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The Beautiful Life: TBL - CANCELLED! - OnMedea

The Beautiful Life: TBL - CANCELLED!

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After only two pathetically rated episodes, The Beautiful Life: TBL has the distinction of being the first show cancelled of the 2009/2010 television season.  Sorry MischaYou heard it here first... last week.

TBL_RIP.jpgjill_kennedy_small.jpgJill Kennedy - OnMedea

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Molly Glover said:

NOOOOO! I'm going to miss that show so much! No really. It was terrible.

Hollywood Producer said:

Oh well. I heard it was awful. What's going to replace it?

Jill Kennedy said:

It's filling it with re-run episodes of Melrose Place. That makes no sense.

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About Jill Kennedy

Jill Kennedy - Blogger - OnMedea Jill Kennedy is an Ivy League MBA / refugee from Lehman Brothers.

Manka Bros. (and the Manka Business Channel) hired her (for a very low sum) to cover the world of media (not the world of Medea) in her own words without corporate inteference.

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About Medea

Medea Medea was a real bitch from classical mythology - as most famously dramatized by Euripides.

She was a sorceress and wife of Jason, whom she assisted in obtaining the Golden Fleece. When Jason deserted her, she chopped up their children. One could say, Medea acted as rationally as a major media company.



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