Eurovision 2024 – Final [REVIEW]

Eurovision 2024 – Final [REVIEW] by Vidar, The Norse God Of Silence In the great tapestry of Eurovision, amidst the clash of melodies and the thunderous applause of mortals, there arose a champion whose song echoed across the realms like the clarion call of Heimdall…

Doctor Who (Disney +) [REVIEW]

DOCTOR WHO (Streaming on Disney +) – Reviewed By Vidar, The Norse God Of Silence In the hall of the celestial realms, where the gods of television gather to witness the unfolding of mortal tales, a new saga has emerged. Behold, the chronicles of Doctor…

Hacks – Season Three [REVIEW]

HACKS – SEASON THREE [REVIEW] In the hall of modern storytelling, where screens flicker with the luminance of digital fires, there resides a saga known as “Hacks.” Season 3 unfurls like the windswept tales of Norse mythology, weaving intricate threads of human folly, ambition, and…

Star Trek: Discovery – Season Five [REVIEW]

Star Trek: Discovery (Season Five) – [REVIEW] In the grand tapestry of the cosmic realms, where the stars are but the gleaming jewels in the helm of the All-Father, there exists a saga known as Star Trek: Discovery. In its fifth season, this tale of…

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Vidar, Norse God of Silence, Teleblog With Vidar, Adult Swim, Cartoon Network, Christina Miller, TV upfronts

Adult Swim Wins The Upfronts

All further inane upfront announcements and presentations should be stopped. Vidar doesn’t need to see sizzle reels featuring the same old medical and criminal procedural shit that audiences have been watching for the past 500 years (yes, Dick Wolf, I’m talking to you). Vidar doesn’t need to see how…

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Teleblog With Vidar, American Sniper, Fake Baby, Bradley Cooper, Clint Eastwood, Sienna Miller

American Sniper – Fake Baby

So apparently there is a fake baby in “American Sniper” – here’s the clip: Pretty bold casting choice for a big movie, yes? As soon as I saw this, I wondered what the filmmakers would do if “American Sniper” was shot like “Boyhood” (you…

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Vidar, Norse God of Silence, Thor, Thor as Woman, Marvel, Heimdall, Arrow, Valhalla, Asgard, The Flash

My Brother Thor Is Now My Sister

Thor wishes to be a woman. And I’m okay with that… ODIN DAMNIT! Many believe this was a silly comic book company decision – but I know as a real sibling to the actual Thor, this is something he has been thinking about for a…

Arrow – Season 1 – Episode 8 – Vendetta

Arrow – Episode 8 – “Vendetta” Reviewed by Vidar – The Norse God of Silence, Stealth & Revenge So – what happened was this. Vidar’s DVR was set to only record five episodes, and since I’m so behind my reviews of “Arrow” because of my…