The End of Scientology

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, David Miscavige, Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, Suri Cruise, Anne Archer, Paul Haggis, Dianetics, Jill Kennedy, OnMedea, Sectors of Scientology, Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder, Amy Scobee, Marc Headley, Jenna Miscavige Hill, Allan E. Mayefsky, Jonathan Wolfe, Karen De La Carriere, Heber Jentzsch, Isabella Cruise, Gary Soter, Bert Fields, Dennis Wasser, Tommy Davis, Lawrence Wright, Tony Ortega, Like Ragnarok, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and The Sopranos –  all things (good and bad) must end.

And that end has come for the Church of Scientology.

It was an experiment that just didn’t work.

For Tom Cruise, it’s another high-profile bomb  – like “Rock Of Ages” and “Knight and Day.”  

So… it’s time for all the vacant eyed, lost soul, followers of Scientology to leave the fields, re-enter society, and a have a few beers.  Reality is waiting – time to get on with it.

The final nail in the coffin for Scientology is, of course, the TomKat divorce.

Finally, the “Church” has a scandal it cannot hide from or cover up  – and an entire organizational collapse is imminent (and what an organization it is – see left).

To compare it to something in the media (this is a media blog after all), the TomKatSu divorce scandal is to  Scientology what digital is to the newspaper industry.  This scandal has effectively put an end to Scientology  “subscriber growth” and it will not recover.

Its “best days” are behind it – and the end is near.  Seriously, what movie star or powerful media figure would join Scientology now?

No amount of pressure by Thetan thugs or house visits to Katie by Anne Archer will get Scientology out of this mess.

It’s over.

[For full, unbelievably well-researched accounts of what happens behind the guarded walls at Scientology – please read this piece in the New Yorker and this piece in Rolling Stone.]

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, David Miscavige, Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, Suri Cruise, Anne Archer, Paul Haggis, Dianetics, Jill Kennedy, OnMedea, Sectors of Scientology, Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder, Amy Scobee, Marc Headley, Jenna Miscavige Hill, Allan E. Mayefsky, Jonathan Wolfe, Karen De La Carriere, Heber Jentzsch, Isabella Cruise, Gary Soter, Bert Fields, Dennis Wasser, Tommy Davis, Lawrence Wright, Tony Ortega, America and the world are completely on Katie’s side and anything other than full capitulation by Tom Cruise and Scientology will only make matters worse.

Words like ‘creepy,’ ‘evil,’ ‘cult,’ freaky,’ ‘fucking bizarre,’ ‘brainwashed,’ and just plain ‘disturbing’ are often used when people comment about Scientology.

But somehow, nothing much was done about it – probably because most people just think it’s a place where out of work actors go to detox and secure five and under guest shots on shows like “Dharma & Greg.”  

Lots of allegations – but no real criminal charges have stuck against the “Church” other than random financial issues (taxes, etc.).

But now there is a very high-profile little face in the middle of it – little Suri Cruise – and the people of the world will not allow this “Church” to overtake her developing brain. [To see photos of Suri – you can Google her name.  It felt wrong to put a photo of her in this blog.]

Either Scientology leaves them alone to live a somewhat normal life – or they commit organizational suicide by trying to force this little girl into the SeaOrg re-education school for high level Scientologists (or some other work farm type education).

Tom Cruise and, to a lesser extent, John Travolta (power is based on box office grosses) are the faces of Scientology.  And the faces of Scientology look pretty shitty right now.

Leave Suri alone, cut the creepy secret cult shit that makes so many people afraid of you, and do the right thing for your members – let them go.  Stop ruining lives.

Perhaps there are some decent life lessons to be learned from the writings of L. Ron Hubbard (i.e., “The fastest way to make a fortune is to invent a religion”…), but those lessons will never reach a mass audience as long as the perception of Scientology is that of a cult of zombies eating the brains of the young.

Accel Partners, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Chris Hughes, David Kirkpatrick, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Gerald Levin, Greylock Partners, HBO, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, Jon Miller, Khan Manka, Li Ka-shing, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, MySpace, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Sheryl Sandberg, Sumner Redstone, Toy Story 3Jill Kennedy – OnMedea

56 Replies to “The End of Scientology”

  1. Pingback: Monty Staley
  2. I think you all are being very judgemental. I’m actually looking into scientology, to see what it is. I am reading the books and making an educated opinion about what I see. It’s wrong to judge with only your ignorance to guide you. Have any of you read anything besides the tabloids? If not then you are not speaking from any kind of educated standpoint. And as far as this mess with Tom Cruise, I doubt this scandal will do anything but make most educated people curious about the religion and it’s viewpoints. Only Tom and his wife know what happened in the bounds of their marriage. One person’s private life should not be the complete refelection of a church. I went to a baptist church where the preacher slept with his sister in law. Is that a reflection on all baptist churches? Should we stay away from them or slander the entire religion of christianity based on that? Of course not. That would be silly. People are full of opinions, but how many are based on facts? What do you know in life? Only what you see and experience yourself can you know to be a fact and indeed true.

    1. Highly recommend reading Tony Ortega’s Blog “The Underground Bunker” for more Scientology news, history and information. Tony was editor at Village Voice and now Editor at Raw Story. Very well researched and vetted stories from this very professional journalist. Mr. Ortega is also one of the featured interviews in “Going Clear” HBO Doc, and the book by L Wright.

      tonyortega(dot) org/

  3. I have never been amused at the deception all religions, with the possible exception of Buddhism, perpetrate against the common sense and decency of humanity; then you find the cults such as Scientology and you add another dimension to the prevailing insanity….choosing media charmers such as Travolta and Cruise as the face of such cults just makes it that much more revolting.

  4. Highly recommend reading Tony Ortega’s Blog “The Underground Bunker” for more Scientology news, history and information. Tony was editor at Village Voice and now Editor at Raw Story. Very well researched and vetted stories from this very professional journalist. Mr. Ortega is also one of the featured interviews in “Going Clear” HBO Doc, and the book by L Wright.

    tonyortega(dot) org/

  5. 2 1/2 years later and the cult stands strong. All these “death throes for Scientology” have been little more than tent poles for various wanna be movements.

    The fact that this cult remains in tact to this day is a microcosm of our entire society. This is just another 1%er club, with some wanna bes hanging on just to get a glimpse of the celebrity lifestyle. Hard to stop an orginization that is this well funded, mostly by the few big names at the top.
    Nancy Cartwright still maintains a very high level within the church.

    Jason Beghe left… nothing happened.

    TomKat broke up… nothing happened.

    Leah Remini left… nothing happened.

    1. Jeff, you err and you do so greatly.

      Something has happened. And its big. If you are still unfamiliar with it, you can catch it in March of 2015. It’s the explosive HBO documentary ‘going clear and the prison of belief’ which just premiered at the Sundance festival.

      You say “after 2 1/2 years the cult stands strong”. Wait, what? Are you really that uninformed?

      The cult of scientology is imploding (worldwide). It’s membership is dropping faster than a gay man at a gay bar wearing black leather pants. Not that there is anything wrong with a gay man at a gay bar dropping his black leather pants. But the point remains, scientology is dying, in front of the whole world.

  6. Leave Scientology alone like you want them to leave their members alone. Jeeze, you obsessed weirdo. And I’m not even religious.

    1. I Feel for the regular Scientologist, they either don’t know the bad things or they are happening to them. I even pity Brainwashed and non- brainwashed Sea org, Flag, etc…… They are in fear of not saving the earth!
      They are slaves and extorted for a fortune. Families are torn apart. Disconnection, Fair Game, SPs… these policies are inhuman

      All It takes for evil to do its work, is for good people to stand by and do nothing.

      Scientologists are not evil, no more then any of us, but their current leader, steals from his people, lies to them.

      By my Rough Calculation , they can’t have more then 500,000 members world wide.

      so it would appear they are much smaller then they seem.

      But i Say that lost souls will cling to a hope of salvation, whether blind, or divine. I know from experience.

      I don’t judge the “people” of Scientology, except those truly devious ones, who claim to have found New Ot levels, designed new E Readers, repackaged books, rewrote the Bridge Requirements, all just to Suppress his followers and extort them further.

      Then…… Hold them in a “hole” and intense “Sec Checks” to help them be more spiritual.

      Crimes, Crimes, Crimes, What are your crimes? Tell Me what your crimes are? I Don’t hide mine, I’ll find them all, with out an E reader and a Ot xv RATING!
      !!!!!!!!!!You Know who I’m talking to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      in closing
      as long as good people suffer, we must act, speak up, til they weep tears of joy,

      God Bless! Semper Fi! and Make America Great Again!

  7. Of all the opinions I have read, their isn’t a single one including the main Blog, that can shed me some light onto the reason why is Scientology so bad. I don’t follow that religion but am trying to understand you guys. Can one of you let me know what is wrong with this Religion? Regards. Ali

    1. Highly recommend reading Tony Ortega’s Blog “The Underground Bunker” for more Scientology news, history and information. Tony was editor at Village Voice and now Editor at Raw Story. Very well researched and vetted stories from this very professional journalist. Mr. Ortega is also one of the featured interviews in “Going Clear” HBO Doc, and the book by L Wright.

      tonyortega(dot) org/

    2. I strongly recommend that you read the book “Going Clear”. The blog here makes an implicit assumption that you have.

    3. They believe in the most bizarre crap you could ever conceive. Like cosmic zombies. It gets worse from there. Watch Going Clear in March on HBO.

  8. ill Kennedy is a former media analyst for a major Wall Street investment bank that has now gone out of business (in disgrace) and she thinks she knows the fate of Scientology?

    Scientology is a lot more than a bunch of celebs.

    1. What does her former job have to do with anything? Sounds like a typical attack from a Scientologist to avoid tough questions.

  9. if you want to see scientology get really creepy defensive online, search youtube for their own channel.. their cheesy defensive corporate videos eally do speak for themselves.. is that really the best they can do for their image with all those billions..

    but most importantly, be sure to watch this doc ; in some ways it makes things clearer than “going clear”..this brtish doc (2nd of 2) makes a great companion piece to “going clear”

  10. In the video confrontations I’ve watched online between current COS leaders and former COS leaders who have left, I find myself thinking, “I’d hit those Scientology people with a baseball bat or a stick if they taunted me that way!” Lucky I’m not there, for ME because it seems that that’s how they want people to react, with violence, so that they can claim to be ‘innocent’ victims and have people arrested. Then they can claim that they’re victims of religious prejudice and that people like me are angry Nazi-like oppressors of religious minorities. But anyone can see in these videos that these wackos are just asking for it so that they can make these claims. Don’t let the COS wackos goad you into negative behaviors! They’re deliberately provoking people to behave in ways that will portray COS members as oppressed religious minorities when in fact they’re instigators and trouble-makers! Even though they’re zombie-like in their devotion to their “church,” we have to remember that they’re human beings who have gone astray. We should have some compassion for them and resist our urge to beat the shit out of them!

  11. One of the rites of passage in growing up is when you finally realize how bad guys get other people to do what they want. That passage makes its maximum draw on your soul when you get to the point where you see otherwise good people getting cunningly seduced and manipulated and addicted to what the power-seekers are offering them. Oh, they know your pain . . . and your bank acct number.
    Just behind Miscavage’s bravado is a scared little boy. They’ll come for him, and he’ll be hiding under his desk and crying, just like PTL’s Jimmy Bakker. That would be a fitting end. As for all the human suffering and cruises to nowhere Scientology caused, that accrues onto the lost souls that bought it – hook, line and sinker.

  12. Scientologists like Scarlett Johansson, Judd Apatow and Sacha Baron Cohen ripped me off in the nineties over the characters of Ali G, Bruno and the character that went on to be called Borat. They then tried to force me into Irish conservative politics with a group of ultra right-wing morons. Tom Cruise and his close friend, Bono seemed to be in on it with those mugs from the blueshirt party. Be careful of those people,they are scum.

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