one in America who thinks she is undeserving of all these accolades?

TOP 3 on American Idol?  Seriously?

Whenever she sings it’s like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.  About a 1/4 tone under the note with no life to her voice at all.  That blank stare without emotion, the inability to move in a natural way.

Is she related to a producer on the show or something?

Is she the Goddaughter of Jimmy Iovine?

I think we need Dan Lyons (the guy who exposed the Facebook smear campaign against Google) to do a full investigation into the popularity of Haley.  Because something is not right here.

Based on Jennifer Lopez’s reaction last night, she also knows that something is rotten in state of Hollywood.

What am I missing?

People, please help me understand why America is brainwashed to think Haley is talented enough to win this competition. 

James Durbin has probably the best and most natural voice this show has seen in years.  He has a four octave range.  Scotty has a four note range.  James could scream all day and never lose his voice – Haley has been hoarse all year.

Please, help me understand?

Accel Partners, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Chris Hughes, David Kirkpatrick, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Gerald Levin, Greylock Partners, HBO, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, Jon Miller, Khan Manka, Li Ka-shing, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, MySpace, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Sheryl Sandberg, Sumner Redstone, Toy Story 3Jill Kennedy – OnMedea

41 Replies to “Haley Reinhart? WHY????”

  1. Sorry Jill – normally I agree with you but not this time. I really like Haley’s voice. I don’t know why.


  3. I agree with you. I don’t care for Haley’ svoice either. She definitely has the pipes, but she goes for the power and the scream, and the scratchiness in her voice is not pleasant to hear. I’d rather hear Scotty, even with his limited range, sing as his voice is rich, resonant and pleasing to the ear.

    Casey and James were my favorite contenstants this season because they were always intereesting and entertaining. They INTERPRETED the songs.

    I can appreciate the voting results reflect the people that have the time on their hands to ‘vote’ multiple times- that’s kids and teens, not baby boomers like me.

    I think I’m switching to “The Voice” from now on!

    1. Hey Karen,

      About that voting – I wish there was more transparency. There are times when I really don’t believe the results and think the producers are playing with the numbers.

  4. Seems like this person have an issue with Haley. Like seriously she is easily the best singer on this show! Come on are you born tone deaf or do you have a different ears compared to the Human beings?

  5. Wow wow wow. Seems like the person who wrote this post needs to get fucked in his/her ass real bad. Haley for the win!

  6. Haley is the most talented on the show. James sucked. Get over it. James was terrible. And so are you as a person. Haley is going to win, and lauren will be in 2nd.. its the best top 3 idol has seen in years. James deserved to be ousted before jacob or even Pia in 9th.

    1. You obviously know very little about such things. Jacob and Pia should both still be in this competition ahead of Scotty and Haley. Lauren I like and can only hope she wins (even though her mom looks like a reality show waiting to happen).

  7. Why would you be such a hater? Why would regret so much of Durbin going home, he’s not there already? Accept that fact! And did you vote for him? If not, shudddup and don’t ever you blame Haley for that! Everyone knows she’s the best in uniqueness, and vocal technique! Haley FTW

  8. I’m just wondering what qualifies you to judge musical talent. Let’s look at your statements here:

    1) James Durbin has probably the best and most natural voice this show has seen in years WAY FAR FROM ANY TRUTH!

    2) James could scream all day and never lose his voice. ( So this is a screaming competition..eh?) WHO CARES!

    3) Based on Jennifer Lopez’s reaction last night, she also knows that something is rotten in state of Hollywood. POINT? WHAT”S ROTTEN IS THE 148 MILLION HITS ON YOU TUBE FOR HER NEW VIDEO!

    4) Scotty has a four note range. WHICH FOUR? JUST WONDERING IF YOU KNOW WHAT ONE IS?

    5) Haley has been hoarse all year. DARK HORSE..YES!

    6) Is she the Goddaughter of Jimmy Iovine? NOPE! BASTARD CURLY HAIRED STEP CHILD OF RANDY JACKSON AND J LO

    7) People, please help me understand why America is brainwashed to think Haley is talented enough to win this competition. IT’S TOO COMPLICATED TO EXPLAIN BECAUSE YOUR BRAINWASHED TOO!

    1. George… first of all “… your brainwashed too” – English much?

      Also, if you don’t realize how insanely impressive James’ voice is, then YOU don’t know anything about it. He can sing anything – including screaming metal – or something incredibly melodic.

      Haley doesn’t know what the hell she wants to do. Of all the great singers out there in the world, is she going to be your go to singer for “blues”? Or “jazz”? Give me a break.

      Scotty’s voice – I would say the 4 note range is C to F – about the same as George Straight – I’m not saying there’s not a market for that.

      1. Jill besides the fact you need a Xanax, it doesn’t take a music business pro to tell you James was terrible off pitch with his performances, and Haley left being told she was pitch perfect. Not to create a competition, but just saying. And I am SO tired of this crap about Haley has no “niche.” GREAT so Lauren sings country-lite. So what does she do when Carrie Underwood comes out with her next album? Lauren drowns, as she has no musical identity. Let’s embrace (though you like Obama haters I know will NEVER thoroughly be convinced) that Haley can do pop, soul, blues, and jazz. That can mesh for one HELL of an album….ask Amy Winehouse with “Back to Black.” You guys are so funny….you complain people aren’t easy to put in their own niche, but being trapped in one niche proves your limitations.

        On a funny note, I haven’t vented on a blog that as he saluted giving metal a chance, James then performed Paul McCartney. Just saying.

        1. And I read your replies used to “dismiss” others so here are my quick corrections to my posts made by an every-day person:

          -“terrible off pitch” = terribly off pitch

          Btw I brought Obama in just as humor cause his haters will NEVER like him. Haley could part the Red Sea and you will never like her, it doesn’t really matter. I’m posting to show my opinion to others basically.

  9. The only part of your critique that I disagree with is about Scotty having a 4-note range. He has a lovely tenor voice but his low notes also give me chills.

    That said, I fully expected James to win for a number of reasons, especially his natural, personable performances. I’m not into Heavy Metal, but I’d listen to James perform it! I have to do admit, though, that I’m basically an Adam Lambert fan through and through.

    Haley’s voice has an interesting quality, but I’ve been saying all along (to my friends who watch the show with me) that I’m surprised at how much praise the judges have been lavishing on her. Not only is she often flat with no life to her voice, as you mentioned, but she lacks the control of the other singers. I cringe whenever she comes on because I’m never sure what’s going to come out, and it often sounds to me like screeching (which is not the same as having life to one’s voice!).

    P.S.) My cats don’t like her, either.

    1. Agreed – of course he has more than a four note range. He doesn’t really sing songs that show that range – but, still, he does have a bit more of a range than that. I was just contrasting James’ wide range with the more limited range of Scotty’s voice. That’s all. I agree with you.

  10. Come on folks. All of these performers are extremely talented. They are like different flavors of very good ice cream.

    If you like chocolate best, you don’t need to say vanilla sucks! I happen to love Haley’s voice, and her phrasing. Her performance of “I Who Have Nothing” gave me chills. She, and James are the two that I would pay money to see perform.

    Having said that, I do not think your favorite flavor sucks

  11. Completely agree. Yes, she has performed a few songs well – but so has everyone in the top 13 or whatever. She has also bombed spectacularly on several songs. If Simon Cowell was still there, he would have ripped her to shreds but the new judges have been far too nice and generous with their compliments – well, until Randy Jackson & Jennifer Lopez belatedly woke up. Steven Tyler is still a waste of space. All he does is dish out shallow praises without ever offering a single bit of constructive criticism. Haley can sing certain songs well, the sort where she can does that growl of hers, but not R&B or soul music. Jackson & Lopez were right to blast her for singing Michael Jackson but they should have already been blasting her when she was singing Whitney Houston earlier in the competition. Scotty & Lauren are also limited – they can only sing country music well, or anything else that’s close enough to country, like some rock & roll. James has been more versatile. His preference is obviously for heavy metal but he can do rock and roll, modern rock (Muse/30 Seconds to Mars), R&B/soul (Carole King/Motown) and even country, as evident by his duet with Scotty on the night he got eliminated. I think he should have tackled some country tunes earlier in the series to attract that huge audience from the South that’s (naturally) bias towards country music. Haley can’t sing country music, also as evident by her duet with Lauren on the same episode. She’s not top 3 material. She should have been eliminated earlier. The top 2 for this season clearly should have been James & Pia.

    1. I forgot to mention that while Scotty & Lauren are limited in the songs they can sing, they wisely choose not to expose their weaknesses and so stick to the country material as much as they can. Haley, in contrast, seems to think that she can sing every type of song well, regardless of the genre. In this, she comes across as rather arrogant, refusing to listen to the judges’ well-intentioned advice to stick to the type of songs that she can sing well.

  12. I am surprised that you are unable to see that Haley is truly talented. She does not lose her voice, its called style. She has more talent than anybody on idol in a long time and I for one will enjoy watching her post AI career–I think she is one of the only ones that will have one. She is brilliant, but don’t listen to me listen to Jimmy Iovine or Lady Gaga or Sheryl Crow…or better still listen to the people that are voting. I don’t get why Randy bashes her so much–she can do things with her voice that other singers just dream about. For someone that professes the power that James has with range, I am surprised that you are unable to see her range. Its sad that someone like you feels the need to bash Haley. Off-key, note dropping contestants with bad song choices getting praised and told how awesome they are–like Jacob the week he went home–he was so off-pitch it was painful and Lauren who gets praised for finally dropping a note…its just all inconsistent. It would be helpful to have actual positive feedback instead of ‘just keeping it real here’ crap. The single time Haley actually responds to the nastiness of Randy and people start saying she is not a lady…yada yada yada. She has been nothing but poised in the face of every attack and the last one, she corrected a huge error where Randy said she was at the top of her register–a comment even he knew to be utterly false. Her response was justified. I applaud her for not just being their punching bag when Haley is the only one they are punching. Its your right to not like her vocal style…but is your whole Haley Reinhart WHY??? really necessary? Looks to me that you are the one that lacks poise and are unladylike…and that comment about being related to a producer or something–a gutter like comment. Grow up Jill. Seek Therapy.

  13. I think it is interesting to note that almost everyone complaining about James’ elimination have been singling out Haley as the one contestant that should have been eliminated instead. While not completely absent, it’s a rare sight to find someone suggesting that Lauren or Scotty should have been the one eliminated instead. Of course, all this criticism of Haley – from the judges, journalists and online fans – could have the opposite effect of reinforcing support for Haley as her fans might feel more compelled to vote multiple times than the fans of Scotty, Lauren and evidently enough, James.

  14. Haley is incredible.

    I know your pretty pissed that

    James went home and all


    dont hate on Haley

    *its pretty pathetic

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