The Iron Lady [REVIEW]

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Behind the Proscenium, Kyrle Lendhoffer, Kimmo Mustonenen, Kimmo On Kino, The Iron Lady, movie review, Phyllida Lloyd, Abi Morgan, Meryl Streep, Jim Broadbent, Susan Brown, Alice de Cunha, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Iain Glen, Alexandra Roach, Victoria Bewick, Emma Dewhurst, Olivia Colman, Harry Lloyd, Sylvestra Le Touzel, Michael Culkin, Stephanie Jacob, Robert Portal, Richard Dixon, Amanda Root, Clifford Rose, Michael Cochrane, Jeremy Clyde, Michael Simkins, Eloise Webb, Alexander Beardsley, Nicholas Farrell, John Sessions, Anthony Head, Richard Syms, David Westhead, Julian Wadham, Richard E Grant, Angus Wright, Roger Allam, Michael Pennington, John Harding, Simon Chandler, Stephen Boxer, Jasper jacob, Rupert Vansittart, Robin Kermode, Andrew Havill, Michael Elwyn, Peter Pacey, Jeremy Child, james Smith, Hugh Ross, Chris Campbell, Paul Bentley, Martin Wimbush, Simon Slater, David Cann, Christopher Luscombe, Angela Curran, Michael maloney, Pip Torrens, Nick Dunning, David Rintoul, Nicholas Jones, Richard Goulding, Matthew Marsh, Willie Jonah, Ronald Reagan, Francois Ivernel, Damian Jones, Adam Kulick, Cameron McCracken, Anita Overland, Tessa Ross, Colleen Woodcock, Thomas Newman, Elliot Davis, Justine Wright, Nina Gold, Simon Elliott, Bill Crutcher, Nick Dent, Consolata Boyle, Mark Coulier, Richard Glass, Bobby Prince, Michael Solinger, Sarah Wheale, James Wakefield, Charlie Reed, Guy Heeley, Clare Glass, Chris Foggin, Alex Bailey, Simon Baker, Alasdair Boyce, Rob Duffield, Rob Farris, Simon Jones, Marie Dong, Fiona Garland, Jon Croker, Michael Mann, Rebecca Pearson, Bradley Porter, Helen Swanwick, Helen Varty, Noelle Volpintesta, Juan Carlos Alvarez Vasquez, Luke ClareThe Iron Lady

With Wit, Reviewed By Kimmo Mustonenen


My mind is a stream of mud.

Confusion.  Weed.  Not reading the press kit.

“The Iron Lady” is not a sequel to “The Iron Giant”.

The excitement made my area hurt.

Meryl Streep vs. Vin Diesel was my dream.  Movie heaven.

My confusion was a basket on my thinking brain.

Or perhaps they would love one another.

Sadly, no.

Then, my brain makes smart.

“The Iron Lady” is the love interest for “Iron Man” (who was not worthy of a “The” before his name).  Like the booty call for “The Six Million Dollar Man”, Jaime Sommers.

Before I could proclaim this out of my mouth hole I realize that I’m the wrong guy – again.

She had no damn super powers – unless ugly qualifies, Margaret Thatcher.  Fug.

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Behind the Proscenium, Kyrle Lendhoffer, Kimmo Mustonenen, Kimmo On Kino, The Iron Lady, movie review, Phyllida Lloyd, Abi Morgan, Meryl Streep, Jim Broadbent, Susan Brown, Alice de Cunha, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Iain Glen, Alexandra Roach, Victoria Bewick, Emma Dewhurst, Olivia Colman, Harry Lloyd, Sylvestra Le Touzel, Michael Culkin, Stephanie Jacob, Robert Portal, Richard Dixon, Amanda Root, Clifford Rose, Michael Cochrane, Jeremy Clyde, Michael Simkins, Eloise Webb, Alexander Beardsley, Nicholas Farrell, John Sessions, Anthony Head, Richard Syms, David Westhead, Julian Wadham, Richard E Grant, Angus Wright, Roger Allam, Michael Pennington, John Harding, Simon Chandler, Stephen Boxer, Jasper jacob, Rupert Vansittart, Robin Kermode, Andrew Havill, Michael Elwyn, Peter Pacey, Jeremy Child, james Smith, Hugh Ross, Chris Campbell, Paul Bentley, Martin Wimbush, Simon Slater, David Cann, Christopher Luscombe, Angela Curran, Michael maloney, Pip Torrens, Nick Dunning, David Rintoul, Nicholas Jones, Richard Goulding, Matthew Marsh, Willie Jonah, Ronald Reagan, Francois Ivernel, Damian Jones, Adam Kulick, Cameron McCracken, Anita Overland, Tessa Ross, Colleen Woodcock, Thomas Newman, Elliot Davis, Justine Wright, Nina Gold, Simon Elliott, Bill Crutcher, Nick Dent, Consolata Boyle, Mark Coulier, Richard Glass, Bobby Prince, Michael Solinger, Sarah Wheale, James Wakefield, Charlie Reed, Guy Heeley, Clare Glass, Chris Foggin, Alex Bailey, Simon Baker, Alasdair Boyce, Rob Duffield, Rob Farris, Simon Jones, Marie Dong, Fiona Garland, Jon Croker, Michael Mann, Rebecca Pearson, Bradley Porter, Helen Swanwick, Helen Varty, Noelle Volpintesta, Juan Carlos Alvarez Vasquez, Luke ClareThe movie is about a bitch.

Plot?  There isn’t one.

Apparently, there was a man-woman from England.  She was ugly.  People noticed the non-prettiness of her face (and body – come on people!).

She decided to be a better man than a man.

And she succeeded.  As a man.  Or “better-man.”

This is messing with my mind stem.  But she succeeded.

You can tell a lot about the person Thatcher, but she was polarizing anyway.

Conservatives worldwide feasted her dislike of compromise and the welfare state, privatization and its war against Argentina and union leaders, people on the left of the political spectrum abhorred her breakdown of social services and the apparently uncritical embrace of neo-liberalism.


So – people must die for stupid islands (Falklands… history!!!).  Anyone who is not of the wealth is shit.

Reagan has a big dick.

All of this is said through time traveling flashbacks.  Thank Odin for these, or some shit storytellers could not a story make.

Seriously.  Think J.J. Abrams.  Fucker.

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Behind the Proscenium, Kyrle Lendhoffer, Kimmo Mustonenen, Kimmo On Kino, The Iron Lady, movie review, Phyllida Lloyd, Abi Morgan, Meryl Streep, Jim Broadbent, Susan Brown, Alice de Cunha, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Iain Glen, Alexandra Roach, Victoria Bewick, Emma Dewhurst, Olivia Colman, Harry Lloyd, Sylvestra Le Touzel, Michael Culkin, Stephanie Jacob, Robert Portal, Richard Dixon, Amanda Root, Clifford Rose, Michael Cochrane, Jeremy Clyde, Michael Simkins, Eloise Webb, Alexander Beardsley, Nicholas Farrell, John Sessions, Anthony Head, Richard Syms, David Westhead, Julian Wadham, Richard E Grant, Angus Wright, Roger Allam, Michael Pennington, John Harding, Simon Chandler, Stephen Boxer, Jasper jacob, Rupert Vansittart, Robin Kermode, Andrew Havill, Michael Elwyn, Peter Pacey, Jeremy Child, james Smith, Hugh Ross, Chris Campbell, Paul Bentley, Martin Wimbush, Simon Slater, David Cann, Christopher Luscombe, Angela Curran, Michael maloney, Pip Torrens, Nick Dunning, David Rintoul, Nicholas Jones, Richard Goulding, Matthew Marsh, Willie Jonah, Ronald Reagan, Francois Ivernel, Damian Jones, Adam Kulick, Cameron McCracken, Anita Overland, Tessa Ross, Colleen Woodcock, Thomas Newman, Elliot Davis, Justine Wright, Nina Gold, Simon Elliott, Bill Crutcher, Nick Dent, Consolata Boyle, Mark Coulier, Richard Glass, Bobby Prince, Michael Solinger, Sarah Wheale, James Wakefield, Charlie Reed, Guy Heeley, Clare Glass, Chris Foggin, Alex Bailey, Simon Baker, Alasdair Boyce, Rob Duffield, Rob Farris, Simon Jones, Marie Dong, Fiona Garland, Jon Croker, Michael Mann, Rebecca Pearson, Bradley Porter, Helen Swanwick, Helen Varty, Noelle Volpintesta, Juan Carlos Alvarez Vasquez, Luke ClareMeryl Streep is damn good.  I felt the Queen Mary had re-opened in Studio City.  There can never be too much of a drag queen.  And although Streep is a dude, I totally believed.

Awards for cross-dressing?!?  19 for Mr. Streep for “The Iron Giant’s Lady” alone.

Where am I?

So, for political, what does this rate?

I have no idea.  “The Ides Of March” was bleh.

“J. Edgar” was a sausage fest.

Why didn’t I get to review “My Week With Marilyn”Kenneth Branagh was twice the man in there (and I mean “in there”) than Meryl Streep will ever be.

Fight the power!  Get the shit you have together people!  Fight “The Iron Lady”!

Margaret Thatcher?  Fuck that bitch:

Khan Manka!  Pay me my money!  An injury to one is an injury to all!!!!!

Damn… I’m drunk.

And I’m probably fired.  Khan, I can’t wait to review “Contraband”!  Really!!!

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Behind The Proscenium, Kyrle Lendhoffer, Reese Witherspoon, Water For Elephants, Robert Pattinson, Christoph Waltz, Paul Schneider, Jim Norton, Hal Holbrook, Mark Povinelli, Richard Brake, Stephen Monroe Taylor, Ken Foree, Scott MacDonald, James Frain, Sam Anderson, John Aylward, Brad Greenquist, Tim Guinee, Donna W. Scott, E.E. Bell, Kyle Jordan, Aleksandra Kaniak, Ilia Volok, Bruce Gray, Jim Jansen, James Keane, Ivo Nandi, Karynn Moore, Andrew Connolly, Doug McDougal, Tracy Phillips Rowan O'Hara, Water for Elephants, Tai, Uggie, Ice, Sita Acevedo, Danny Castle, Michael Coronas, Aloysia Gavre, Francis Lawrence, Andrew R. Tennenbaum, Erwin Stoff, Gil Netter, Kevin Halloran, Alan Edward Bell, Ana Maria Quintana, Chad Holmes, David Crank, Denise Chamian, Molly Allen, Sasha Veneziano, Kimmo MustonenenKimmo Mustonenen – (Kimmo On Kino) – Behind The Proscenium

P.S.  Is anybody there?  Does anybody care?  Does anybody see what I see?

7 Replies to “The Iron Lady [REVIEW]”

  1. Of course it’s a rotten movie! That’s all Hollywood produces. But extolling Meryl Streep’s performance while panning the movie doesn’t make much sense in any case. How can she put in a good performance if the script stinks? What are we supposed to do, plunk down $15 to go see Meryl Streep, just another has-been Hollywood liberal, prance around trying to look like someone she hates? Should we stick $50 popcorn in our ears to block out the dialogue too? Talk about old and confused, seems to me it’s Streep who fits the picture since she took the job in what is roundly being claimed to be one of the worst movies in years.

    1. What ever gave you the idea that she was a liberal, or even talked politics at all? Most of the time Streep keeps to herself and doesn’t say a fracking word about anything anyway.

      Also, where did you get the fracking idea that the movie was complete produced in Hollywood anyway. dipshit? The movie’s distributed Focus Features, not made by it-it’s completely British made. It seems that you (and the reviewer) just want to rubbish a good movie because of the subject matter (didn’t see this much hatred for Soderberg’s Che from people like you.)

      1. Why do you want hatred from me for Che? That movie was awesome. “The Iron Lady” was less awesome. But Meryl Streep was very convincing playing that guy. England and America’s politics are very troubled. I grew up in Finland. A true land of the free.

  2. I don’t trust Left-Wing Hollywood or Meryl Streep with the Iron Lady’s story. And I don’t trust a drunk Kimmo to tell me if it’s any good or not.

  3. 2 hours with Ms. Streep in drag is not goin to get me to the movie theater. I would rather see almost anything else. I do like that all the great english roles are being done by Americans. Sherlock Holmes, Bridget Jones, Margaret Thatcher.

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