I normally attack theater from the review flank. I use my insight to take you, the possible audience member, into the “reality” of what a theatrical event may be like – without you having to actually be part of the reality. I try to express the theatricity of a theatrical event through the written word. It is my job – to bring the entire experience of sitting in a theater, marveling at what is taking place on stage, the smells of the greasepaint and the dinner that is stuck to the lapel of the patron next to you – without your ever having to enter a theater. Although entering a theater to see a play is always best!
The Mahabharata – A Discussion With Gustaff Hinter and Jackson Nitrate
There are times when one is a witness to history.
This week was such a time for me. I sat in on an early rehearsal of what is bound to become the most talked about, most loved theater experience in the history of man. Hyperbole? I think not.
Mankind will see what I caught a mere glimpse of… and mankind will be IN AWE.
Yes, finally, a production of THE MAHABHARATA that will make Peter Brook cry like a little girl… again.
I sat down with the man who adapted this great piece of Vedic literature, GUSTAFF HINTER. As we talked the genius director JACKSON NITRATE joined us.
Kyrle Lendhoffer: Gustaff, how are you today?