OK – let’s say you’re 30 years old.
Let’s say the average American reads three books a year (outside the U.S. the average may be a bit higher).
Let’s say you have a good fifty years of reading before you die.
That’s 150 books.
[Fun fact: The average American will watch 72,800 hours of television in that same time period.]
Is “The Fame Game” by Lauren fucking Conrad going to be one of those 150 books?
Let’s assume you’ve already “Crime and Punishment,” “Pride & Prejudice,” and the complete works of William Shakespeare and don’t know what to read next and you’re at the check-out counter at Ralph’s and there’s Lauren Conrad smiling at you naked from Glamour magazine asking you to read her book.
You’ve still got over 129 million books to choose from – do a little exploring!
Are you seriously going to read “The Fame Game” when there are a couple of Hemingways, Brontes and Woolfs you haven’t gotten to?
It’s time to up your “Summer Read” game and resist the temptation of shitty celebrity writing!
“A Prayer For Owen Meany” is a fairly awesome book.
Read that one instead.
Or any one of these: 1,000 Novels Everyone Must Read.
And if you simply can’t stay away from the trashy celebrity novel – go for Jackie Collins (I can’t believe I wrote that) and leave Lauren Conrad in her reality show world where she belongs.
I warn you, if “The Fame Game” is a best seller, Audrina is going to write a book next.
Jill Kennedy – OnMedea
P.S. – If you’re one of the crazy reading freaks who are able to consume a couple of books a week, disregard the above and enjoy “The Fame Game” – it may clean your palate for loftier fare.
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