Juan Williams Had TWO JOBS!

Accel Partners, Alex Taussig, Alexis Ohanian, Andrew Sullivan, Anton Kast, Ben Silverman, Bijan Salehizadeh, Bill O'Reilly, Bob Amster, Bob Davis, Bob Higgins, Bob Iger, Chris Hughes, Chuan Thor, Corey Mulloy, Craig Driscoll, Dan Nova, Dan Ries, Dan Rosen, Dana Davis Rehm, Daniel Burka, David Kirkpatrick, David Krauser, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Ellen Weiss, Erick Erickson, Fergal Mullen, Fox News, Gaurav Tewari, Gerald Levin, Graham Gardner, Greylock Partners, HBO, Highland Capital Partners, Ian Eure, Irena Goldenberg, Jackie Dew, Jay Adelson, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, John Burns, John Hsin, John Moffett, John Paulfrey, John Quinn, John R. Roberts, John St. Amand, Jon Miller, Juan Williams, Kathy Barry, Kevin Rose, Khan Manka, Kuantai Yeh, Laurence Garrett, Li Ka-shing, M.D., Manish Patel, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, Matt Nichols, Matt Van Horn, Matt Williams, Michael Cam-Phung, Michael Gaiss, MySpace, Nicolas Carlson, NPR, OnMedea, Owen Byrne, Owen Van Natta, Patrick Cammarata, Paul Buchheit, Paul Maeder, Peng Ye, Peter Bell, Peter Thiel, Richard de Silva, Rob Bemis, Roger Ailes, Ron Gorodetzky, Rupert Murdoch, Sean Dalton, Sheryl Sandberg, Steve Mallett, Sumner Redstone, Ted Philip, Todd Krasnow, Tom Guilfoile, Tom Stemberg, Vivian Schiller, Walter Salmon, Wycliffe "Wyc" GrousbeckAccel Partners, Alex Taussig, Alexis Ohanian, Andrew Sullivan, Anton Kast, Ben Silverman, Bijan Salehizadeh, Bill O'Reilly, Bob Amster, Bob Davis, Bob Higgins, Bob Iger, Chris Hughes, Chuan Thor, Corey Mulloy, Craig Driscoll, Dan Nova, Dan Ries, Dan Rosen, Dana Davis Rehm, Daniel Burka, David Kirkpatrick, David Krauser, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Ellen Weiss, Erick Erickson, Fergal Mullen, Fox News, Gaurav Tewari, Gerald Levin, Graham Gardner, Greylock Partners, HBO, Highland Capital Partners, Ian Eure, Irena Goldenberg, Jackie Dew, Jay Adelson, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, John Burns, John Hsin, John Moffett, John Paulfrey, John Quinn, John R. Roberts, John St. Amand, Jon Miller, Juan Williams, Kathy Barry, Kevin Rose, Khan Manka, Kuantai Yeh, Laurence Garrett, Li Ka-shing, M.D., Manish Patel, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, Matt Nichols, Matt Van Horn, Matt Williams, Michael Cam-Phung, Michael Gaiss, MySpace, Nicolas Carlson, NPR, OnMedea, Owen Byrne, Owen Van Natta, Patrick Cammarata, Paul Buchheit, Paul Maeder, Peng Ye, Peter Bell, Peter Thiel, Richard de Silva, Rob Bemis, Roger Ailes, Ron Gorodetzky, Rupert Murdoch, Sean Dalton, Sheryl Sandberg, Steve Mallett, Sumner Redstone, Ted Philip, Todd Krasnow, Tom Guilfoile, Tom Stemberg, Vivian Schiller, Walter Salmon, Wycliffe "Wyc" GrousbeckRemember, whichever side you are on in this debate, Juan Williams had TWO JOBS during the worst economy since the Great Depression when so many people out there can’t even get ONE JOB.

I think it was good of NPR to fire Juan Williams if only for the simple fact that they can now hire an out of work Political Commentator who can get off the public dole.

Interesting that Fox News would reward a guy with a $2 million dollar contract who basically said that Muslims who are dressed as their religion requires(!!) make him nervous on an airplane.

Juan Williams perfectly fits the mold of the “Fox News Liberal”.

Accel Partners, Alex Taussig, Alexis Ohanian, Andrew Sullivan, Anton Kast, Ben Silverman, Bijan Salehizadeh, Bill O'Reilly, Bob Amster, Bob Davis, Bob Higgins, Bob Iger, Chris Hughes, Chuan Thor, Corey Mulloy, Craig Driscoll, Dan Nova, Dan Ries, Dan Rosen, Dana Davis Rehm, Daniel Burka, David Kirkpatrick, David Krauser, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Ellen Weiss, Erick Erickson, Fergal Mullen, Fox News, Gaurav Tewari, Gerald Levin, Graham Gardner, Greylock Partners, HBO, Highland Capital Partners, Ian Eure, Irena Goldenberg, Jackie Dew, Jay Adelson, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, John Burns, John Hsin, John Moffett, John Paulfrey, John Quinn, John R. Roberts, John St. Amand, Jon Miller, Juan Williams, Kathy Barry, Kevin Rose, Khan Manka, Kuantai Yeh, Laurence Garrett, Li Ka-shing, M.D., Manish Patel, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, Matt Nichols, Matt Van Horn, Matt Williams, Michael Cam-Phung, Michael Gaiss, MySpace, Nicolas Carlson, NPR, OnMedea, Owen Byrne, Owen Van Natta, Patrick Cammarata, Paul Buchheit, Paul Maeder, Peng Ye, Peter Bell, Peter Thiel, Richard de Silva, Rob Bemis, Roger Ailes, Ron Gorodetzky, Rupert Murdoch, Sean Dalton, Sheryl Sandberg, Steve Mallett, Sumner Redstone, Ted Philip, Todd Krasnow, Tom Guilfoile, Tom Stemberg, Vivian Schiller, Walter Salmon, Wycliffe "Wyc" GrousbeckJill Kennedy – OnMedea

Anderson Cooper In Haiti

AC360, Anderson Cooper, Andrew Heller, Ari Emanuel, Ben Silverman, Bill O'Reilly, CNN, David Levy, Greg D'Alba, Haiti Earthquake, Haitian earthquake, Jack Wakshlag, Jay Leno, Jeff Gaspin, Jeff Weiner, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Jim McCaffrey, Jim Walton, John Kampfe, Kelly Regal, Khan Manka, Larry King, Louise Sams, Manka Bros., OnMedea, Pat Robertson, Phil Kent, Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch, Scott Teissler, Sean Hannity, Steve Koonin, Stuart Snyder, Wolf BlitzerThere’s a certain comfort I get whenever I see Anderson Cooper parachute or helicopter into a disaster zone. You just get the feeling that he’ll be the first in and last out on the story.

He’ll report the news 24 hours a day in a tight black t-shirt and not hesitate to dive into a search and rescue operation.

This is an cataclysmic, absolutely horrific tragedy on par with the Asian tsunami in 2004. Jay Leno / Jeff Gaspin / Jeff Zucker / Ben Silverman news seems completely ridiculous and unimportant at this time (though I’m sure it will return soon enough).

I’ll be curious to see how much time Fox News devotes to this story. Hopefully their only source won’t be Pat Robertson. You can just tell they are itching to dump this “earthquake story” and get back to bashing President Obama’s health care plan.

Accel Partners, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Chris Hughes, David Kirkpatrick, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Gerald Levin, Greylock Partners, HBO, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, Jon Miller, Khan Manka, Li Ka-shing, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, MySpace, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Sheryl Sandberg, Sumner Redstone, Toy Story 3Jill Kennedy – OnMedea