Fox News Declares Mitt Romney the Winner of the First Presidential Debate

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Manka Bros. Studios, The World's Largest Media Company, Newt Gingrich, Callista Gingrich, Jackie Battley, Marianne Ginther, Jeff Weiner, Ben Silverman, Rob Johnson, Sonny Perdue, Rick Tyler, Hermain Cain, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Michele Bachman, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, Joseph Smith, Thomas S. Monson, Elder Cook, Elder Nelson, Elder Holland, Elder Perry, Elder Bednar, George Romney, Ann Romney, Brigham Young, Sean Hannity, Bob Dole, Ann Coulter, James Grisham, Eric Stanger, Allen & Company retreat, Anne Mulcahy, Ari Emanuel, Barry Diller, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Bobby Kotick, Carol Bartz, Charlie Rose, Cory Booker, DumbDumb, Electus, Eric Schmidt, Erin Burnett, Gina Bianchini, Harvey Weinstein, Herb Allen, Herb Allen Sun Valley Conference, Herbert Allen, Jean-Bernard Levy, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Weiner, Jeff Zucker, Jeffrey Immelt, Jerry Yang, John Donahue, Ken Auletta, Khan Manka, Lachlan Murdoch, Lady Gaga, Leslie Moonves, Lionel Barber, Lloyd Grohl, Manka Bros., Marc Andreessen, Marissa Mayer, Mark Pincus, Mark Zuckerberg, Martin Sorrell, Mathias Dopfner, Mike Bloomberg, Niall FitzGerald, Peter Chernin, Phillippe Dauman, Reid Hoffman, Richard Parsons, Ricky Van Veen, Rob Wiesenthal, Robert L. Johnson, Ron Meyer, Rupert Murdoch, Sergey Brin, Sheryl Sandberg, Steve Jobs, Sun Valley Retreat, Sun Valley Retreat 2010, Terry Semel, Tom Freston, Tom Friedman, Ursula Burns, Vivi Nevo, Warren Buffett, World's Largest Media Company, Rupert Murdoch, Jose Maria Aznar, natalie Bancroft, Peter Barnes, Chase Carey, Kenneth Cowley, David DeVoe, Viet Dinh, Rod Eddington, Joel Klein, Andrew S.B. Knight, James Murdoch, Lachlan Murdoch, Thomas Perkins, Arthur Siskind, John Thornton, Stanley Shuman, Rebekah Brooks, Les Hinton, Teri Everett, jack Horner, Julie Henderson, Reed Nolte, Roger Ailes, Janet Nova, John Nallen, Beryl Cook, Michael Regan, Genie Gavenchak, Brian Lewis, Irena Briganti, Dan Berger, Rosabel Tao, Steven Rubenstein, Suzanne Halpin, Elisabeth Murdoch Also declaring Mitt Romney a winner are Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter.

How is that possible? The debate doesn’t even happen until October 3rd. 

Here’s how: Fox News is really pushing a specific storyline about the upcoming debate. They are calling it “Do or Die” for Mitt Romney.

If that’s true, do you really expect the Fox News election team to sit there after the debate and say “Mitt Romney lost the Presidency tonight”?  “Boy did he lose that one.”  “I’ve never seen such a horrible performance.”  “Barack Obama got my vote tonight.”

Of course not.

They will say, guaran-freakin-teed, that Mitt Romney easily defeated President Barack Obama in the debate. They’ll say “Romney was up against the wall and he came out fighting.”  “It was ‘Do or Die’ and Romney is still very much alive!” etc. etc. etc.

Romney could come out, stare into the camera and complete freeze up – never saying a word and Sean Hannity would say “Frankly, he was just speechless over how bad the Obama presidency has been.”

Romney could come out and throw up all over the stage and Limbaugh would say “It was a very real moment.  I wish more of our Presidential candidates would have the courage to throw up on national television.”

Romney could come out and punch Obama right in the mouth and Hannity would say “It was great. He was just expressing how so many Americans feel about President Obama’s job performance.”

He could do that bit about holding a gun to a puppy’s head and say “Vote for me or the dog gets it” and Ann Coulter would say “See, he likes animals. He didn’t actual shoot that dog.”

There is absolutely no question about. I’m sure they already writing the script for Wednesday night’s broadcast. They don’t need to see the debate to decide what they are going to say. That’s for the losers in the real news business.

According to Fox News (and many others on the Right), Mitt Romney has won a debate that hasn’t even happened.

And that’s some seriously fucked up shit.

Accel Partners, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Chris Hughes, David Kirkpatrick, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Gerald Levin, Greylock Partners, HBO, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, Jon Miller, Khan Manka, Li Ka-shing, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, MySpace, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Sheryl Sandberg, Sumner Redstone, Toy Story 3Jill Kennedy – OnMedea

P.S. – And spare me the “But NBC News has already decided Barack Obama is the winner of the debate…” argument – nobody is as predictable or as harmful to the country as Fox News.


57 Replies to “Fox News Declares Mitt Romney the Winner of the First Presidential Debate”

  1. all i can say to Mitt is that its quite easy to talk from the out than in the inside, so people be careful when u listen to these folks, don’t be passive rather be more critical and thoughtful as you listen to them.

  2. Even if Romney gets through the night gaffe-free, he has nowhere to go but laterally. Nothing he can say or do will move him up in the polls; but he’s more likely to go off script, say something truthful and push his numbers down even further.

    That said, should I even watch? Hmm, a Romney pummeling and popcorn? Sounds like an alright night to me!

    1. Right now, if you look at the electoral vote, it’s about 85% in favor of an Obama win. I
      don’t think any debate can overcome that lead..

  3. This blog article is an incredible piece of garbage. Must we be reminded yet again that liberal idealogues cannot tolerate the existence of Fox news. We get it. You think your bias is superior. But surely it is strong. Now you are preempting an imaginitive preemtion. By no measure is this journalism. Try waking to an existence not consumed by the judgmental.

    1. I’m just surprised Fox News is taking time away from their coverage of the Trayvon Martin shooting to even cover the debate. It is also a bullshit move to play the race card with that widely covered Obama tape last night. Real classy.

  4. I have been looking forward to the debates for months, but CNN is really going too far with thier running the feelings of the undecided in waves on the bottom of the screen. What’s next? Showing the heartbeats of the candidates? Pictures of their dogs reacting to seeing their owners on TV? The only thing that would be good would be a lie detector in the corner.

  5. Romney is not a good man.

    Most people believe there is a little good in the worst of people, but nobody who thinks “corporations are people” is deserving of any job which might involve responsibility of any kind – let alone the top job in the country.

    The forces of darkness use people like Mitt to undermine human progress and drive people to despair. It’s all well and good for decent human beings to be tested from time to time, but this is wholesale selfishness – if not outright wickedness.

    1. You grossly underestimate what it means “the forces of darkness”. May it be something that you never encounter in reality.

  6. Facebook’s Independent Voters of America and comments under Joaquin Castro for congress was getting ugly. A lot said Mitt is ravaging the competition and saying Obama is stuttering. Now saying FN is declaring Romney the winner…I tell you, we got a ton of media bias. My opinion is that this might sit well for both candidates. If the continuing negativity doesn’t stop, I may not vote at all. The immense hatred against our president just won’t stop until he is gone. Not right.

  7. Obama played prevent defense. Showed complacency and was exposed underneath. Cannot believe that he was happy with how it went overall, maybe relieved it’s over.

  8. CNN reports that registered voters who watched the debate say Romney won by a ratio of about 3/2 (67% to 43%), says it is consistent with most other surveys. Will see if this changes things over time. Have a nice night.

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