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Is The Video Game Bubble About To Burst? - OnMedea

Is The Video Game Bubble About To Burst?

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video_game_bubble.jpgNintendo's earnings today must have been a troublesome sign for all the major video game companies (EA, Activision Blizzard, Sony, etc.). 

With a couple of exceptions (most notably Midway Games), the video game industry has had a pretty great party over the the past five years.  But is the party ending and the hangover beginning?

Long answer:  Yes.

Are major media companies prepared for the coming burst? 

Long answer:  No.  I believe that most believe the bubble will grow and grow and grow - until it becomes an infinite sphere with impenetrable walls that cannot burst. 

A bubble that cannot burst.  Hmmm.   Wouldn't that be marvelous?!

If Q4 2009 is as frightening as Q2 2009 for the industry, major media companies may wish to revisit their aggressive games company acquisitions strategy (or AGCAS).  Maybe it should be revisited today.

jill_kennedy_small.jpgJill Kennedy - OnMedea

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Hollywood Producer said:

No chance. I know of one guarantee in life. Kids will always play games and there can never be enough new ones and old ones out there. Oversaturation is not an issue.

Anyone knows if Final Fantasy Dissidia is coming to DS anytime soon? Or it is going to stay at PSP forever? :( NDS Roms

Tyson Clausi said:

Thank you for that informative post. I really love to read articles that have good information and

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About Jill Kennedy

Jill Kennedy - Blogger - OnMedea Jill Kennedy is an Ivy League MBA / refugee from Lehman Brothers.

Manka Bros. (and the Manka Business Channel) hired her (for a very low sum) to cover the world of media (not the world of Medea) in her own words without corporate inteference.

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About Medea

Medea Medea was a real bitch from classical mythology - as most famously dramatized by Euripides.

She was a sorceress and wife of Jason, whom she assisted in obtaining the Golden Fleece. When Jason deserted her, she chopped up their children. One could say, Medea acted as rationally as a major media company.



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