Is Hollywood Funding Chinese Propaganda?

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, OnMedea, Jill Kennedy, Hollywood in China, China, Mao Zedong, Tiananmen Square, Chinese Propaganda, Jeffrety Katzenberg, Bob Iger, Disney, Legendary East, Ang Lee, Zhang Ziyi, Rich Gelfond, Silicon Valley, Paul Graham, Oriental Dreamworks, China Film Group, China Mainstream Media National Film Capital Group Hollywood Group, The Long March, The Great Proletariat Cultural RevolutionHollywood is so desperate to grow their businesses in China they would almost do anything.

Look the other way while the Chinese government continues to abuse the basic human rights of its citizens?  Check.

Alter the content or severely edit a movie in order to pass Chinese censors?  Check.  (Reminder – theater owners in Utah often want to edit the content of a movie and movie studios tell them to go F themselves.)

There are even allegations (but we know it’s true) that Hollywood pays bribes to Chinese officials in return for preferential treatment when it comes to filming in China and getting their films into China.

Is 1.3 billion people and their growing disposable income really that important to major media companies around the world?

Unfortunately, yes.  And it has always been this way.

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, OnMedea, Jill Kennedy, Hollywood in China, China, Mao Zedong, Tiananmen Square, Chinese Propaganda, Jeffrety Katzenberg, Bob Iger, Disney, Legendary East, Ang Lee, Zhang Ziyi, Rich Gelfond, Silicon Valley, Paul Graham, Oriental Dreamworks, China Film Group, China Mainstream Media National Film Capital Group Hollywood Group, The Long March, The Great Proletariat Cultural RevolutionHollywood didn’t even criticize China after the Tiananmen Square massacre in which thousands of innocent protesters were mowed down by PLA tanks and guns.

That was 23 years ago and they’re still trying to crack that horribly corrupt market.  (At right:  Imagine the lone protester symbolizes Hollywood – the tanks are China.)

Reality check:  It’s never going to happen in the way that you would like, Hollywood.  

China can sign whatever contracts you want signed – but, in the end, they will not honor them and you will leave, beaten, with your tails between your legs.

Chinese officials know this and are laughing at you as you put so much pride and resources on the line time after time.

Now there is a new disturbing trend that has popped up recently.  The co-funding of Chinese local language films by U.S. companies.

Does this mean, as all Chinese-made films and scripts must be approved by the Chinese Central government, that Hollywood is funding Chinese propaganda?

Of course.  This is truly an amazing, laughable coup by China.

I can just imagine some of the conversations with producers about story ideas:

  • New film about Chairman Mao and his glorious early days on The Long March?  (Hollywood:   “No problem.  We’ll fund half of that if you let us shoot our next superhero blockbuster in the middle of Shanghai.”)
  • New film about how The Great Proletariat Cultural Revolution was actually a tremendous success?   (Hollywood:  “Um… weren’t millions killed or persecuted?  Wasn’t that a horrific–“)  China:  “Do you want to shoot on the Great Wall or not?”  (Hollywood:  “Uh… OK, I guess a few revisions to your script are fine by us but legal would like our logo taken off the finished product.”)  China:  Deal – can we get that check now?

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, OnMedea, Jill Kennedy, Hollywood in China, China, Mao Zedong, Tiananmen Square, Chinese Propaganda, Jeffrety Katzenberg, Bob Iger, Disney, Legendary East, Ang Lee, Zhang Ziyi, Rich Gelfond, Silicon Valley, Paul Graham, Oriental Dreamworks, China Film Group, China Mainstream Media National Film Capital Group Hollywood Group, The Long March, The Great Proletariat Cultural RevolutionGranted, it’s not quite that simplistic – but it’s not that far off either.

I worry that Hollywood  is getting taken advantage of by their dumber and less savvy “partners” across the Pacific.

It’s similar to the way Silicon Valley is attempting to undermine Hollywood by just grabbing whatever high-end premium content they need (without much payment) to make their devices cooler.

The bottom line is this:  Let’s take human rights and actual motives involved out of the equation and look at it from a purely business standpoint.  No matter what percentages are negotiated and no matter how many movies Hollywood gets into China – China is not going to pay what they owe and contracts mean nothing.

But, in the end, it’s 1.3 billion people with growing disposable income.  And an attempt must be made, I suppose.  In theory, there is A LOT of money there.

So… here’s how it plays out… China is going to build the world’s largest film industry off of the creative and technical knowledge of Hollywood and then… they’re going to send Hollywood home… without a check.

Accel Partners, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Chris Hughes, David Kirkpatrick, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Gerald Levin, Greylock Partners, HBO, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, Jon Miller, Khan Manka, Li Ka-shing, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, MySpace, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Sheryl Sandberg, Sumner Redstone, Toy Story 3Jill Kennedy – OnMedea



26 Replies to “Is Hollywood Funding Chinese Propaganda?”

  1. Yes, I suppose this is what will happen. But it’s also happening with Hollywood productions. Every time a historical character is put on film there is a certain romantization (sp) that goes along with it. If you want to see propaganda just wait until Spielberg’s Abe Lincoln movie comes out later this year.

  2. Rule #1: USA’s economic interests always trump basic human rights and democratic values.

    Fact #1: US and international corporations benefit from the huge pool of stable cheap labor provided by the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party.

    Fact #2: the Chinese dictatorship will always do what it takes to defend its monopoly.

    Thank you Chen for this conundrum: how can USA “Defender of Human Rights and Liberty” save face without hurting its economic dealings with the Chinese Dictatorship?

    One tiny David against two giant Goliath.

  3. Let’s not forget that a large number of those movie consumers in China only watch pirated copies of the films that are shown in cinemas…

  4. Jill dont CRY for Hollywood

    They are millionaires and Asia movies doesnt match Hollywood quality.

    and new unique film stories/scripts are not there for new productions, or is it that they have lots of stories.

  5. Jill,

    Have you actually been anywhere near Hollywood? Your rant betrays little to no understanding of what people in Hollywood actually do, or how we interact with our counterparts in China. Do you really think that Hollywood producers send their movies to China and get nothing in return? Do you truly believe we have any interest in making movies about the Cultural Revolution or the Long March?

    I suggest you take the time to speak with people who are conducting China business rather than flaming off about what you erroneously imagine takes place.


    1. Rae,
      I’m suggesting Hollywood has zero control over any deal that is done with China. I’m suggesting that if China wants to pull the plug on any deal – no matter how much Hollywood has invested – Hollywood has no recourse. And, of course, Hollywood has no interest in funding movies about the Cultural Revolution and the Long March but they will – if they want the next Spider-man to play in China. And in order to make sure that happens, I believe Hollywood would agree to any script changes the Chinese government may want – even if that means changing history. Because box office trumps truth.

  6. Jill, you are worrying too much. Don’t underestimate the power of Hollywood.

    Hollywood has been selling its propaganda and ideology to the rest of the world for a century. And they also benefit from it commercially.

    Use The Avengers as an example. It’s selling and celebrating white supremacy (6 white men and 1 white women saving the world), American exceptional ism, justification for the American military expansion in the world, Christianity as the dominant religion and virtue (Captain A as the leader). And there’s even an interesting political innuendo of the impotence of a black leader…

    It’s interesting that most Americans are super tuned up for Chinese propaganda, but are not aware of American propaganda at all. I guess that’s how propaganda works, the people immersed in it are always the ones that are oblivious. Like the Chinese saying, 不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。 Even your article here, is to some extent a form of American propaganda. It also shows more of the anxiety of loss of power rather than the humanistic concern. In Chinese culture, people respect sovereignty more than human right. 主权高于人权。It’s a country that has thousands of years of history of collectivism. Therefore, interpreting the East from a Western perspective is itself oblivious and biased.

    Last but not the least, you really don’t need to worry about Hollywood. Look at all the co-productions, and the Hollywood sell-outs in China. Kungfu Panda has blue/green eyes, makes fun of Taoism, and is black/white (American), while the yellow tigress remains the dragon lady stereotype. The green hornet has a model minority Chinese side-kick. Even the karate kid is kicking ass of Chinese boys. And I don’t even bother to talk about the The Forbidden Kingdom, in which two A-list Chinese stars help out a white boy for his Oriental(ist) trip in China.

    1. Nice vitreol, wrapped up in your pseudo intellectualism (quoting Mandarin sayings to all your friends as well?). You wouldn’t happen to be black, would you Lewis? Or are you merely taking up the cause of the “impotent black leaders”? Wow. Bet movies you make or would make would be entertaining. To all three people attending.

    2. “Therefore, interpreting the East from a Western perspective is itself oblivious and biased.” Not sure what point you’re trying to make here: every perspective is biased to some degree, but that doesn’t mean that one shouldn’t analyze, explore, and, yes, even critique other countries and their cultures.

    3. “Even your article here, is to some extent a form of American propaganda.” No, Lewis, Ms. Kennedy’s article here is not “some type of propaganda.” Unless she is on the payroll of the United States government (are you on the payroll of Uncle Sam, Ms. Kennedy?), she is simply a patriotic American expressing her belief that Hollywood’s overwhelming desire to tap into the 1.3 billion Communist Chinese consumer market will mean that it will forfeit quite a bit of autonomy to Chinese censors/propagandists.

      Are you issuing Communist Chinese propaganda simply because you defend China’s culture of collectivism and emphasis on sovereignty?

      Ms. Kennedy may be biased in favor of American interests, but unless she is an agent of the U.S. government, she’s not putting out “propaganda.” Propaganda is what government-controlled censors/ propagandists issue.

      “Use The Avengers as an example. It’s selling and celebrating white supremacy (6 white men and 1 white women saving the world).” Well, that’s an interesting take on things. One, it misses the one black man (Samuel Jackson) supervising the seven white people. And, two, are we to assume that any movie that highlights heroes of a single race saving the world, or even saving communities of other races is inherently racist? That the filmmakers intentionally try to make the case that the particular “hero” race is inherently superior to other races?

      Does it then follow that, because The Avengers only features one woman to six men, it’s inherently sexist? Or, that because it doesn’t feature Chinese, Mexican, Botswanan or Welsh Avengers, it’s inherently dismissive of the Chinese, Mexicans, Botswanans, and Welsh?

      I don’t discount that Hollywood has made films portraying Asians in general or Chinese in particular as stock, stereotypical characters. I would only add that Hollywood also often portrays American whites as stock, stereotypical characters.

  7. China’s ignorance since the Opium Wars is understandable. They killed all the people on opium indiscriminately. This included all the high level aristocrats that were schooled IN ALL THE ARTS, ALL. Masters at calligraphy, carving stone, name an art that was not lost – other than the Wudang Mountain Taoists that are until this very day anarchists that have taken and hidden the great treasures.

    Chinese nationals were coming to America in droves, invited here by Hank Paulson and given no less than $5,000.00 monthly w/no taxes to be paid and guaranteed for five years, also jobs were already waiting. BIG T BOYS, all those stupid years of no girl babies allowed, grow only boys for the land war army the size of half-earth, to save them from another Opium War.

    Chinese aren’t called the true “Jews Of the Orient” for nothing.

    And, that is what’s competing w/US, our Hank Paulson, Tim Geithner, ET AL, actually thought they were going to fool China again – we in America are learning about our leaders’ intelligence in the aughts.

    In a word, punt.

  8. In a world where the US population is under surveillance 24/7 365 and fear is a commodity, one brave voice from China says enough. The Yang affect steals the craving for privacy and feeds the hunger for Hollywood power, but is she or isn’t she an extraterrestrial alien?

    OK, it is hard to find any gotcha in such good news as more creatives being employed to deliver bi cultural productions.

    Awesome news!

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