The Death Of The Tentpole Film

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Manka Bros. Studios, The World's Largest Media Company, Newt Gingrich, Callista Gingrich, Jackie Battley, Marianne Ginther, Jeff Weiner, Ben Silverman, Rob Johnson, Sonny Perdue, Rick Tyler, Hermain Cain, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Michele Bachman, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, Joseph Smith, Thomas S. Monson, Elder Cook, Elder Nelson, Elder Holland, Elder Perry, Elder Bednar, George Romney, Ann Romney, Brigham Young, Sean Hannity, Bob Dole, Ann Coulter, James Grisham, Eric Stanger, Allen & Company retreat, Anne Mulcahy, Ari Emanuel, Barry Diller, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Bobby Kotick, Carol Bartz, Charlie Rose, Cory Booker, DumbDumb, Electus, Eric Schmidt, Erin Burnett, Gina Bianchini, Harvey Weinstein, Herb Allen, Herb Allen Sun Valley Conference, Herbert Allen, Jean-Bernard Levy, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Weiner, Jeff Zucker, Jeffrey Immelt, Jerry Yang, John Donahue, Ken Auletta, Khan Manka, Lachlan Murdoch, Lady Gaga, Leslie Moonves, Lionel Barber, Lloyd Grohl, Manka Bros., Marc Andreessen, Marissa Mayer, Mark Pincus, Mark Zuckerberg, Martin Sorrell, Mathias Dopfner, Mike Bloomberg, Niall FitzGerald, Peter Chernin, Phillippe Dauman, Reid Hoffman, Richard Parsons, Ricky Van Veen, Rob Wiesenthal, Robert L. Johnson, Ron Meyer, Rupert Murdoch, Sergey Brin, Sheryl Sandberg, Steve Jobs, Sun Valley Retreat, Sun Valley Retreat 2010, Terry Semel, Tom Freston, Tom Friedman, Ursula Burns, Vivi Nevo, Warren Buffett, World's Largest Media Company, Rupert Murdoch, Jose Maria Aznar, natalie Bancroft, Peter Barnes, Chase Carey, Kenneth Cowley, David DeVoe, Viet Dinh, Rod Eddington, Joel Klein, Andrew S.B. Knight, James Murdoch, Lachlan Murdoch, Thomas Perkins, Arthur Siskind, John Thornton, Stanley Shuman, Rebekah Brooks, Les Hinton, Teri Everett, jack Horner, Julie Henderson, Reed Nolte, Roger Ailes, Janet Nova, John Nallen, Beryl Cook, Michael Regan, Genie Gavenchak, Brian Lewis, Irena Briganti, Dan Berger, Rosabel Tao, Steven Rubenstein, Suzanne Halpin, Elisabeth Murdoch

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Manka Bros. Studios, The World's Largest Media Company, Newt Gingrich, Callista Gingrich, Jackie Battley, Marianne Ginther, Jeff Weiner, Ben Silverman, Rob Johnson, Sonny Perdue, Rick Tyler, Hermain Cain, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Michele Bachman, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, Joseph Smith, Thomas S. Monson, Elder Cook, Elder Nelson, Elder Holland, Elder Perry, Elder Bednar, George Romney, Ann Romney, Brigham Young, Sean Hannity, Bob Dole, Ann Coulter, James Grisham, Eric Stanger, Allen & Company retreat, Anne Mulcahy, Ari Emanuel, Barry Diller, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Bobby Kotick, Carol Bartz, Charlie Rose, Cory Booker, DumbDumb, Electus, Eric Schmidt, Erin Burnett, Gina Bianchini, Harvey Weinstein, Herb Allen, Herb Allen Sun Valley Conference, Herbert Allen, Jean-Bernard Levy, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Weiner, Jeff Zucker, Jeffrey Immelt, Jerry Yang, John Donahue, Ken Auletta, Khan Manka, Lachlan Murdoch, Lady Gaga, Leslie Moonves, Lionel Barber, Lloyd Grohl, Manka Bros., Marc Andreessen, Marissa Mayer, Mark Pincus, Mark Zuckerberg, Martin Sorrell, Mathias Dopfner, Mike Bloomberg, Niall FitzGerald, Peter Chernin, Phillippe Dauman, Reid Hoffman, Richard Parsons, Ricky Van Veen, Rob Wiesenthal, Robert L. Johnson, Ron Meyer, Rupert Murdoch, Sergey Brin, Sheryl Sandberg, Steve Jobs, Sun Valley Retreat, Sun Valley Retreat 2010, Terry Semel, Tom Freston, Tom Friedman, Ursula Burns, Vivi Nevo, Warren Buffett, World's Largest Media Company, Rupert Murdoch, Jose Maria Aznar, natalie Bancroft, Peter Barnes, Chase Carey, Kenneth Cowley, David DeVoe, Viet Dinh, Rod Eddington, Joel Klein, Andrew S.B. Knight, James Murdoch, Lachlan Murdoch, Thomas Perkins, Arthur Siskind, John Thornton, Stanley Shuman, Rebekah Brooks, Les Hinton, Teri Everett, jack Horner, Julie Henderson, Reed Nolte, Roger Ailes, Janet Nova, John Nallen, Beryl Cook, Michael Regan, Genie Gavenchak, Brian Lewis, Irena Briganti, Dan Berger, Rosabel Tao, Steven Rubenstein, Suzanne Halpin, Elisabeth Murdoch Hollywood doesn’t need to panic yet – but the powers that be should seriously start thinking about changing film slate strategies.

This is great news for filmmakers, terrible news for Hollywood’s bottom line.

Tentpole movies, when they work, print money for years and years and years – through sequels and licensing, etc. etc.

But, like what happens with obesity, if you give someone a double-quarter pounder meal with super-sized fries every once in a while – it probably won’t make you fat.

If you give someone that meal every freakin’ day for the rest of their lives – they’ll be fat and die much sooner than is necessary.

Hollywood studios have booked a tentpole movie practically every weekend for the next five years.

This is unsustainable and only a matter time before audiences yell bullshit, back away from the Big Mac and change their diet.

This is not to say that these movies are going away completely. There is always an appetite for a great event film spectacle. When they hit, it’s the greatest experience. And I hope that never goes away.

But everything can’t be a tentpole.

Yesterday, I saw the story on Disney’s announced animation slate (see picture).

disney_animation_slatePersonally, I CANNOT WAIT for “Untitled Disney Animation Movie 2017!” And I really can’t wait for the Untitled Toy that my daughter will want.

Studios, especially on the live-action side, have no idea which movies are going to rise up from the pile to get a greenlight five years in advance.

They just know that they have to make 5-6 tentpole movies a year to hit their revenue and profit targets. You can’t make a decent budget projection if you have slated “Silver Linings Playbook 2” or the next film from Alexander Payne.

Tentpoles are necessary for financial planning. But it’s become so much of a science and so NOT much of a creative endeavor that I fear they are suffocating the goose that’s been laying the golden eggs for the past 10 years.

And, seriously, audiences just can’t take it anymore.

They aren’t crying for “Marvel Character #1,000” to finally have his or her own movie!

“Remember that character that cleaned the floors in ‘The Amazing Spider-man Comics #43’? He totally needs his own movie!”

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Manka Bros. Studios, The World's Largest Media Company, Newt Gingrich, Callista Gingrich, Jackie Battley, Marianne Ginther, Jeff Weiner, Ben Silverman, Rob Johnson, Sonny Perdue, Rick Tyler, Hermain Cain, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Michele Bachman, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, Joseph Smith, Thomas S. Monson, Elder Cook, Elder Nelson, Elder Holland, Elder Perry, Elder Bednar, George Romney, Ann Romney, Brigham Young, Sean Hannity, Bob Dole, Ann Coulter, James Grisham, Eric Stanger, Allen & Company retreat, Anne Mulcahy, Ari Emanuel, Barry Diller, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Bobby Kotick, Carol Bartz, Charlie Rose, Cory Booker, DumbDumb, Electus, Eric Schmidt, Erin Burnett, Gina Bianchini, Harvey Weinstein, Herb Allen, Herb Allen Sun Valley Conference, Herbert Allen, Jean-Bernard Levy, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Weiner, Jeff Zucker, Jeffrey Immelt, Jerry Yang, John Donahue, Ken Auletta, Khan Manka, Lachlan Murdoch, Lady Gaga, Leslie Moonves, Lionel Barber, Lloyd Grohl, Manka Bros., Marc Andreessen, Marissa Mayer, Mark Pincus, Mark Zuckerberg, Martin Sorrell, Mathias Dopfner, Mike Bloomberg, Niall FitzGerald, Peter Chernin, Phillippe Dauman, Reid Hoffman, Richard Parsons, Ricky Van Veen, Rob Wiesenthal, Robert L. Johnson, Ron Meyer, Rupert Murdoch, Sergey Brin, Sheryl Sandberg, Steve Jobs, Sun Valley Retreat, Sun Valley Retreat 2010, Terry Semel, Tom Freston, Tom Friedman, Ursula Burns, Vivi Nevo, Warren Buffett, World's Largest Media Company, Rupert Murdoch, Jose Maria Aznar, natalie Bancroft, Peter Barnes, Chase Carey, Kenneth Cowley, David DeVoe, Viet Dinh, Rod Eddington, Joel Klein, Andrew S.B. Knight, James Murdoch, Lachlan Murdoch, Thomas Perkins, Arthur Siskind, John Thornton, Stanley Shuman, Rebekah Brooks, Les Hinton, Teri Everett, jack Horner, Julie Henderson, Reed Nolte, Roger Ailes, Janet Nova, John Nallen, Beryl Cook, Michael Regan, Genie Gavenchak, Brian Lewis, Irena Briganti, Dan Berger, Rosabel Tao, Steven Rubenstein, Suzanne Halpin, Elisabeth Murdoch But Hollywood thinks it can do it and that audiences will keep lapping it up.

And this summer, they will –  “Man Of Steel” and “Pacific Rim” both look fantastic and I’ll be seeing them both on opening weekends with millions of others.

Again, Hollywood doesn’t need to panic yet.

I wrote a couple of years ago that audiences will never tire of super heroes – that the characters who are shoved quickly into movies should not be blamed for the failures of mortal film executives and writers to tell their stories well.

But there is only so much heavy lifting these characters can do – they’re superheroes, they’re not God.

It’s time for Hollywood to take more risks, be more experimental, have more fun. Don’t be afraid to fail.

Film production IS McDonalds these days. The food looks and tastes exactly the same every time (and, sure, there is some comfort in that). But when was the last time you heard an employee at McDonalds say their job was fun and totally creative?

jill_kennedy_85Jill Kennedy – OnMedea

AMC Networks Had An IPO Today…

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, OnMedea, Jill Kennedy, AMC Networks, Zynga, LinkedIn, Jeff Weiner, Reid Hoffman, Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg, Charles Dolon, Joshua Sapan, Edward Carroll, Sean Sullivan, James Gallagher, John Giraldo, Neil Ashe, Alan Schwartz, Dr. Leonard Tow, Robert Wright, William J. Bell, Charles F. Dolan, James L. Dolan, Kristin A. Dolan, Patrick F. Dolan, Thomas C. Dolan, Brian G. Sweeney, Marianne Dolan Weber, Rob Battles, Bob Broussard, Mike DiPasquale, David Evans, John Huffman, Ellen Kroner, Steven Pontillo, Thomas Ziangas, Charlie Collier, Evan Shapiro, Jennifer Caserta, Sarah Barnett, Kim Martin, Jonathan Sehring, Arlene Manos, John Barbieri, Harold Gronenthal, Ed Palluth, Mark Pincus, Cadir Lee, Dave Wehner, Reggie Davis, John Schappert, Owen Van Natta, Dave Ko, Colleen McCreary, Mike Verdu, Steven Chiang, Bing Gordon, Brad Feld, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Reid Hoffman, Mad Men, Don Draper, Jon Hamm, internet IPO, internet bubble 2.0

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, OnMedea, Jill Kennedy, AMC Networks, Zynga, LinkedIn, Jeff Weiner, Reid Hoffman, Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg, Charles Dolon, Joshua Sapan, Edward Carroll, Sean Sullivan, James Gallagher, John Giraldo, Neil Ashe, Alan Schwartz, Dr. Leonard Tow, Robert Wright, William J. Bell, Charles F. Dolan, James L. Dolan, Kristin A. Dolan, Patrick F. Dolan, Thomas C. Dolan, Brian G. Sweeney, Marianne Dolan Weber, Rob Battles, Bob Broussard, Mike DiPasquale, David Evans, John Huffman, Ellen Kroner, Steven Pontillo, Thomas Ziangas, Charlie Collier, Evan Shapiro, Jennifer Caserta, Sarah Barnett, Kim Martin, Jonathan Sehring, Arlene Manos, John Barbieri, Harold Gronenthal, Ed Palluth, Mark Pincus, Cadir Lee, Dave Wehner, Reggie Davis, John Schappert, Owen Van Natta, Dave Ko, Colleen McCreary, Mike Verdu, Steven Chiang, Bing Gordon, Brad Feld, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Reid Hoffman, Mad Men, Don Draper, Jon Hamm, internet IPO, internet bubble 2.0… and Wall Street shrugged.

Zynga announces a $1 billion IPO and every freakin’ investment bank in New York is clambering to get in on it.

These are the very same banks that were recently slobbering all over LinkedIn and would most likely kill anyone who tries to stop them from getting in on the Facebook IPO.

What am I missing here?

AMC Networks (AMC, IFC, WE, Sundance) represents highly-regarded premium television content (Mad Men, Breaking Bad, The Killing, Walking Dead, etc.) – the kind of content Hollywood needs people to watch.  The kind of content only Hollywood can make.  And the kind of content people really love.

Sounds likes a win win win.  And a buy buy buy.

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, OnMedea, Jill Kennedy, AMC Networks, Zynga, LinkedIn, Jeff Weiner, Reid Hoffman, Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg, Charles Dolon, Joshua Sapan, Edward Carroll, Sean Sullivan, James Gallagher, John Giraldo, Neil Ashe, Alan Schwartz, Dr. Leonard Tow, Robert Wright, William J. Bell, Charles F. Dolan, James L. Dolan, Kristin A. Dolan, Patrick F. Dolan, Thomas C. Dolan, Brian G. Sweeney, Marianne Dolan Weber, Rob Battles, Bob Broussard, Mike DiPasquale, David Evans, John Huffman, Ellen Kroner, Steven Pontillo, Thomas Ziangas, Charlie Collier, Evan Shapiro, Jennifer Caserta, Sarah Barnett, Kim Martin, Jonathan Sehring, Arlene Manos, John Barbieri, Harold Gronenthal, Ed Palluth, Mark Pincus, Cadir Lee, Dave Wehner, Reggie Davis, John Schappert, Owen Van Natta, Dave Ko, Colleen McCreary, Mike Verdu, Steven Chiang, Bing Gordon, Brad Feld, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Reid Hoffman, Mad Men, Don Draper, Jon Hamm, internet IPO, internet bubble 2.0Zynga represents little $1 digital pigs for sale in Farmville.  Not what you would call premium content.

Sounds like a lose lose lose.

“Mad Men” or “Digital Pig”AMC Networks or Zynga?  Which would you imagine to be the Wall Street darling?

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, OnMedea, Jill Kennedy, AMC Networks, Zynga, LinkedIn, Jeff Weiner, Reid Hoffman, Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg, Charles Dolon, Joshua Sapan, Edward Carroll, Sean Sullivan, James Gallagher, John Giraldo, Neil Ashe, Alan Schwartz, Dr. Leonard Tow, Robert Wright, William J. Bell, Charles F. Dolan, James L. Dolan, Kristin A. Dolan, Patrick F. Dolan, Thomas C. Dolan, Brian G. Sweeney, Marianne Dolan Weber, Rob Battles, Bob Broussard, Mike DiPasquale, David Evans, John Huffman, Ellen Kroner, Steven Pontillo, Thomas Ziangas, Charlie Collier, Evan Shapiro, Jennifer Caserta, Sarah Barnett, Kim Martin, Jonathan Sehring, Arlene Manos, John Barbieri, Harold Gronenthal, Ed Palluth, Mark Pincus, Cadir Lee, Dave Wehner, Reggie Davis, John Schappert, Owen Van Natta, Dave Ko, Colleen McCreary, Mike Verdu, Steven Chiang, Bing Gordon, Brad Feld, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Reid Hoffman, Mad Men, Don Draper, Jon Hamm, internet IPO, internet bubble 2.0Manka Bros., Khan Manka, OnMedea, Jill Kennedy, AMC Networks, Zynga, LinkedIn, Jeff Weiner, Reid Hoffman, Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg, Charles Dolon, Joshua Sapan, Edward Carroll, Sean Sullivan, James Gallagher, John Giraldo, Neil Ashe, Alan Schwartz, Dr. Leonard Tow, Robert Wright, William J. Bell, Charles F. Dolan, James L. Dolan, Kristin A. Dolan, Patrick F. Dolan, Thomas C. Dolan, Brian G. Sweeney, Marianne Dolan Weber, Rob Battles, Bob Broussard, Mike DiPasquale, David Evans, John Huffman, Ellen Kroner, Steven Pontillo, Thomas Ziangas, Charlie Collier, Evan Shapiro, Jennifer Caserta, Sarah Barnett, Kim Martin, Jonathan Sehring, Arlene Manos, John Barbieri, Harold Gronenthal, Ed Palluth, Mark Pincus, Cadir Lee, Dave Wehner, Reggie Davis, John Schappert, Owen Van Natta, Dave Ko, Colleen McCreary, Mike Verdu, Steven Chiang, Bing Gordon, Brad Feld, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Reid Hoffman, Mad Men, Don Draper, Jon Hamm, internet IPO, internet bubble 2.0Cable Networks (and their two strong revenue streams) are the bread and butter of giant media corporations.

If Wall Street shrugs at a pure-play cable network spin-off like AMC Networks, what does that say about the future of old-school big media?  Being an employee of old-school big media, I’m not sure I like what that says.

Should they adapt to the changing (but unproven) business models and stop distributing quality content – focusing instead on selling little digital versions of Don Draper for $1?  Or should they continue to do what they best until they simply disappear because their audiences die of old age?

Personally, I blame the whole VC/Y Combinator mentally for creating this unearned enthusiasm for certain companies that are, when you really look at them and see what they produce, pretty boring, uninspired and a waste of time.

But more billionaires will be minted – and I suppose that’s ‘End Game’.

Accel Partners, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Chris Hughes, David Kirkpatrick, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Gerald Levin, Greylock Partners, HBO, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, Jon Miller, Khan Manka, Li Ka-shing, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, MySpace, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Sheryl Sandberg, Sumner Redstone, Toy Story 3Jill Kennedy – OnMedea


Michael Bay: Turn Off The Dark

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, OnMedea, Jill Kennedy, Michael Bay, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Ehren Kruger, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Shia LaBeouf, Hugo Weaving, Ken Jeong, Josh Duhamel, Frances McDormand, Patrick Dempsey, John Malkovich, Leonard Nimoy, Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro, Alan Tudyk, Peter Cullen, Frank Welker, Tom Kenny, James Avery, Glenn Morshower, Keiko Agena, Julie White, Kevin Dunn, Charles Adler, Lester Speight, Robert Foxworth, Kym Whitley, Mark Ryan, Jess Harnell, Kathleen Gati, LaMonica Garrett, Anthony Azizi, Elena Kolpachikova, David Hutchison, David St. James, Jack Donner, Kevin Sizemore, Chris Sheffield, Lindsey Ginter, Brett Stimely, Markiss McFadden, Steve Hersack, Darren O'Hare, Darcy Leutzinger, Robert Herrick, James D. Weston, Scott C. Roe, Bob Kaye, Michael Loeffelholz, Rob Guzzo, Joel Shock, Denny Torich, Annie Hsu, Jason Endicott, Matt McVay, Morgan Williams, Bryan Basil, Nathaniel Best, Anthony Bonaventura, Ryan Buckley, Ken Bulcroft, Michael Daniel Cassady, Jason Adam Chaffin, Larry Clarke, Cameron Comstock, Jordan Michael Coulson, Thomas Crawford, Adam Critchlow, Andrew Daly, John Dezsi, Gena Ellis, John Farrer, Maile Flanagan, Reese Foster, Aaron Garrido, Corin Grant, Marie Grujicic-Delage, Terrick Guindy, Niki Haze, William Haze, Jessie Heiman, David Hill, Jasyn Jefferies, Haytham Kandil, Josh Kelly, Kristoffer Kjornes, Inna Korobkina, Erik Kowalski, Scott Krinsky, Joel Lambert, Scott Levy, Brett Lynch, Noelle Lynn, Taylor McCluskey, Alecia McGill, Ray Mirabal, Michael Morana, Prida Moreza, Paul Morgan, Dean Napolitano, Jason Neisewander, Daniel OKeefe, Michael Palma, Kenny Bates, Ian Bryce, Allegra Clegg, Matthew Cohan Tom DeSanto, Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Brian Goldner, Michael Kase, Michelle McGonagle, Don Murphy, Steven Spielberg, Mark Vahradian, Steve Jablonsky, Amir M. Mokri, Roger Barton, William Goldenberg, Joel Negron, Denise Chamian, Nigel Phelps, Ralph Bertelle, Allegra Clegg

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, OnMedea, Jill Kennedy, Michael Bay, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Ehren Kruger, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Shia LaBeouf, Hugo Weaving, Ken Jeong, Josh Duhamel, Frances McDormand, Patrick Dempsey, John Malkovich, Leonard Nimoy, Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro, Alan Tudyk, Peter Cullen, Frank Welker, Tom Kenny, James Avery, Glenn Morshower, Keiko Agena, Julie White, Kevin Dunn, Charles Adler, Lester Speight, Robert Foxworth, Kym Whitley, Mark Ryan, Jess Harnell, Kathleen Gati, LaMonica Garrett, Anthony Azizi, Elena Kolpachikova, David Hutchison, David St. James, Jack Donner, Kevin Sizemore, Chris Sheffield, Lindsey Ginter, Brett Stimely, Markiss McFadden, Steve Hersack, Darren O'Hare, Darcy Leutzinger, Robert Herrick, James D. Weston, Scott C. Roe, Bob Kaye, Michael Loeffelholz, Rob Guzzo, Joel Shock, Denny Torich, Annie Hsu, Jason Endicott, Matt McVay, Morgan Williams, Bryan Basil, Nathaniel Best, Anthony Bonaventura, Ryan Buckley, Ken Bulcroft, Michael Daniel Cassady, Jason Adam Chaffin, Larry Clarke, Cameron Comstock, Jordan Michael Coulson, Thomas Crawford, Adam Critchlow, Andrew Daly, John Dezsi, Gena Ellis, John Farrer, Maile Flanagan, Reese Foster, Aaron Garrido, Corin Grant, Marie Grujicic-Delage, Terrick Guindy, Niki Haze, William Haze, Jessie Heiman, David Hill, Jasyn Jefferies, Haytham Kandil, Josh Kelly, Kristoffer Kjornes, Inna Korobkina, Erik Kowalski, Scott Krinsky, Joel Lambert, Scott Levy, Brett Lynch, Noelle Lynn, Taylor McCluskey, Alecia McGill, Ray Mirabal, Michael Morana, Prida Moreza, Paul Morgan, Dean Napolitano, Jason Neisewander, Daniel OKeefe, Michael Palma, Kenny Bates, Ian Bryce, Allegra Clegg, Matthew Cohan Tom DeSanto, Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Brian Goldner, Michael Kase, Michelle McGonagle, Don Murphy, Steven Spielberg, Mark Vahradian, Steve Jablonsky, Amir M. Mokri, Roger Barton, William Goldenberg, Joel Negron, Denise Chamian, Nigel Phelps, Ralph Bertelle, Allegra CleggI’m going to start with a really stupid statement:  Filmmakers are a very important piece of the filmmaking process.

But they’re not the only piece.

It appears Michael Bay has a problem with the way movie theaters have been projecting 3D movies lately (read: dark) – and, in particular, is concerned about his upcoming “Transformers: Dark Of The Moon”.  (I’m not sure why he wasn’t screaming at them when “Kung Fu Panda 2” was released with the same issues… but I digress.)

And isn’t it ironic that Mr. Bay is asking theaters to lighten up the image of a movie titled “Transformers: DARK of the Moon”?

Here’s the dilemma for movie theaters:  Should they lose more money this quarter to make “Transformers 3” look better?  Theater owners have been hammered lately and are just trying to survive.

I suppose one could argue the reason the economics are bad for movie theaters is because the movies don’t look better – I don’t believe that for a second.

Would better projection have helped “Green Lantern”?  All the reviews I read didn’t mention how light or dark the movie was in the theater.

Audiences couldn’t even see “The Dark Knight” and it made a billion dollars and was loved by all.

What does Michael Bay expect movie theaters to do?  Remember, these are the same theaters he defended when he signed the movie industry letter against  Premium VOD (which would offer unbelievable picture quality – probably even up to his standards) in the home just six weeks after showing in theaters.

Bay said in an email to Variety:  “We have created a special version (of “Transformers 3”) with extra sharpening, color and contrast.  It is a superior look in the format.  The brighter the image, the brain processes in a different way and the results sharpens and makes it more vibrant.  We did many studies on the formats for presentation and I found this to be the best result.”

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, OnMedea, Jill Kennedy, Michael Bay, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Ehren Kruger, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Shia LaBeouf, Hugo Weaving, Ken Jeong, Josh Duhamel, Frances McDormand, Patrick Dempsey, John Malkovich, Leonard Nimoy, Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro, Alan Tudyk, Peter Cullen, Frank Welker, Tom Kenny, James Avery, Glenn Morshower, Keiko Agena, Julie White, Kevin Dunn, Charles Adler, Lester Speight, Robert Foxworth, Kym Whitley, Mark Ryan, Jess Harnell, Kathleen Gati, LaMonica Garrett, Anthony Azizi, Elena Kolpachikova, David Hutchison, David St. James, Jack Donner, Kevin Sizemore, Chris Sheffield, Lindsey Ginter, Brett Stimely, Markiss McFadden, Steve Hersack, Darren O'Hare, Darcy Leutzinger, Robert Herrick, James D. Weston, Scott C. Roe, Bob Kaye, Michael Loeffelholz, Rob Guzzo, Joel Shock, Denny Torich, Annie Hsu, Jason Endicott, Matt McVay, Morgan Williams, Bryan Basil, Nathaniel Best, Anthony Bonaventura, Ryan Buckley, Ken Bulcroft, Michael Daniel Cassady, Jason Adam Chaffin, Larry Clarke, Cameron Comstock, Jordan Michael Coulson, Thomas Crawford, Adam Critchlow, Andrew Daly, John Dezsi, Gena Ellis, John Farrer, Maile Flanagan, Reese Foster, Aaron Garrido, Corin Grant, Marie Grujicic-Delage, Terrick Guindy, Niki Haze, William Haze, Jessie Heiman, David Hill, Jasyn Jefferies, Haytham Kandil, Josh Kelly, Kristoffer Kjornes, Inna Korobkina, Erik Kowalski, Scott Krinsky, Joel Lambert, Scott Levy, Brett Lynch, Noelle Lynn, Taylor McCluskey, Alecia McGill, Ray Mirabal, Michael Morana, Prida Moreza, Paul Morgan, Dean Napolitano, Jason Neisewander, Daniel OKeefe, Michael Palma, Kenny Bates, Ian Bryce, Allegra Clegg, Matthew Cohan Tom DeSanto, Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Brian Goldner, Michael Kase, Michelle McGonagle, Don Murphy, Steven Spielberg, Mark Vahradian, Steve Jablonsky, Amir M. Mokri, Roger Barton, William Goldenberg, Joel Negron, Denise Chamian, Nigel Phelps, Ralph Bertelle, Allegra CleggManka Bros., Khan Manka, OnMedea, Jill Kennedy, Michael Bay, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Ehren Kruger, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Shia LaBeouf, Hugo Weaving, Ken Jeong, Josh Duhamel, Frances McDormand, Patrick Dempsey, John Malkovich, Leonard Nimoy, Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro, Alan Tudyk, Peter Cullen, Frank Welker, Tom Kenny, James Avery, Glenn Morshower, Keiko Agena, Julie White, Kevin Dunn, Charles Adler, Lester Speight, Robert Foxworth, Kym Whitley, Mark Ryan, Jess Harnell, Kathleen Gati, LaMonica Garrett, Anthony Azizi, Elena Kolpachikova, David Hutchison, David St. James, Jack Donner, Kevin Sizemore, Chris Sheffield, Lindsey Ginter, Brett Stimely, Markiss McFadden, Steve Hersack, Darren O'Hare, Darcy Leutzinger, Robert Herrick, James D. Weston, Scott C. Roe, Bob Kaye, Michael Loeffelholz, Rob Guzzo, Joel Shock, Denny Torich, Annie Hsu, Jason Endicott, Matt McVay, Morgan Williams, Bryan Basil, Nathaniel Best, Anthony Bonaventura, Ryan Buckley, Ken Bulcroft, Michael Daniel Cassady, Jason Adam Chaffin, Larry Clarke, Cameron Comstock, Jordan Michael Coulson, Thomas Crawford, Adam Critchlow, Andrew Daly, John Dezsi, Gena Ellis, John Farrer, Maile Flanagan, Reese Foster, Aaron Garrido, Corin Grant, Marie Grujicic-Delage, Terrick Guindy, Niki Haze, William Haze, Jessie Heiman, David Hill, Jasyn Jefferies, Haytham Kandil, Josh Kelly, Kristoffer Kjornes, Inna Korobkina, Erik Kowalski, Scott Krinsky, Joel Lambert, Scott Levy, Brett Lynch, Noelle Lynn, Taylor McCluskey, Alecia McGill, Ray Mirabal, Michael Morana, Prida Moreza, Paul Morgan, Dean Napolitano, Jason Neisewander, Daniel OKeefe, Michael Palma, Kenny Bates, Ian Bryce, Allegra Clegg, Matthew Cohan Tom DeSanto, Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Brian Goldner, Michael Kase, Michelle McGonagle, Don Murphy, Steven Spielberg, Mark Vahradian, Steve Jablonsky, Amir M. Mokri, Roger Barton, William Goldenberg, Joel Negron, Denise Chamian, Nigel Phelps, Ralph Bertelle, Allegra CleggSo Michael Bay knows how the brain reacts to images?  Has there been a study on how the brain reacts to Michael Bay films?  My hypothesis… it slowly dies.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, Terrence Malick has issued specific instructions to movie theaters on how to project “The Tree Of Life”.

First of all, as respected a filmmaker as Terrence Malick is, most of his movies don’t get a super wide release and are thus relegated to lower tiered theaters (in L.A. this would be Laemmle).  Many of these theaters don’t have (and can’t afford) this kind of equipment.

Which is another interesting conundrum – some of the best movies made over the past [any amount] years are the ones that have been stuck in art houses with terrible projection systems.  Shouldn’t these be the films that get preferential treatment?

What should the projector settings be for “Midnight In Paris”?  Poor Woody Allen’s movies have been shown in nothing but lower grade art house theaters for the past 30 years and not one person has come out to say his films deserve to be shown in the best theaters with the best projection system in the world.  He uses world class cinematographers and you don’t see him bitching about the quality of the movie projection systems.

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, OnMedea, Jill Kennedy, Michael Bay, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Ehren Kruger, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Shia LaBeouf, Hugo Weaving, Ken Jeong, Josh Duhamel, Frances McDormand, Patrick Dempsey, John Malkovich, Leonard Nimoy, Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro, Alan Tudyk, Peter Cullen, Frank Welker, Tom Kenny, James Avery, Glenn Morshower, Keiko Agena, Julie White, Kevin Dunn, Charles Adler, Lester Speight, Robert Foxworth, Kym Whitley, Mark Ryan, Jess Harnell, Kathleen Gati, LaMonica Garrett, Anthony Azizi, Elena Kolpachikova, David Hutchison, David St. James, Jack Donner, Kevin Sizemore, Chris Sheffield, Lindsey Ginter, Brett Stimely, Markiss McFadden, Steve Hersack, Darren O'Hare, Darcy Leutzinger, Robert Herrick, James D. Weston, Scott C. Roe, Bob Kaye, Michael Loeffelholz, Rob Guzzo, Joel Shock, Denny Torich, Annie Hsu, Jason Endicott, Matt McVay, Morgan Williams, Bryan Basil, Nathaniel Best, Anthony Bonaventura, Ryan Buckley, Ken Bulcroft, Michael Daniel Cassady, Jason Adam Chaffin, Larry Clarke, Cameron Comstock, Jordan Michael Coulson, Thomas Crawford, Adam Critchlow, Andrew Daly, John Dezsi, Gena Ellis, John Farrer, Maile Flanagan, Reese Foster, Aaron Garrido, Corin Grant, Marie Grujicic-Delage, Terrick Guindy, Niki Haze, William Haze, Jessie Heiman, David Hill, Jasyn Jefferies, Haytham Kandil, Josh Kelly, Kristoffer Kjornes, Inna Korobkina, Erik Kowalski, Scott Krinsky, Joel Lambert, Scott Levy, Brett Lynch, Noelle Lynn, Taylor McCluskey, Alecia McGill, Ray Mirabal, Michael Morana, Prida Moreza, Paul Morgan, Dean Napolitano, Jason Neisewander, Daniel OKeefe, Michael Palma, Kenny Bates, Ian Bryce, Allegra Clegg, Matthew Cohan Tom DeSanto, Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Brian Goldner, Michael Kase, Michelle McGonagle, Don Murphy, Steven Spielberg, Mark Vahradian, Steve Jablonsky, Amir M. Mokri, Roger Barton, William Goldenberg, Joel Negron, Denise Chamian, Nigel Phelps, Ralph Bertelle, Allegra CleggImagine what the theaters were like when “The Godfather” was first put out.  Gordon Willis painstakingly lit that film and it was absolutely gorgeous and it was shown (and loved) on a 1971 movie projector.  “Jaws”, “Close Encounters…”, “Star Wars”… etc. etc. etc. were all made and projected with the equipment available at the time.  And these are classic films.  Whether it was shown light or dark had nothing to do with how it was received.

But Michael Bay appears to have higher stands and demands more.  Perhaps Michael Bay should front the additional cost when these expensive projector bulbs burn out faster and need to be replaced more frequently.

Don’t get me wrong, movie theaters are a major contributor to the problem here starting with the $15 for a medium popcorn and a diet Coke… oh, yeah, and the projection is really dark.

But no matter how horrible the experience, at least you’re not spending $300 to see “Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark”.

And all these technical issues happening right now would mean absolutely nothing – and no one would be talking about it at all – if the movies being projected didn’t suck so much.

Accel Partners, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Chris Hughes, David Kirkpatrick, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Gerald Levin, Greylock Partners, HBO, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, Jon Miller, Khan Manka, Li Ka-shing, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, MySpace, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Sheryl Sandberg, Sumner Redstone, Toy Story 3Jill Kennedy – OnMedea

“Hesher” Has 22 Producers

At the upcoming Super Bowl in Miami, 22 players are absolutely necessary to play the game.  Apparently, 22 producers are absolutely necessary to make “Hesher” – an independent film premiering at the Sundance Film Festival (and just picked up for distribution by Newmarket) starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Natalie Portman.

There’s a fixed joke in Hollywood that you can’t throw a rock without hitting a screenwriter.  It seems, for those of us inclined to throw rocks, you can’t throw a rock at Sundance without hitting an independent film producer.

What happens if, by some chance, “Hesher” gets nominated for an Academy Award next year.  Only three producers are allowed on the ballot and actually receive the award.  What happens to the other 19 and what is the process for weeding it down to three?  Wouldn’t that be a great reality show?

And “Hesher” is not an isolated case.  It appears to be a trend.

Here are three films that were at the Sundance Film Festival and the number of Producers that were necessary to produce them.

22 Producers, Aaron Dowing, Aleen Keshishian, Andrew Sawyer, Anne O'Shea, Annette Bening, Annette Savitch, Ari Ackerman, Ari Emanuel, Ben Silverman, Celine Rattray, Christy Cashman, Daniela Taplin Lundberg, Galt Niederhoffer, Gary Gilbert, Gina Kirkpatrick, Happy Walters, Hesher, J. Todd Harris, Jay Franks, Jay Rifkin, Jeff Davis, Jeff Weiner, Jeff Zucker, Jeffrey Levy-Hinte, Jennifer Todd, Jill Kennedy, Johnny Lin, Jonathan Weisgal, Jordan Horowitz, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Josh Duhamel, Julianne Moore, Katie Holmes, Khan Manka, Lucy Cooper, Manka Bros., Mark Ruffalo, Matthew Weaver, Michael Benaroya, Natalie Portman, Neil Katz, Newmarket, OnMedea, Pamela Hirsch, producer's credit, Ravi Nandan, Riva Marker, Rob Ortiz, Ron Stein, Scot Armstrong, Scott Kluge, Scott Prisand, Spencer Susser, Steven Saxton, Sundance Film Festival, Super Bowl 44, Suzanne Todd, Taylor Kephart, Terry Semel, The Kids Are All Right, The Romantics, Wayne Chang, Win SheridanHesher (22 Producers – including “Executive” and “Co”-Producers)

  • Lucy Cooper
  • Matthew Weaver
  • Scott Prisand
  • Natalie Portman
  • Spencer Susser
  • Johnny Lin
  • Win Sheridan
  • Jonathan Weisgal
  • Wayne Chang
  • Aleen Keshishian
  • Annette Savitch
  • Scot Armstrong
  • Ravi Nandan
  • Aaron Dowing
  • Rob Ortiz
  • Scott Kluge
  • Jeff Davis
  • Jay Rifkin
  • Ari Ackerman
  • Jay Franks
  • Happy Walters
  • Gina Kirkpatrick


22 Producers, Aaron Dowing, Aleen Keshishian, Andrew Sawyer, Anne O'Shea, Annette Bening, Annette Savitch, Ari Ackerman, Ari Emanuel, Ben Silverman, Celine Rattray, Christy Cashman, Daniela Taplin Lundberg, Galt Niederhoffer, Gary Gilbert, Gina Kirkpatrick, Happy Walters, Hesher, J. Todd Harris, Jay Franks, Jay Rifkin, Jeff Davis, Jeff Weiner, Jeff Zucker, Jeffrey Levy-Hinte, Jennifer Todd, Jill Kennedy, Johnny Lin, Jonathan Weisgal, Jordan Horowitz, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Josh Duhamel, Julianne Moore, Katie Holmes, Khan Manka, Lucy Cooper, Manka Bros., Mark Ruffalo, Matthew Weaver, Michael Benaroya, Natalie Portman, Neil Katz, Newmarket, OnMedea, Pamela Hirsch, producer's credit, Ravi Nandan, Riva Marker, Rob Ortiz, Ron Stein, Scot Armstrong, Scott Kluge, Scott Prisand, Spencer Susser, Steven Saxton, Sundance Film Festival, Super Bowl 44, Suzanne Todd, Taylor Kephart, Terry Semel, The Kids Are All Right, The Romantics, Wayne Chang, Win SheridanThe Kids Are All Right (starring Julianne Moore, Annette Bening and Mark Ruffalo – 13 Producers)

  • Gary Gilbert
  • Jeffrey Levy-Hinte
  • Celine Rattray
  • Jordan Horowitz
  • Daniela Taplin Lundberg
  • Steven Saxton
  • Ron Stein
  • Christy Cashman
  • Anne O’Shea
  • Riva Marker
  • Andrew Sawyer
  • Neil Katz
  • J. Todd Harris


22 Producers, Aaron Dowing, Aleen Keshishian, Andrew Sawyer, Anne O'Shea, Annette Bening, Annette Savitch, Ari Ackerman, Ari Emanuel, Ben Silverman, Celine Rattray, Christy Cashman, Daniela Taplin Lundberg, Galt Niederhoffer, Gary Gilbert, Gina Kirkpatrick, Happy Walters, Hesher, J. Todd Harris, Jay Franks, Jay Rifkin, Jeff Davis, Jeff Weiner, Jeff Zucker, Jeffrey Levy-Hinte, Jennifer Todd, Jill Kennedy, Johnny Lin, Jonathan Weisgal, Jordan Horowitz, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Josh Duhamel, Julianne Moore, Katie Holmes, Khan Manka, Lucy Cooper, Manka Bros., Mark Ruffalo, Matthew Weaver, Michael Benaroya, Natalie Portman, Neil Katz, Newmarket, OnMedea, Pamela Hirsch, producer's credit, Ravi Nandan, Riva Marker, Rob Ortiz, Ron Stein, Scot Armstrong, Scott Kluge, Scott Prisand, Spencer Susser, Steven Saxton, Sundance Film Festival, Super Bowl 44, Suzanne Todd, Taylor Kephart, Terry Semel, The Kids Are All Right, The Romantics, Wayne Chang, Win SheridanThe Romantics (starring Katie Holmes and Josh Duhamel – 11 Producers)

  • Daniela Taplin Lundberg
  • Jennifer Todd
  • Suzanne Todd
  • Michael Benaroya
  • Taylor Kephart
  • Galt Niederhoffer
  • Katie Holmes
  • Riva Marker
  • Celine Rattray
  • Pamela Hirsch
  • Ron Stein


Look, I’m sure all these people played a vital role in their respective films’ journey to the screen… or not (only those on the production really know what’s going on here).  But a Producer credit used to be highly-coveted and very difficult to get – in most cases after years of paying dues and working up the cinematic ladder.

Today, it seems, the credit is handed out like film festival swag.  Now, when I meet someone who says they are a producer on an independent film, I am inclined to say “Oh, really, what, did you deliver the food?”

Accel Partners, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Chris Hughes, David Kirkpatrick, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Gerald Levin, Greylock Partners, HBO, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, Jon Miller, Khan Manka, Li Ka-shing, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, MySpace, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Sheryl Sandberg, Sumner Redstone, Toy Story 3Jill Kennedy – OnMedea

CBS Films – R.I.P.

Adam Townsend, Alan Ruck, Amy Baer, Angeline Straka, Anthony Ambrosio, Ari Emanuel, Arnold Kopelson, Brendan Fraser, Bruce S. Gordon, Bruce Tobey, Carl Folta, Carla Santos Shamberg, CBS Films, Charlie Gifford, Chase Carey, David Andelman, David Poltrack, Debbie Miller, DebManka Bros., Diego Velazquez, Doug Morris, Fred Salerno, Gary Countryman, Geeta Anand, Gil Schwartz, Harrison Ford, Harvey Weinstein, Jared Harris, Jeff Weiner, Jill Kennedy, Jordana Glick-Franzheim, Joseph A. Califano, Joseph Ianniello, Josh Rothstein, Jr., Keri Russell, Khan Manka, Leonard Goldberg, Les Moonves, Linda Griego, Louis Briskman, Manka Bros., Martin Franks, Meredith Droeger, Michael Shamberg, Nan Morales, News Corporation, OnMedea, Patrick Bauchau, Phillippe Dauman, Reid Sullivan, Richard Jones, Rik Toulon, Rob Friedman, Robert Nelson Jacobs, Rupert Murdoch, Sam Hall, Shari Redstone, Stacey Sher, Steven Friedlander, Summit Entertainment, Sumner Redstone, Terry Semel, The Weinstein Company, Thomas Dooley, Tom Vaughan, Viacom, Wade Davis, William S. Cohen
CBS Films - R.I.P.

I’m actually surprised there isn’t more inside media coverage of the disastrous debut of CBS Films’ first release – Extraordinary Measures starring Harrison Ford and Brendan Fraser ($6.0 Million opening weekend from over 2,500 theaters – finishing 8th behind “Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel” in its 5th week).

I realize the Jay/Dave/Conan/Jeff Zucker drama is a much sexier story but CBS Films’ failure is another example of the cocksure executive that believes he can do no wrong.

Les Moonves, former bit player on “The Six Million Dollar Man” turned powerful CBS media mogul, is the exec on the hot seat this time.  (Personally, I can imagine Jeff Zucker pushing this story just to get his name out of the press.)

Four years ago, when Sumner Redstone was completing the disastrous Viacom / CBS split, Mr. Moonves wanted Paramount Pictures so badly that when he didn’t get it, he decided he could create a new Paramount Pictures from scratch – CBS Films.

It’s a cold Monday morning at Black Rock today.

I’m assuming there will be two maybe three more failed releases in 2010 and then a decision to “refocus CBS’ energies on our booming cable network distribution platforms and new media” (translation: the end of CBS Films).

The R.I.P. tombstone above is generous in giving CBS Films a four year lifespan (2007-2010) considering the first release wasn’t until this past weekend – but I think three years of staffing up and development does count as being in business.

Adam Townsend, Alan Ruck, Amy Baer, Angeline Straka, Anthony Ambrosio, Ari Emanuel, Arnold Kopelson, Brendan Fraser, Bruce S. Gordon, Bruce Tobey, Carl Folta, Carla Santos Shamberg, CBS Films, Charlie Gifford, Chase Carey, David Andelman, David Poltrack, Debbie Miller, DebManka Bros., Diego Velazquez, Doug Morris, Fred Salerno, Gary Countryman, Geeta Anand, Gil Schwartz, Harrison Ford, Harvey Weinstein, Jared Harris, Jeff Weiner, Jill Kennedy, Jordana Glick-Franzheim, Joseph A. Califano, Joseph Ianniello, Josh Rothstein, Jr., Keri Russell, Khan Manka, Leonard Goldberg, Les Moonves, Linda Griego, Louis Briskman, Manka Bros., Martin Franks, Meredith Droeger, Michael Shamberg, Nan Morales, News Corporation, OnMedea, Patrick Bauchau, Phillippe Dauman, Reid Sullivan, Richard Jones, Rik Toulon, Rob Friedman, Robert Nelson Jacobs, Rupert Murdoch, Sam Hall, Shari Redstone, Stacey Sher, Steven Friedlander, Summit Entertainment, Sumner Redstone, Terry Semel, The Weinstein Company, Thomas Dooley, Tom Vaughan, Viacom, Wade Davis, William S. CohenAnother possibility for CBS would be to acquire Summit Entertainment. At least then they would have two guaranteed hits in the pipeline – the final two “Twilight” movies.

Or… my personal dream plan, somehow have CBS either acquire or wrest away Paramount from ViacomNews Corporation buys the cable channels from Viacom (assets they sorely need).  Viacom shuts down thus getting us one step closer to saying bye-bye to Sumner Redstone forever.

Regardless of what happens, CBS’ old media experiment is not going to make it.  But Les Moonves can take solace in the fact that a very exciting Super Bowl is coming to CBS and he still runs one of the top two broadcast networks in the country.

There was a time when that would have been enough for one man.

Accel Partners, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Chris Hughes, David Kirkpatrick, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Gerald Levin, Greylock Partners, HBO, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, Jon Miller, Khan Manka, Li Ka-shing, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, MySpace, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Sheryl Sandberg, Sumner Redstone, Toy Story 3Jill Kennedy – OnMedea

CBS Films’ Big Test

Adam Townsend, Alan Ruck, Amy Baer, Angeline Straka, Anthony Ambrosio, Ari Emanuel, Arnold Kopelson, Brendan Fraser, Bruce S. Gordon, Bruce Tobey, Carl Folta, Carla Santos Shamberg, CBS Films, Charlie Gifford, Chase Carey, David Andelman, David Poltrack, Debbie Miller, DebManka Bros., Diego Velazquez, Doug Morris, Fred Salerno, Gary Countryman, Geeta Anand, Gil Schwartz, Harrison Ford, Harvey Weinstein, Jared Harris, Jeff Weiner, Jill Kennedy, Jordana Glick-Franzheim, Joseph A. Califano, Joseph Ianniello, Josh Rothstein, Jr., Keri Russell, Khan Manka, Leonard Goldberg, Les Moonves, Linda Griego, Louis Briskman, Manka Bros., Martin Franks, Meredith Droeger, Michael Shamberg, Nan Morales, News Corporation, OnMedea, Patrick Bauchau, Phillippe Dauman, Reid Sullivan, Richard Jones, Rik Toulon, Rob Friedman, Robert Nelson Jacobs, Rupert Murdoch, Sam Hall, Shari Redstone, Stacey Sher, Steven Friedlander, Summit Entertainment, Sumner Redstone, Terry Semel, The Weinstein Company, Thomas Dooley, Tom Vaughan, Viacom, Wade Davis, William S. CohenCBS Films – that scrappy upstart with the name that screams ‘OLD MEDIA’ (“Films”, really?  Can you even buy film stock anymore?  The world is going digital, CBS) – hits the ground running today with its first release, “Extraordinary Measures” starring Harrison Ford and Brendan Fraser.

Adam Townsend, Alan Ruck, Amy Baer, Angeline Straka, Anthony Ambrosio, Ari Emanuel, Arnold Kopelson, Brendan Fraser, Bruce S. Gordon, Bruce Tobey, Carl Folta, Carla Santos Shamberg, CBS Films, Charlie Gifford, Chase Carey, David Andelman, David Poltrack, Debbie Miller, DebManka Bros., Diego Velazquez, Doug Morris, Fred Salerno, Gary Countryman, Geeta Anand, Gil Schwartz, Harrison Ford, Harvey Weinstein, Jared Harris, Jeff Weiner, Jill Kennedy, Jordana Glick-Franzheim, Joseph A. Califano, Joseph Ianniello, Josh Rothstein, Jr., Keri Russell, Khan Manka, Leonard Goldberg, Les Moonves, Linda Griego, Louis Briskman, Manka Bros., Martin Franks, Meredith Droeger, Michael Shamberg, Nan Morales, News Corporation, OnMedea, Patrick Bauchau, Phillippe Dauman, Reid Sullivan, Richard Jones, Rik Toulon, Rob Friedman, Robert Nelson Jacobs, Rupert Murdoch, Sam Hall, Shari Redstone, Stacey Sher, Steven Friedlander, Summit Entertainment, Sumner Redstone, Terry Semel, The Weinstein Company, Thomas Dooley, Tom Vaughan, Viacom, Wade Davis, William S. CohenMost start-up production companies don’t have Harrison Ford in their first movie.  Most start-up production companies have the guy or girl that’s holding the boom pole also act in a major role and provide their own food and wardrobe.  But most start-up production companies aren’t called “CBS FILMS”.

Why is there a CBS Films?  It seems that Viacom (before Sumner Redstone’s idiotic decision to split the company in half – thus creating this problem in the first place) has a very nice movie production company called Paramount Pictures.  They also made a couple of Harrison Ford movies.  I remember he played a guy named Indiana Jones for them.

You see, I think it’s ridiculous CBS Films had to be formed.  It’s not going to last (sorry, Les).  New movie companies just don’t make it – even backed by a large media company like CBS.  Yes, go ahead and scream all you want about Summit Entertainment and their success – but after they release two more teen-angst vampire movies – they’re done.

I understand Les Moonves’ desire to run a completely vertical entertainment conglomerate.  But it’s no longer 1995.  The media landscape has changed.  The glorious gatekeeper days are over.   Ask Harvey Weinstein how hard it is to build an empire from scratch (but you may have to buy him lunch to ask that question.  Dude is totally broke).

Look, I work for The World’s Largest Media CompanyManka Bros. – and they have five movie labels and all of them suck.  Sorry, Khan (my boss, Khan Manka, Jr.).  And they’ve been doing it for 90 years.

Adam Townsend, Alan Ruck, Amy Baer, Angeline Straka, Anthony Ambrosio, Ari Emanuel, Arnold Kopelson, Brendan Fraser, Bruce S. Gordon, Bruce Tobey, Carl Folta, Carla Santos Shamberg, CBS Films, Charlie Gifford, Chase Carey, David Andelman, David Poltrack, Debbie Miller, DebManka Bros., Diego Velazquez, Doug Morris, Fred Salerno, Gary Countryman, Geeta Anand, Gil Schwartz, Harrison Ford, Harvey Weinstein, Jared Harris, Jeff Weiner, Jill Kennedy, Jordana Glick-Franzheim, Joseph A. Califano, Joseph Ianniello, Josh Rothstein, Jr., Keri Russell, Khan Manka, Leonard Goldberg, Les Moonves, Linda Griego, Louis Briskman, Manka Bros., Martin Franks, Meredith Droeger, Michael Shamberg, Nan Morales, News Corporation, OnMedea, Patrick Bauchau, Phillippe Dauman, Reid Sullivan, Richard Jones, Rik Toulon, Rob Friedman, Robert Nelson Jacobs, Rupert Murdoch, Sam Hall, Shari Redstone, Stacey Sher, Steven Friedlander, Summit Entertainment, Sumner Redstone, Terry Semel, The Weinstein Company, Thomas Dooley, Tom Vaughan, Viacom, Wade Davis, William S. CohenEven though “Extraordinary Measures” looks like the kind of movie that would give me a really good cry on a Saturday night at home – WHILE WATCHING THE HALLMARK CHANNEL – I’m sort of rooting against this one to succeed.

You see, I want CBS to buy (or wrest away) Paramount Pictures from Viacom and then immediately close CBS Films.  I want News Corporation to buy all the cable channels and other assets from Viacom.

Then I want Viacom and Sumner Redstone to go away… forever.  (I realize Sumner will still be Chairman of CBS – but Chairman can be overthrown – ask Steve Case – even if it’s an old coot that’s never going to die.)

So, good luck CBS Films.  It’s a tall mountain to climb.  I’m thinking “Extraordinary Measures” will pull down between $10-15 million this weekend.  Whether that is good enough to call the first release a success… we’ll just have to find out.  Less than $10 million and there will be quite a few worried CBS Films execs on Monday morning.

Accel Partners, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Chris Hughes, David Kirkpatrick, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Gerald Levin, Greylock Partners, HBO, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, Jon Miller, Khan Manka, Li Ka-shing, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, MySpace, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Sheryl Sandberg, Sumner Redstone, Toy Story 3Jill Kennedy – OnMedea