To commemorate the 10th anniversary of D-Day, studio chief Harry Manka stages a reenactment of the Invasion of Normandy outside his Malibu beach house using studio employees.
This Day in Manka Bros History – December 25, 1933:
Khan Manka (Sr.) reads the classic Bulgarian Christmas tale ‘Ignazden’ (the story of Saint Ignatius of Antioch) to the ‘children of the world’ live from KMBS (the Manka Bros. radio network) – an annual tradition until his death in 1937.
This Day in Manka Bros History – December 18, 1942:
To support the war effort, Victory Gardens are planted on open spaces around the studio lot. Studio chief Harry Manka orders the least talented screenwriters under contract to tend/harvest the gardens.
This Day in Manka Bros History – November 28, 1971:
The Paris backlot set on the Manka Bros. lot burns to the ground (including the 2/3 size replica of the Eiffel Tower). It is eventually replaced by the Harry Manka Accounts Payable building.