Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Behind The Proscenium, Kyrle Lendhoffer, Kimmo Mustonenen, The LEGO Movie, Phil Lord, Christopher Miller, Dan Hagerman, Kevin Hagerman, Christoper Miller, Will Arnett, Elizabeth Banks, Craig Berry Alison Brie, David Burrows, Anthony Daniels, Charlie Day, Amanda Farinos, Keith Ferguson, Will Ferrell, Will Forte, Dave Franco, Morgan Freeman, Todd Hansen, Jonah Hill, Jake Johnson, Keegan-Michael Key, Kelly Lafferty, Chris McKay, Christopher Miller, Graham Miller, Liam Neeson, Doug Nicholas, Shaquille O'Neal, Nick Offerman, Chris Paluszek, Chris Pratt, Chris Romano, Jadon Sand, Cobie Smulders, Melissa Sturm, Jorma Taccone, Channing Tatum, Billy Dee Williams, Leiki Veskimets, Alison Abbate, Will Allegra, Matthew Ashton, Bruce Berman, Jon Burton, Kathleen Fleming, Igor Khait, Roy Lee, Dan Lin, Benjamin Melniker, John Powers Middleton, Amber Naismeth, Zareh Nalbandian, Matt Skiena, Michael E Uslan, Jill Wilfert, Seanne Winslow, Mark Mothersbaugh, Barry Peterson, Pablo Plaisted, David Burrows, Mary Hildalgo, Grant Freckelton, Allison Cain, Suzanne Evans-Booth, Henry Karjalainen, Alice Kim, David Siegel, Lexie Busby, Alyssa Feener, Lori Grabowski, Ryan Halprin, Nick Hore, Kelly Lafferty, Jennifer Lobban, Linda Luong, Tony Newrocki, Frank Reina, Lizzie Sam, Shauna Sanders, Alyssia Sharpe, Emma Siegel, Felicity Staunton, Lauren Swift, Chris Swinbanks, Regina Taufein, Phil Van Spronsen


The LEGO Movie With Wit, Reviewed By Kimmo Mustonenen This is the time of my exploding brain lobes. How many times, in the living life, do we see our childhood dancing on the screen? I want to believe that life is better than life is,…