Debt Ceiling Impasse 1 — Social Media 0

American Idol, Ari Emanuel, Ben Silverman, Bruce Gowers, Cecile Frot-Coutaz, Freemantle Enterprises, Gaude Lydia Paez, Jeff Weiner, Jeff Zucker, John Pritchett, Kara DioGuardi, Ken Warwick, Kevin Reilly, Khan Manka, Manka Bros., Nigel Lythgoe, Nikki Finke, Paula Abdul, Peter Rice, Randy Jackson, Rupert Murdoch, Ryan Seacrest, Scott Grogin, Sharon Waxman, Simon Cowell leaving American Idol, Simon Fuller, Terry Semel, Haley Reinhart, James Durbin, Scott McCreery, Lauren Alaina, Jennifer Lopez, Ben Silverman, Jimmy Iovine, Accel Partners, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Chris Hughes, David Kirkpatrick, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Gerald Levin, Greylock Partners, HBO, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, Jon Miller, Khan Manka, Li Ka-shing, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, MySpace, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Sheryl Sandberg, Sumner Redstone, Toy Story 3, Mitch McConnell, President Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Michele Bachman, John Boehner, Sarah Palin, Jo Bonner, Martha Roby, Mike Rogers, Robert Aderholt, Mo Brooks, Spencer Bachus, Terri Sewell, Don Young, Eni F.H. Faleomavaega, Paul Gosar, Trent Franks, Benjamin Quayle, Ed Pastor, David Schweikert, Jeff Flake, Raul M. Grijalva, Gabrielle Giffords, Eric Crawford, Tim Griffin, Steve Womack, Mike Ross, Mike Thompson, Wally Herger, Daniel Lungren, Tom McClintock, Doris Matsui, Lynn Woolsey, George Miller, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Lee, John Garamendi, Jerry McNerney, Jackie Speier, Fortney Pete Stark, Anna Eshoo, Michael Honda, Zoe Lofgren, Sam Farr, Dennis Cardoza, Jeff Denham, Jim Costa, Devin Nunes, Kevin McCarthy, Lois Capps, Elton Gallegly, Howard McKeon, David Dreier, Brad Sherman, Howard Berman, Adam Schiff, Henry Waxman, Xavier Becerra, Judy Chu, Karen Bass, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Maxine Waters, Jane Harman, Laura Richardson, Grace Napolitano, Linda Sanchez, Edward Royce, Jerry Lewis, Gary Miller, Joe Baca, Ken Calvert, Mary Bono Mack, Dana Rohrabacher, Loretta Sanchez, John Campbell, Darrell Issa, Brian Bilbray, Bob Filner, Duncan Hunter, Susan Davis, Diana DeGette, Jared Polis, Scott Tipton, Cory Gardner, Doug Lamborn, Mike Coffman, Ed Perlmutter, John Larson, Joe Courtney, Rosa DeLauro, James Himes, Christopher Murphy, John Carney, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Jeff Miller, Steve Southerland, Corrine Brown, Ander Crenshaw, Richard Nugent, Cliff Stearns, John Mica, Daniel Webster, Gus Bilirakis, Bill Young, Kathy Castor, Dennis Ross, Vern Buchanan, Connie Mack, Bill Posey, Thomas Rooney, Frederica Wilson, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Theodore Deutch, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Mario Diaz-Balart, Allen West, Alcee Hastings, Sandy Adams, David Rivera, Jack Kingston, Sanford Bishop, Lynn Westmoreland, Henry Johson, John Lewis, Tom Price, Rob Woodall, Austin Scott, Tom Graves, Paul Broun, Phil Gringrey, John Barrow, David Scott, Madeleine Bordallo, Colleen Hanabusa, Mazie Hirono, Raul Labrador, Michael Simpson, Bobby Rush, Jesse Jackson, Daniel Lipinski, Luis Gutierrez, Mike Quigley, Peter Roskam, Danny Davis, Joe Walsh, Janice Schakowsky, Robert Dold, Adam Kinginger, Jerry Costello, Judy Biggert, Randy Hultgren, Timothy Johnson, Donald Manzullo, Robert Schilling, Aaron Schock, John Shimkus, Peter Visclosky, Joe Donnelly, Marlin Stutzman, Todd Rokita, Dan Burton, Mike Pence, Andre Carson, Larry Bucshon, Todd Young, Bruce Braley, David Loebsack, Leonard Boswell, Tom Latham, Steve King, Tim Huelskamp, Lynn Jenkins, Kevin Yoder, Mike Pompeo, Ed Whitfield, Brett Guthrie, John Yarmuth, Geoff Davis, Harold Rogers, Ben Chandler, Steve Scalise, Cedric Richmond, Jeffrey Landry, John Fleming, Rodney Alexander, Bill Cassidy, Charles Boustany, Chellie Pingree, Michael Michaud, Andy Harris, C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger, John Sarbanes, Donna Edwards, Steny Hoyer, Roscoe Bartlett, Elijah Cummings, Chris Van Hollen, John Olver, Richard Neal, James McGovern, Barney Frank, Niki Tsongas, John Tierney, Edward Markey, Michael Capuano, Stephen Lynch, William Keating, Dan Benishek, Bill Huizenga, Justin Amash, Dave Camp, Dale Kildee, Fred Upton, Tim Walberg, Mike Rogers, Gary Peters, Candice Miller, Thaddeus McCotter, Sander Levin, Hansen Clarke, John Conyers, John Dingell, Timothy Walz, John Kline, Erik Paulson, Betty McCollum, Keith Ellison, Collin Peterson, Chip Cracaack, Alan Nunnelee, Bennie Thompson, Gregg Harper, Steven Palazzo, Wm. Lacy Clay, Todd Akin, Russ Carnahan, Vicky Hartzler, Emanuel Cleaver, Sam Graves, Billy Long, Jo Ann Emerson, Blaine Luetkemeyer, Denny Rehberg, Jeff Fortenberry, Lee Terry, Adrian Smith, Shelley Berkley, Dean Heller, Joseph Heck, Frank Guinta, Charles Bass, Robert Andrews, Frank LoBiondo, Jon Runyan, Chrisopher Smith, Scott Garrett, Frank Pallone, Leonard Lance, Bill Pascrell, Steven Rothman, Donald Payne, Rodney Frelinghuysen, Rush Holt, Albio Sires, Martin Heinrich, Stevan Pearce, Ben Ray Lujan, Timothy H. Bishop, Steve Israel, Peter King, Carolyn McCarthy, Gary Ackerman, Gregory Meeks, Joseph Crowley, Jerrold Nadler, Anthony Weiner, Edolphus Towns, Yvette Clarke, Nydia Velazquez, Michael Grimm, Carolyn Maloney, Charles Rangel, Jose Serrano, Eliot Engel, Nita Lowey, Nan Hayworth, Christopher Gibson, Paul Tonko, Maurice Hinchey, William Owens, Richard Hannah, Ann Marie Buerkle, Brian Higgins, Louis McIntosh Slaughter, Tom Reed, G.K. Butterfield, Renee Ellmers, Walter Jones, David Price, Virginia Foxx, Howard Coble, Mike McIntyre, Larry Kissell, Sue Wilkins Myrick, Patrick McHenry, Heath Shuler, Melvin Watt, Brad Miller, Rick Berg, Gergorio Kilili Camacho Sablan, Steve Chabot, Jean Schmidt, Michael Turner, Jim Jordan, Robert Latta, Bill Johnson, Steve Austria, John A. Boehner, Marcy Kaptur, Dennis Kucinich, Marcia Fudge, Patrick Tiberi, Betty Sutton, Steven LaTourette, Steve Stivers, James Renacci, Tim Ryan, Bob Gibbs, John Sullivan, Dan Boren, Frank Lucas, Tom Cole, James Lankford, David Wu, Greg Walden, Earl Blumenauer, Peter DeFazio, Kurt Schrader, Robert Brady, Chaka Fattah, Mike Kelly, Jason Altmire, Glenn Thompson, Jim Gerlach, Patrick Meehan, Michael Fitzpatrick, Bill Schuster, Tom Marino, Lou Barletta, Mark Critz, Allyson Schwarz, Michael Doyle, Charles Dent, Joseph Pitts, Tim Holden, Tim Murphy, Todd Russell Platts, Pedro Pierluisi, David Cicilline, James Langevin, Tim Scott, Joe Wilson, Jeff Duncan, Trey Gowdy, Mick Mulvaney, James Clyburn, Kristi Noem, David Roe, John Duncan, Charle Fleischmann, Scott DesJarlais, Jim Cooper, Diane Black, Marsha Blackburn, Stephen Lee Fincher, Steve Cohen, Louie Gohmert, Ted Poe, Sam Johnson, Ralph Hall, Jeb Hensarling, Joe Barton, John Abney Culberson, Kevin Brady, Al Green, Michael McCaul, Michael Conaway, Kay Granger, Mac Thornberry, Ron Paul, Ruben Hinojosa, Silvestre Reyes, Bill Flores, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Randy Neugebauer, Charles Gonzalez, Lamar Smith, Pete Olson, Francisco Canseco, Kenny Marchant, Lloyd Doggett, Michael Burgess, Blake Farenthold, Henry Cuellar, Gene Green, Eddie Bernice Johnson, John Carter, Pete Sessions, Rob Bishop, Jim Matteson, Jason Chaffetz, Peter Welch, Donna Christensen, Robert Wittman, Scott Rigell, Robert Scott, Randy Forbes, Robert Hurt, Bob Goodlatte, Eric Cantor, James Moran, Morgan Griffith, Frank Wolf, Gerald Connolly, Jay Inslee, Rick Larsen, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Doc Hastings, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Norman Dicks, Jim McDermott, David Reichert, Adam Smith, David McKinley, Shelly Moore Capito, Nick Rahall, Paul Ryan, Rammy Baldwin, Ron Kind, Gwen Moore, James Sensenbrenner, Thomas, Petri, Sean Duffy, Reid Ribble, Cynthia M. Lummis, Jeff Sessions, Richard Shelby, Mark Begich, Lisa Murkowski, Jon Kyl, John McCain, Mark Pryor, John Boozman, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Mark Udall, Michael Bennett, Joseph Lieberman, Richard Blumenthal, Christopher Coons, Edward Kaufman, Bill Nelson, Marco Rubio, Saxby Chambliss

American Idol, Ari Emanuel, Ben Silverman, Bruce Gowers, Cecile Frot-Coutaz, Freemantle Enterprises, Gaude Lydia Paez, Jeff Weiner, Jeff Zucker, John Pritchett, Kara DioGuardi, Ken Warwick, Kevin Reilly, Khan Manka, Manka Bros., Nigel Lythgoe, Nikki Finke, Paula Abdul, Peter Rice, Randy Jackson, Rupert Murdoch, Ryan Seacrest, Scott Grogin, Sharon Waxman, Simon Cowell leaving American Idol, Simon Fuller, Terry Semel, Haley Reinhart, James Durbin, Scott McCreery, Lauren Alaina, Jennifer Lopez, Ben Silverman, Jimmy Iovine, Accel Partners, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Chris Hughes, David Kirkpatrick, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Gerald Levin, Greylock Partners, HBO, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, Jon Miller, Khan Manka, Li Ka-shing, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, MySpace, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Sheryl Sandberg, Sumner Redstone, Toy Story 3, Mitch McConnell, President Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Michele Bachman, John Boehner, Sarah Palin, Jo Bonner, Martha Roby, Mike Rogers, Robert Aderholt, Mo Brooks, Spencer Bachus, Terri Sewell, Don Young, Eni F.H. Faleomavaega, Paul Gosar, Trent Franks, Benjamin Quayle, Ed Pastor, David Schweikert, Jeff Flake, Raul M. Grijalva, Gabrielle Giffords, Eric Crawford, Tim Griffin, Steve Womack, Mike Ross, Mike Thompson, Wally Herger, Daniel Lungren, Tom McClintock, Doris Matsui, Lynn Woolsey, George Miller, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Lee, John Garamendi, Jerry McNerney, Jackie Speier, Fortney Pete Stark, Anna Eshoo, Michael Honda, Zoe Lofgren, Sam Farr, Dennis Cardoza, Jeff Denham, Jim Costa, Devin Nunes, Kevin McCarthy, Lois Capps, Elton Gallegly, Howard McKeon, David Dreier, Brad Sherman, Howard Berman, Adam Schiff, Henry Waxman, Xavier Becerra, Judy Chu, Karen Bass, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Maxine Waters, Jane Harman, Laura Richardson, Grace Napolitano, Linda Sanchez, Edward Royce, Jerry Lewis, Gary Miller, Joe Baca, Ken Calvert, Mary Bono Mack, Dana Rohrabacher, Loretta Sanchez, John Campbell, Darrell Issa, Brian Bilbray, Bob Filner, Duncan Hunter, Susan Davis, Diana DeGette, Jared Polis, Scott Tipton, Cory Gardner, Doug Lamborn, Mike Coffman, Ed Perlmutter, John Larson, Joe Courtney, Rosa DeLauro, James Himes, Christopher Murphy, John Carney, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Jeff Miller, Steve Southerland, Corrine Brown, Ander Crenshaw, Richard Nugent, Cliff Stearns, John Mica, Daniel Webster, Gus Bilirakis, Bill Young, Kathy Castor, Dennis Ross, Vern Buchanan, Connie Mack, Bill Posey, Thomas Rooney, Frederica Wilson, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Theodore Deutch, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Mario Diaz-Balart, Allen West, Alcee Hastings, Sandy Adams, David Rivera, Jack Kingston, Sanford Bishop, Lynn Westmoreland, Henry Johson, John Lewis, Tom Price, Rob Woodall, Austin Scott, Tom Graves, Paul Broun, Phil Gringrey, John Barrow, David Scott, Madeleine Bordallo, Colleen Hanabusa, Mazie Hirono, Raul Labrador, Michael Simpson, Bobby Rush, Jesse Jackson, Daniel Lipinski, Luis Gutierrez, Mike Quigley, Peter Roskam, Danny Davis, Joe Walsh, Janice Schakowsky, Robert Dold, Adam Kinginger, Jerry Costello, Judy Biggert, Randy Hultgren, Timothy Johnson, Donald Manzullo, Robert Schilling, Aaron Schock, John Shimkus, Peter Visclosky, Joe Donnelly, Marlin Stutzman, Todd Rokita, Dan Burton, Mike Pence, Andre Carson, Larry Bucshon, Todd Young, Bruce Braley, David Loebsack, Leonard Boswell, Tom Latham, Steve King, Tim Huelskamp, Lynn Jenkins, Kevin Yoder, Mike Pompeo, Ed Whitfield, Brett Guthrie, John Yarmuth, Geoff Davis, Harold Rogers, Ben Chandler, Steve Scalise, Cedric Richmond, Jeffrey Landry, John Fleming, Rodney Alexander, Bill Cassidy, Charles Boustany, Chellie Pingree, Michael Michaud, Andy Harris, C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger, John Sarbanes, Donna Edwards, Steny Hoyer, Roscoe Bartlett, Elijah Cummings, Chris Van Hollen, John Olver, Richard Neal, James McGovern, Barney Frank, Niki Tsongas, John Tierney, Edward Markey, Michael Capuano, Stephen Lynch, William Keating, Dan Benishek, Bill Huizenga, Justin Amash, Dave Camp, Dale Kildee, Fred Upton, Tim Walberg, Mike Rogers, Gary Peters, Candice Miller, Thaddeus McCotter, Sander Levin, Hansen Clarke, John Conyers, John Dingell, Timothy Walz, John Kline, Erik Paulson, Betty McCollum, Keith Ellison, Collin Peterson, Chip Cracaack, Alan Nunnelee, Bennie Thompson, Gregg Harper, Steven Palazzo, Wm. Lacy Clay, Todd Akin, Russ Carnahan, Vicky Hartzler, Emanuel Cleaver, Sam Graves, Billy Long, Jo Ann Emerson, Blaine Luetkemeyer, Denny Rehberg, Jeff Fortenberry, Lee Terry, Adrian Smith, Shelley Berkley, Dean Heller, Joseph Heck, Frank Guinta, Charles Bass, Robert Andrews, Frank LoBiondo, Jon Runyan, Chrisopher Smith, Scott Garrett, Frank Pallone, Leonard Lance, Bill Pascrell, Steven Rothman, Donald Payne, Rodney Frelinghuysen, Rush Holt, Albio Sires, Martin Heinrich, Stevan Pearce, Ben Ray Lujan, Timothy H. Bishop, Steve Israel, Peter King, Carolyn McCarthy, Gary Ackerman, Gregory Meeks, Joseph Crowley, Jerrold Nadler, Anthony Weiner, Edolphus Towns, Yvette Clarke, Nydia Velazquez, Michael Grimm, Carolyn Maloney, Charles Rangel, Jose Serrano, Eliot Engel, Nita Lowey, Nan Hayworth, Christopher Gibson, Paul Tonko, Maurice Hinchey, William Owens, Richard Hannah, Ann Marie Buerkle, Brian Higgins, Louis McIntosh Slaughter, Tom Reed, G.K. Butterfield, Renee Ellmers, Walter Jones, David Price, Virginia Foxx, Howard Coble, Mike McIntyre, Larry Kissell, Sue Wilkins Myrick, Patrick McHenry, Heath Shuler, Melvin Watt, Brad Miller, Rick Berg, Gergorio Kilili Camacho Sablan, Steve Chabot, Jean Schmidt, Michael Turner, Jim Jordan, Robert Latta, Bill Johnson, Steve Austria, John A. Boehner, Marcy Kaptur, Dennis Kucinich, Marcia Fudge, Patrick Tiberi, Betty Sutton, Steven LaTourette, Steve Stivers, James Renacci, Tim Ryan, Bob Gibbs, John Sullivan, Dan Boren, Frank Lucas, Tom Cole, James Lankford, David Wu, Greg Walden, Earl Blumenauer, Peter DeFazio, Kurt Schrader, Robert Brady, Chaka Fattah, Mike Kelly, Jason Altmire, Glenn Thompson, Jim Gerlach, Patrick Meehan, Michael Fitzpatrick, Bill Schuster, Tom Marino, Lou Barletta, Mark Critz, Allyson Schwarz, Michael Doyle, Charles Dent, Joseph Pitts, Tim Holden, Tim Murphy, Todd Russell Platts, Pedro Pierluisi, David Cicilline, James Langevin, Tim Scott, Joe Wilson, Jeff Duncan, Trey Gowdy, Mick Mulvaney, James Clyburn, Kristi Noem, David Roe, John Duncan, Charle Fleischmann, Scott DesJarlais, Jim Cooper, Diane Black, Marsha Blackburn, Stephen Lee Fincher, Steve Cohen, Louie Gohmert, Ted Poe, Sam Johnson, Ralph Hall, Jeb Hensarling, Joe Barton, John Abney Culberson, Kevin Brady, Al Green, Michael McCaul, Michael Conaway, Kay Granger, Mac Thornberry, Ron Paul, Ruben Hinojosa, Silvestre Reyes, Bill Flores, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Randy Neugebauer, Charles Gonzalez, Lamar Smith, Pete Olson, Francisco Canseco, Kenny Marchant, Lloyd Doggett, Michael Burgess, Blake Farenthold, Henry Cuellar, Gene Green, Eddie Bernice Johnson, John Carter, Pete Sessions, Rob Bishop, Jim Matteson, Jason Chaffetz, Peter Welch, Donna Christensen, Robert Wittman, Scott Rigell, Robert Scott, Randy Forbes, Robert Hurt, Bob Goodlatte, Eric Cantor, James Moran, Morgan Griffith, Frank Wolf, Gerald Connolly, Jay Inslee, Rick Larsen, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Doc Hastings, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Norman Dicks, Jim McDermott, David Reichert, Adam Smith, David McKinley, Shelly Moore Capito, Nick Rahall, Paul Ryan, Rammy Baldwin, Ron Kind, Gwen Moore, James Sensenbrenner, Thomas, Petri, Sean Duffy, Reid Ribble, Cynthia M. Lummis, Jeff Sessions, Richard Shelby, Mark Begich, Lisa Murkowski, Jon Kyl, John McCain, Mark Pryor, John Boozman, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Mark Udall, Michael Bennett, Joseph Lieberman, Richard Blumenthal, Christopher Coons, Edward Kaufman, Bill Nelson, Marco Rubio, Saxby ChamblissFor the past week, I’ve been instructed by a few Facebook friends to update my status by cutting and pasting a sentence or phrase that reflects their outrage of the current Debt Ceiling Impasse...

… or to email my Congress person…

… or to Tweet THIS if I want change…

… or to text someone that ‘I’m mad as Hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.’

And after all that updating, and reposting, and retweeting, and Google+ing, what’s the result?

–  Debt ceiling impasse.

–  Unstable global financial markets.

–  Multiple stories about the inevitable downgrade from our AAA credit status and a coming stock market collapse.

Now, perhaps there are a few young congressional aides that are monitoring the ‘Facebook Status Update Situation’ and how many constituents actually posted the sentence of choice – but, really, is Congress listening?

Of course not.

Support or dissent from social media is like “American Idol” voting.  So silly – but since it’s so easy to participate… why not?

It’s just another reason I feel Facebook is worthless.  Superficial passion.  “My day was awesome!”  “My kids are the best students!”  “Here’s the greatest recipe for Apple Pie!”

On “American Idol”, viewers are urged to phone or text (standard text message rates apply) as many times as they can for their favorite contestant.  If you can’t get through – please keep trying!

American Idol, Ari Emanuel, Ben Silverman, Bruce Gowers, Cecile Frot-Coutaz, Freemantle Enterprises, Gaude Lydia Paez, Jeff Weiner, Jeff Zucker, John Pritchett, Kara DioGuardi, Ken Warwick, Kevin Reilly, Khan Manka, Manka Bros., Nigel Lythgoe, Nikki Finke, Paula Abdul, Peter Rice, Randy Jackson, Rupert Murdoch, Ryan Seacrest, Scott Grogin, Sharon Waxman, Simon Cowell leaving American Idol, Simon Fuller, Terry Semel, Haley Reinhart, James Durbin, Scott McCreery, Lauren Alaina, Jennifer Lopez, Ben Silverman, Jimmy Iovine, Accel Partners, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Chris Hughes, David Kirkpatrick, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Gerald Levin, Greylock Partners, HBO, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, Jon Miller, Khan Manka, Li Ka-shing, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, MySpace, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Sheryl Sandberg, Sumner Redstone, Toy Story 3, Mitch McConnell, President Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Michele Bachman, John Boehner, Sarah Palin, Jo Bonner, Martha Roby, Mike Rogers, Robert Aderholt, Mo Brooks, Spencer Bachus, Terri Sewell, Don Young, Eni F.H. Faleomavaega, Paul Gosar, Trent Franks, Benjamin Quayle, Ed Pastor, David Schweikert, Jeff Flake, Raul M. Grijalva, Gabrielle Giffords, Eric Crawford, Tim Griffin, Steve Womack, Mike Ross, Mike Thompson, Wally Herger, Daniel Lungren, Tom McClintock, Doris Matsui, Lynn Woolsey, George Miller, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Lee, John Garamendi, Jerry McNerney, Jackie Speier, Fortney Pete Stark, Anna Eshoo, Michael Honda, Zoe Lofgren, Sam Farr, Dennis Cardoza, Jeff Denham, Jim Costa, Devin Nunes, Kevin McCarthy, Lois Capps, Elton Gallegly, Howard McKeon, David Dreier, Brad Sherman, Howard Berman, Adam Schiff, Henry Waxman, Xavier Becerra, Judy Chu, Karen Bass, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Maxine Waters, Jane Harman, Laura Richardson, Grace Napolitano, Linda Sanchez, Edward Royce, Jerry Lewis, Gary Miller, Joe Baca, Ken Calvert, Mary Bono Mack, Dana Rohrabacher, Loretta Sanchez, John Campbell, Darrell Issa, Brian Bilbray, Bob Filner, Duncan Hunter, Susan Davis, Diana DeGette, Jared Polis, Scott Tipton, Cory Gardner, Doug Lamborn, Mike Coffman, Ed Perlmutter, John Larson, Joe Courtney, Rosa DeLauro, James Himes, Christopher Murphy, John Carney, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Jeff Miller, Steve Southerland, Corrine Brown, Ander Crenshaw, Richard Nugent, Cliff Stearns, John Mica, Daniel Webster, Gus Bilirakis, Bill Young, Kathy Castor, Dennis Ross, Vern Buchanan, Connie Mack, Bill Posey, Thomas Rooney, Frederica Wilson, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Theodore Deutch, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Mario Diaz-Balart, Allen West, Alcee Hastings, Sandy Adams, David Rivera, Jack Kingston, Sanford Bishop, Lynn Westmoreland, Henry Johson, John Lewis, Tom Price, Rob Woodall, Austin Scott, Tom Graves, Paul Broun, Phil Gringrey, John Barrow, David Scott, Madeleine Bordallo, Colleen Hanabusa, Mazie Hirono, Raul Labrador, Michael Simpson, Bobby Rush, Jesse Jackson, Daniel Lipinski, Luis Gutierrez, Mike Quigley, Peter Roskam, Danny Davis, Joe Walsh, Janice Schakowsky, Robert Dold, Adam Kinginger, Jerry Costello, Judy Biggert, Randy Hultgren, Timothy Johnson, Donald Manzullo, Robert Schilling, Aaron Schock, John Shimkus, Peter Visclosky, Joe Donnelly, Marlin Stutzman, Todd Rokita, Dan Burton, Mike Pence, Andre Carson, Larry Bucshon, Todd Young, Bruce Braley, David Loebsack, Leonard Boswell, Tom Latham, Steve King, Tim Huelskamp, Lynn Jenkins, Kevin Yoder, Mike Pompeo, Ed Whitfield, Brett Guthrie, John Yarmuth, Geoff Davis, Harold Rogers, Ben Chandler, Steve Scalise, Cedric Richmond, Jeffrey Landry, John Fleming, Rodney Alexander, Bill Cassidy, Charles Boustany, Chellie Pingree, Michael Michaud, Andy Harris, C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger, John Sarbanes, Donna Edwards, Steny Hoyer, Roscoe Bartlett, Elijah Cummings, Chris Van Hollen, John Olver, Richard Neal, James McGovern, Barney Frank, Niki Tsongas, John Tierney, Edward Markey, Michael Capuano, Stephen Lynch, William Keating, Dan Benishek, Bill Huizenga, Justin Amash, Dave Camp, Dale Kildee, Fred Upton, Tim Walberg, Mike Rogers, Gary Peters, Candice Miller, Thaddeus McCotter, Sander Levin, Hansen Clarke, John Conyers, John Dingell, Timothy Walz, John Kline, Erik Paulson, Betty McCollum, Keith Ellison, Collin Peterson, Chip Cracaack, Alan Nunnelee, Bennie Thompson, Gregg Harper, Steven Palazzo, Wm. Lacy Clay, Todd Akin, Russ Carnahan, Vicky Hartzler, Emanuel Cleaver, Sam Graves, Billy Long, Jo Ann Emerson, Blaine Luetkemeyer, Denny Rehberg, Jeff Fortenberry, Lee Terry, Adrian Smith, Shelley Berkley, Dean Heller, Joseph Heck, Frank Guinta, Charles Bass, Robert Andrews, Frank LoBiondo, Jon Runyan, Chrisopher Smith, Scott Garrett, Frank Pallone, Leonard Lance, Bill Pascrell, Steven Rothman, Donald Payne, Rodney Frelinghuysen, Rush Holt, Albio Sires, Martin Heinrich, Stevan Pearce, Ben Ray Lujan, Timothy H. Bishop, Steve Israel, Peter King, Carolyn McCarthy, Gary Ackerman, Gregory Meeks, Joseph Crowley, Jerrold Nadler, Anthony Weiner, Edolphus Towns, Yvette Clarke, Nydia Velazquez, Michael Grimm, Carolyn Maloney, Charles Rangel, Jose Serrano, Eliot Engel, Nita Lowey, Nan Hayworth, Christopher Gibson, Paul Tonko, Maurice Hinchey, William Owens, Richard Hannah, Ann Marie Buerkle, Brian Higgins, Louis McIntosh Slaughter, Tom Reed, G.K. Butterfield, Renee Ellmers, Walter Jones, David Price, Virginia Foxx, Howard Coble, Mike McIntyre, Larry Kissell, Sue Wilkins Myrick, Patrick McHenry, Heath Shuler, Melvin Watt, Brad Miller, Rick Berg, Gergorio Kilili Camacho Sablan, Steve Chabot, Jean Schmidt, Michael Turner, Jim Jordan, Robert Latta, Bill Johnson, Steve Austria, John A. Boehner, Marcy Kaptur, Dennis Kucinich, Marcia Fudge, Patrick Tiberi, Betty Sutton, Steven LaTourette, Steve Stivers, James Renacci, Tim Ryan, Bob Gibbs, John Sullivan, Dan Boren, Frank Lucas, Tom Cole, James Lankford, David Wu, Greg Walden, Earl Blumenauer, Peter DeFazio, Kurt Schrader, Robert Brady, Chaka Fattah, Mike Kelly, Jason Altmire, Glenn Thompson, Jim Gerlach, Patrick Meehan, Michael Fitzpatrick, Bill Schuster, Tom Marino, Lou Barletta, Mark Critz, Allyson Schwarz, Michael Doyle, Charles Dent, Joseph Pitts, Tim Holden, Tim Murphy, Todd Russell Platts, Pedro Pierluisi, David Cicilline, James Langevin, Tim Scott, Joe Wilson, Jeff Duncan, Trey Gowdy, Mick Mulvaney, James Clyburn, Kristi Noem, David Roe, John Duncan, Charle Fleischmann, Scott DesJarlais, Jim Cooper, Diane Black, Marsha Blackburn, Stephen Lee Fincher, Steve Cohen, Louie Gohmert, Ted Poe, Sam Johnson, Ralph Hall, Jeb Hensarling, Joe Barton, John Abney Culberson, Kevin Brady, Al Green, Michael McCaul, Michael Conaway, Kay Granger, Mac Thornberry, Ron Paul, Ruben Hinojosa, Silvestre Reyes, Bill Flores, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Randy Neugebauer, Charles Gonzalez, Lamar Smith, Pete Olson, Francisco Canseco, Kenny Marchant, Lloyd Doggett, Michael Burgess, Blake Farenthold, Henry Cuellar, Gene Green, Eddie Bernice Johnson, John Carter, Pete Sessions, Rob Bishop, Jim Matteson, Jason Chaffetz, Peter Welch, Donna Christensen, Robert Wittman, Scott Rigell, Robert Scott, Randy Forbes, Robert Hurt, Bob Goodlatte, Eric Cantor, James Moran, Morgan Griffith, Frank Wolf, Gerald Connolly, Jay Inslee, Rick Larsen, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Doc Hastings, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Norman Dicks, Jim McDermott, David Reichert, Adam Smith, David McKinley, Shelly Moore Capito, Nick Rahall, Paul Ryan, Rammy Baldwin, Ron Kind, Gwen Moore, James Sensenbrenner, Thomas, Petri, Sean Duffy, Reid Ribble, Cynthia M. Lummis, Jeff Sessions, Richard Shelby, Mark Begich, Lisa Murkowski, Jon Kyl, John McCain, Mark Pryor, John Boozman, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Mark Udall, Michael Bennett, Joseph Lieberman, Richard Blumenthal, Christopher Coons, Edward Kaufman, Bill Nelson, Marco Rubio, Saxby ChamblissMillions and millions of “votes” for Scott McCreary.  Millions and millions for Lauren Alaina.  Yet more millions and millions for Haley Reinhart (why, I’ll never know – don’t be hating me Haley fans – I just don’t think she’s talented).

And the winner is?  Oh, I don’t know… we don’t care.  The producers have agreed on… I mean, America has voted on… let’s say… Scotty!

You realize the votes aren’t counted, right?

If they actually did count the votes, the viewers would see those counts.  Because that would add an interesting dynamic.

But producers can’t do that because then they wouldn’t be able to kick off the contestants they don’t like.

The same thing applies when social media takes on politics.  When one person can re-post something a thousand times, it’s a superficial reading of what is really going on.

“Millions of emails have flooded the in-boxes of members of Congress.”  Yeah, millions and millions of  emails from three guys in Utah.  And all went straight to the Congressional Spam folder.

And every political party is doing it – which creates nothing but muddle.

I am fairly certain the Tea Party people are flooding their status updates with “Don’t Raise The Debt Ceiling At All.  Take Back America!”

And Republican Facebookers are pasting “Make Obama a one-term President.”

And the Democrats:  “Don’t let the corporate jet owners win again!”

Is there anyone counting who is updating their Facebook status the most times?  What do you think?  And what do they win if they post the most?  At least Scotty McCreary gets a record contract.  Social Media activists get… ignored.

We all know where the Debt Ceiling Impasse is headed no matter how many Tweets are Tweeted – and so does President Obama.  The U.S. will be kicking the can further down the road and a six month or one year debt ceiling extension that will accomplish very little and will be reluctantly signed on August 1st or 2nd.

Then Congress goes on vacation for the month of August.

The issue will be taken up again in early 2012 – two weeks or so before another possible default.  And the Facebook status posting and Tweeting will begin another cycle… just in time for the new season of “American Idol”.

Accel Partners, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Chris Hughes, David Kirkpatrick, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Gerald Levin, Greylock Partners, HBO, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, Jon Miller, Khan Manka, Li Ka-shing, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, MySpace, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Sheryl Sandberg, Sumner Redstone, Toy Story 3Jill Kennedy – OnMedea


Michael Bay: Turn Off The Dark

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, OnMedea, Jill Kennedy, Michael Bay, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Ehren Kruger, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Shia LaBeouf, Hugo Weaving, Ken Jeong, Josh Duhamel, Frances McDormand, Patrick Dempsey, John Malkovich, Leonard Nimoy, Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro, Alan Tudyk, Peter Cullen, Frank Welker, Tom Kenny, James Avery, Glenn Morshower, Keiko Agena, Julie White, Kevin Dunn, Charles Adler, Lester Speight, Robert Foxworth, Kym Whitley, Mark Ryan, Jess Harnell, Kathleen Gati, LaMonica Garrett, Anthony Azizi, Elena Kolpachikova, David Hutchison, David St. James, Jack Donner, Kevin Sizemore, Chris Sheffield, Lindsey Ginter, Brett Stimely, Markiss McFadden, Steve Hersack, Darren O'Hare, Darcy Leutzinger, Robert Herrick, James D. Weston, Scott C. Roe, Bob Kaye, Michael Loeffelholz, Rob Guzzo, Joel Shock, Denny Torich, Annie Hsu, Jason Endicott, Matt McVay, Morgan Williams, Bryan Basil, Nathaniel Best, Anthony Bonaventura, Ryan Buckley, Ken Bulcroft, Michael Daniel Cassady, Jason Adam Chaffin, Larry Clarke, Cameron Comstock, Jordan Michael Coulson, Thomas Crawford, Adam Critchlow, Andrew Daly, John Dezsi, Gena Ellis, John Farrer, Maile Flanagan, Reese Foster, Aaron Garrido, Corin Grant, Marie Grujicic-Delage, Terrick Guindy, Niki Haze, William Haze, Jessie Heiman, David Hill, Jasyn Jefferies, Haytham Kandil, Josh Kelly, Kristoffer Kjornes, Inna Korobkina, Erik Kowalski, Scott Krinsky, Joel Lambert, Scott Levy, Brett Lynch, Noelle Lynn, Taylor McCluskey, Alecia McGill, Ray Mirabal, Michael Morana, Prida Moreza, Paul Morgan, Dean Napolitano, Jason Neisewander, Daniel OKeefe, Michael Palma, Kenny Bates, Ian Bryce, Allegra Clegg, Matthew Cohan Tom DeSanto, Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Brian Goldner, Michael Kase, Michelle McGonagle, Don Murphy, Steven Spielberg, Mark Vahradian, Steve Jablonsky, Amir M. Mokri, Roger Barton, William Goldenberg, Joel Negron, Denise Chamian, Nigel Phelps, Ralph Bertelle, Allegra Clegg

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, OnMedea, Jill Kennedy, Michael Bay, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Ehren Kruger, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Shia LaBeouf, Hugo Weaving, Ken Jeong, Josh Duhamel, Frances McDormand, Patrick Dempsey, John Malkovich, Leonard Nimoy, Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro, Alan Tudyk, Peter Cullen, Frank Welker, Tom Kenny, James Avery, Glenn Morshower, Keiko Agena, Julie White, Kevin Dunn, Charles Adler, Lester Speight, Robert Foxworth, Kym Whitley, Mark Ryan, Jess Harnell, Kathleen Gati, LaMonica Garrett, Anthony Azizi, Elena Kolpachikova, David Hutchison, David St. James, Jack Donner, Kevin Sizemore, Chris Sheffield, Lindsey Ginter, Brett Stimely, Markiss McFadden, Steve Hersack, Darren O'Hare, Darcy Leutzinger, Robert Herrick, James D. Weston, Scott C. Roe, Bob Kaye, Michael Loeffelholz, Rob Guzzo, Joel Shock, Denny Torich, Annie Hsu, Jason Endicott, Matt McVay, Morgan Williams, Bryan Basil, Nathaniel Best, Anthony Bonaventura, Ryan Buckley, Ken Bulcroft, Michael Daniel Cassady, Jason Adam Chaffin, Larry Clarke, Cameron Comstock, Jordan Michael Coulson, Thomas Crawford, Adam Critchlow, Andrew Daly, John Dezsi, Gena Ellis, John Farrer, Maile Flanagan, Reese Foster, Aaron Garrido, Corin Grant, Marie Grujicic-Delage, Terrick Guindy, Niki Haze, William Haze, Jessie Heiman, David Hill, Jasyn Jefferies, Haytham Kandil, Josh Kelly, Kristoffer Kjornes, Inna Korobkina, Erik Kowalski, Scott Krinsky, Joel Lambert, Scott Levy, Brett Lynch, Noelle Lynn, Taylor McCluskey, Alecia McGill, Ray Mirabal, Michael Morana, Prida Moreza, Paul Morgan, Dean Napolitano, Jason Neisewander, Daniel OKeefe, Michael Palma, Kenny Bates, Ian Bryce, Allegra Clegg, Matthew Cohan Tom DeSanto, Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Brian Goldner, Michael Kase, Michelle McGonagle, Don Murphy, Steven Spielberg, Mark Vahradian, Steve Jablonsky, Amir M. Mokri, Roger Barton, William Goldenberg, Joel Negron, Denise Chamian, Nigel Phelps, Ralph Bertelle, Allegra CleggI’m going to start with a really stupid statement:  Filmmakers are a very important piece of the filmmaking process.

But they’re not the only piece.

It appears Michael Bay has a problem with the way movie theaters have been projecting 3D movies lately (read: dark) – and, in particular, is concerned about his upcoming “Transformers: Dark Of The Moon”.  (I’m not sure why he wasn’t screaming at them when “Kung Fu Panda 2” was released with the same issues… but I digress.)

And isn’t it ironic that Mr. Bay is asking theaters to lighten up the image of a movie titled “Transformers: DARK of the Moon”?

Here’s the dilemma for movie theaters:  Should they lose more money this quarter to make “Transformers 3” look better?  Theater owners have been hammered lately and are just trying to survive.

I suppose one could argue the reason the economics are bad for movie theaters is because the movies don’t look better – I don’t believe that for a second.

Would better projection have helped “Green Lantern”?  All the reviews I read didn’t mention how light or dark the movie was in the theater.

Audiences couldn’t even see “The Dark Knight” and it made a billion dollars and was loved by all.

What does Michael Bay expect movie theaters to do?  Remember, these are the same theaters he defended when he signed the movie industry letter against  Premium VOD (which would offer unbelievable picture quality – probably even up to his standards) in the home just six weeks after showing in theaters.

Bay said in an email to Variety:  “We have created a special version (of “Transformers 3”) with extra sharpening, color and contrast.  It is a superior look in the format.  The brighter the image, the brain processes in a different way and the results sharpens and makes it more vibrant.  We did many studies on the formats for presentation and I found this to be the best result.”

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, OnMedea, Jill Kennedy, Michael Bay, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Ehren Kruger, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Shia LaBeouf, Hugo Weaving, Ken Jeong, Josh Duhamel, Frances McDormand, Patrick Dempsey, John Malkovich, Leonard Nimoy, Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro, Alan Tudyk, Peter Cullen, Frank Welker, Tom Kenny, James Avery, Glenn Morshower, Keiko Agena, Julie White, Kevin Dunn, Charles Adler, Lester Speight, Robert Foxworth, Kym Whitley, Mark Ryan, Jess Harnell, Kathleen Gati, LaMonica Garrett, Anthony Azizi, Elena Kolpachikova, David Hutchison, David St. James, Jack Donner, Kevin Sizemore, Chris Sheffield, Lindsey Ginter, Brett Stimely, Markiss McFadden, Steve Hersack, Darren O'Hare, Darcy Leutzinger, Robert Herrick, James D. Weston, Scott C. Roe, Bob Kaye, Michael Loeffelholz, Rob Guzzo, Joel Shock, Denny Torich, Annie Hsu, Jason Endicott, Matt McVay, Morgan Williams, Bryan Basil, Nathaniel Best, Anthony Bonaventura, Ryan Buckley, Ken Bulcroft, Michael Daniel Cassady, Jason Adam Chaffin, Larry Clarke, Cameron Comstock, Jordan Michael Coulson, Thomas Crawford, Adam Critchlow, Andrew Daly, John Dezsi, Gena Ellis, John Farrer, Maile Flanagan, Reese Foster, Aaron Garrido, Corin Grant, Marie Grujicic-Delage, Terrick Guindy, Niki Haze, William Haze, Jessie Heiman, David Hill, Jasyn Jefferies, Haytham Kandil, Josh Kelly, Kristoffer Kjornes, Inna Korobkina, Erik Kowalski, Scott Krinsky, Joel Lambert, Scott Levy, Brett Lynch, Noelle Lynn, Taylor McCluskey, Alecia McGill, Ray Mirabal, Michael Morana, Prida Moreza, Paul Morgan, Dean Napolitano, Jason Neisewander, Daniel OKeefe, Michael Palma, Kenny Bates, Ian Bryce, Allegra Clegg, Matthew Cohan Tom DeSanto, Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Brian Goldner, Michael Kase, Michelle McGonagle, Don Murphy, Steven Spielberg, Mark Vahradian, Steve Jablonsky, Amir M. Mokri, Roger Barton, William Goldenberg, Joel Negron, Denise Chamian, Nigel Phelps, Ralph Bertelle, Allegra CleggManka Bros., Khan Manka, OnMedea, Jill Kennedy, Michael Bay, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Ehren Kruger, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Shia LaBeouf, Hugo Weaving, Ken Jeong, Josh Duhamel, Frances McDormand, Patrick Dempsey, John Malkovich, Leonard Nimoy, Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro, Alan Tudyk, Peter Cullen, Frank Welker, Tom Kenny, James Avery, Glenn Morshower, Keiko Agena, Julie White, Kevin Dunn, Charles Adler, Lester Speight, Robert Foxworth, Kym Whitley, Mark Ryan, Jess Harnell, Kathleen Gati, LaMonica Garrett, Anthony Azizi, Elena Kolpachikova, David Hutchison, David St. James, Jack Donner, Kevin Sizemore, Chris Sheffield, Lindsey Ginter, Brett Stimely, Markiss McFadden, Steve Hersack, Darren O'Hare, Darcy Leutzinger, Robert Herrick, James D. Weston, Scott C. Roe, Bob Kaye, Michael Loeffelholz, Rob Guzzo, Joel Shock, Denny Torich, Annie Hsu, Jason Endicott, Matt McVay, Morgan Williams, Bryan Basil, Nathaniel Best, Anthony Bonaventura, Ryan Buckley, Ken Bulcroft, Michael Daniel Cassady, Jason Adam Chaffin, Larry Clarke, Cameron Comstock, Jordan Michael Coulson, Thomas Crawford, Adam Critchlow, Andrew Daly, John Dezsi, Gena Ellis, John Farrer, Maile Flanagan, Reese Foster, Aaron Garrido, Corin Grant, Marie Grujicic-Delage, Terrick Guindy, Niki Haze, William Haze, Jessie Heiman, David Hill, Jasyn Jefferies, Haytham Kandil, Josh Kelly, Kristoffer Kjornes, Inna Korobkina, Erik Kowalski, Scott Krinsky, Joel Lambert, Scott Levy, Brett Lynch, Noelle Lynn, Taylor McCluskey, Alecia McGill, Ray Mirabal, Michael Morana, Prida Moreza, Paul Morgan, Dean Napolitano, Jason Neisewander, Daniel OKeefe, Michael Palma, Kenny Bates, Ian Bryce, Allegra Clegg, Matthew Cohan Tom DeSanto, Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Brian Goldner, Michael Kase, Michelle McGonagle, Don Murphy, Steven Spielberg, Mark Vahradian, Steve Jablonsky, Amir M. Mokri, Roger Barton, William Goldenberg, Joel Negron, Denise Chamian, Nigel Phelps, Ralph Bertelle, Allegra CleggSo Michael Bay knows how the brain reacts to images?  Has there been a study on how the brain reacts to Michael Bay films?  My hypothesis… it slowly dies.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, Terrence Malick has issued specific instructions to movie theaters on how to project “The Tree Of Life”.

First of all, as respected a filmmaker as Terrence Malick is, most of his movies don’t get a super wide release and are thus relegated to lower tiered theaters (in L.A. this would be Laemmle).  Many of these theaters don’t have (and can’t afford) this kind of equipment.

Which is another interesting conundrum – some of the best movies made over the past [any amount] years are the ones that have been stuck in art houses with terrible projection systems.  Shouldn’t these be the films that get preferential treatment?

What should the projector settings be for “Midnight In Paris”?  Poor Woody Allen’s movies have been shown in nothing but lower grade art house theaters for the past 30 years and not one person has come out to say his films deserve to be shown in the best theaters with the best projection system in the world.  He uses world class cinematographers and you don’t see him bitching about the quality of the movie projection systems.

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, OnMedea, Jill Kennedy, Michael Bay, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Ehren Kruger, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Shia LaBeouf, Hugo Weaving, Ken Jeong, Josh Duhamel, Frances McDormand, Patrick Dempsey, John Malkovich, Leonard Nimoy, Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro, Alan Tudyk, Peter Cullen, Frank Welker, Tom Kenny, James Avery, Glenn Morshower, Keiko Agena, Julie White, Kevin Dunn, Charles Adler, Lester Speight, Robert Foxworth, Kym Whitley, Mark Ryan, Jess Harnell, Kathleen Gati, LaMonica Garrett, Anthony Azizi, Elena Kolpachikova, David Hutchison, David St. James, Jack Donner, Kevin Sizemore, Chris Sheffield, Lindsey Ginter, Brett Stimely, Markiss McFadden, Steve Hersack, Darren O'Hare, Darcy Leutzinger, Robert Herrick, James D. Weston, Scott C. Roe, Bob Kaye, Michael Loeffelholz, Rob Guzzo, Joel Shock, Denny Torich, Annie Hsu, Jason Endicott, Matt McVay, Morgan Williams, Bryan Basil, Nathaniel Best, Anthony Bonaventura, Ryan Buckley, Ken Bulcroft, Michael Daniel Cassady, Jason Adam Chaffin, Larry Clarke, Cameron Comstock, Jordan Michael Coulson, Thomas Crawford, Adam Critchlow, Andrew Daly, John Dezsi, Gena Ellis, John Farrer, Maile Flanagan, Reese Foster, Aaron Garrido, Corin Grant, Marie Grujicic-Delage, Terrick Guindy, Niki Haze, William Haze, Jessie Heiman, David Hill, Jasyn Jefferies, Haytham Kandil, Josh Kelly, Kristoffer Kjornes, Inna Korobkina, Erik Kowalski, Scott Krinsky, Joel Lambert, Scott Levy, Brett Lynch, Noelle Lynn, Taylor McCluskey, Alecia McGill, Ray Mirabal, Michael Morana, Prida Moreza, Paul Morgan, Dean Napolitano, Jason Neisewander, Daniel OKeefe, Michael Palma, Kenny Bates, Ian Bryce, Allegra Clegg, Matthew Cohan Tom DeSanto, Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Brian Goldner, Michael Kase, Michelle McGonagle, Don Murphy, Steven Spielberg, Mark Vahradian, Steve Jablonsky, Amir M. Mokri, Roger Barton, William Goldenberg, Joel Negron, Denise Chamian, Nigel Phelps, Ralph Bertelle, Allegra CleggImagine what the theaters were like when “The Godfather” was first put out.  Gordon Willis painstakingly lit that film and it was absolutely gorgeous and it was shown (and loved) on a 1971 movie projector.  “Jaws”, “Close Encounters…”, “Star Wars”… etc. etc. etc. were all made and projected with the equipment available at the time.  And these are classic films.  Whether it was shown light or dark had nothing to do with how it was received.

But Michael Bay appears to have higher stands and demands more.  Perhaps Michael Bay should front the additional cost when these expensive projector bulbs burn out faster and need to be replaced more frequently.

Don’t get me wrong, movie theaters are a major contributor to the problem here starting with the $15 for a medium popcorn and a diet Coke… oh, yeah, and the projection is really dark.

But no matter how horrible the experience, at least you’re not spending $300 to see “Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark”.

And all these technical issues happening right now would mean absolutely nothing – and no one would be talking about it at all – if the movies being projected didn’t suck so much.

Accel Partners, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Chris Hughes, David Kirkpatrick, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Gerald Levin, Greylock Partners, HBO, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, Jon Miller, Khan Manka, Li Ka-shing, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, MySpace, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Sheryl Sandberg, Sumner Redstone, Toy Story 3Jill Kennedy – OnMedea

LinkedIn Acquired By For $37,242

Jeff Weiner, Nick Besbeas, Steve Cadigan, Mike Gamson, David Henke, Robby Kwok, Deep Nishar, Erika Rottenberg, Steve Sordello, Reid Hoffman, Allen Blue, Konstantin Guericke, Eric Ly, jean-Luc Vaillant, A George "Skip" Battle, Leslie Kilgore, Stanley Meresman, Michael J. Moritz, David Sze, Sal Iannuzzi, Timothy T. Yates, John Gaulding, Admiral Edmund P. Giambastiani, Cynthia P. McCague, Jeffrey F. Rayport, Roberto Tunioli, James M. Langrock, Andrea Bertone, Darko Dejanovic, Ted Gilvar, Edward Lo, Michael C. Miller, Lise Poulos, Mark Stoever, Patrick W. Manzo, OnMedea, Jill Kennedy, Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Ben Silverman, Sumner Redstone, Jeff Zucker, Ari Emanuel, Rupert Murdoch, Bob Iger

Jeff Weiner, Nick Besbeas, Steve Cadigan, Mike Gamson, David Henke, Robby Kwok, Deep Nishar, Erika Rottenberg, Steve Sordello, Reid Hoffman, Allen Blue, Konstantin Guericke, Eric Ly, jean-Luc Vaillant, A George "Skip" Battle, Leslie Kilgore, Stanley Meresman, Michael J. Moritz, David Sze, Sal Iannuzzi, Timothy T. Yates, John Gaulding, Admiral Edmund P. Giambastiani, Cynthia P. McCague, Jeffrey F. Rayport, Roberto Tunioli, James M. Langrock, Andrea Bertone, Darko Dejanovic, Ted Gilvar, Edward Lo, Michael C. Miller, Lise Poulos, Mark Stoever, Patrick W. Manzo, OnMedea, Jill Kennedy, Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Ben Silverman, Sumner Redstone, Jeff Zucker, Ari Emanuel, Rupert Murdoch, Bob IgerThe year is 2014.

The people of the world have abandoned social networking after going out on too many creepy dates.

LinkedIn, once a Wall Street darling, was acquired today by for $37,242 – basically the value of the copper wire in the walls of their unfinished (and unpaid for) $1 billion dollar office complex in The Presidio.

At its peak in late 2011, LinkedIn (a groundbreaking social network in which people could send messages to each other) had a market cap of $560 billion – more than the top 2 companies in the world combined.

The stock began its plunge after CEO Jeff Weiner cashed out and left the company to become CEO of Apple at the beginning of 2012.   Ironically, Apple’s stock began its plunge immediately after he became CEO.

It’s really a tragic story of greed and the inability to create a product that people can actually use.  And if they did use it, it was only because they thought they should be doing it – because others were – and no one wants to be left out.  But now everyone is left out.

Jeff Weiner, Nick Besbeas, Steve Cadigan, Mike Gamson, David Henke, Robby Kwok, Deep Nishar, Erika Rottenberg, Steve Sordello, Reid Hoffman, Allen Blue, Konstantin Guericke, Eric Ly, jean-Luc Vaillant, A George "Skip" Battle, Leslie Kilgore, Stanley Meresman, Michael J. Moritz, David Sze, Sal Iannuzzi, Timothy T. Yates, John Gaulding, Admiral Edmund P. Giambastiani, Cynthia P. McCague, Jeffrey F. Rayport, Roberto Tunioli, James M. Langrock, Andrea Bertone, Darko Dejanovic, Ted Gilvar, Edward Lo, Michael C. Miller, Lise Poulos, Mark Stoever, Patrick W. Manzo, OnMedea, Jill Kennedy, Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Ben Silverman, Sumner Redstone, Jeff Zucker, Ari Emanuel, Rupert Murdoch, Bob IgerAbout the sale, Mr. Weiner said:  “I work at Apple now.  I’m just thinking about running this company.  LinkedIn was just a blip in my long career.  It was really Reid’s baby, Reid’s vision (State Senator Reid Hoffman D-Palo Alto).  I just worked there.”

And made over $2 billion while there.

Senator Hoffman was unreachable by phone but did release a statement through his office:  “LinkedIn should have been my ticket to wealth beyond my wildest dreams.  Thinking back, I wish I would have sold all (or even some) of my stock when it peaked like Jeff Weiner did.  That bastard made $2 billion!  It’s a God damned shame.  State politics don’t pay shit.”

So LinkedIn, you were great once (in valuation), but now you’re gone.  To quote The Lion In Winter – “The sun was warmer then…”

Shine on you crazy diamond!

Accel Partners, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Chris Hughes, David Kirkpatrick, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Gerald Levin, Greylock Partners, HBO, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, Jon Miller, Khan Manka, Li Ka-shing, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, MySpace, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Sheryl Sandberg, Sumner Redstone, Toy Story 3Jill Kennedy – OnMedea


All The Facebook’s Men

1000Memories, Accel Partners, Amish Jani, Andrew Hyde, Andrew Mason, Andy Sack, Ashton Kutcher, Aydin Senkut, Ben Silverman, Bin 38, Bob Davis, Bob Iger, Brad Feld, Brian Kempner, Chris Hughes, Christopher Steiner, Dan Nova, Daniel Gaisin, Danielle Hootnick, Dave McClure, David Brown, David Cohen, David Kirkpatrick, Demi Moore, Demo Day, Diego Gutierrez, Dustin Moskovitz, Edmond Yue, Eduardo Saverin, Emmett Shear, Eric Lefkofsky, Fergal Mullen, FirstMark Capital, Founders At Work, Francis Duong, Gaurav Tewari, Gerald Levin, Gerald Poch, Greg McAdoo, Greylock Partners, Harjeet Taggar, HBO, Highland Capital Partners, Irena Goldenberg, Jared Polis, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Weiner, Jeff Zucker, Jessica Livingston, Jessica Mah, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, John Hsin, John Palfrey, Jon Miller, Jr., Justin Kan,, Khan Manka, Larry Wilson, Laurence Albukerk, Lawrence Lenihan, Li Ka-shing, Loopt, Manish Patel, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, Matt Nichols, Michael Arrington, Michael Gaiss, MySpace, Nick Marsh, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Paul Cianciolo, Paul Graham, Peter Bell, Peter Thiel, Reddit, Richard de Silva, Richard Heitzman, Rick Heitzmann, Robert Morris, Ron Conway, Rudy Adler, Rupert Murdoch, Sand Hill Road, Scott Shane, Scott Switzer, Sequoia Capital, Sergey Nazarov, Shabbir Dahod, Shawn Broderick, Sheryl Sandberg, Sterling Phillips, Sumner Redstone, Tapzilla, TechCrunch, TechStars, TextPayMe, Toy Story 3, Trevor Blackwell, Y Combinator, google, Eric Schmidt, Tina Brown, The Daily Beast, Barry Diller, Dan Lyons, Google Smear campaign, Burson-Marsteller, Chris Soghoian, Jim Goldman, John Mercurio,

1000Memories, Accel Partners, Amish Jani, Andrew Hyde, Andrew Mason, Andy Sack, Ashton Kutcher, Aydin Senkut, Ben Silverman, Bin 38, Bob Davis, Bob Iger, Brad Feld, Brian Kempner, Chris Hughes, Christopher Steiner, Dan Nova, Daniel Gaisin, Danielle Hootnick, Dave McClure, David Brown, David Cohen, David Kirkpatrick, Demi Moore, Demo Day, Diego Gutierrez, Dustin Moskovitz, Edmond Yue, Eduardo Saverin, Emmett Shear, Eric Lefkofsky, Fergal Mullen, FirstMark Capital, Founders At Work, Francis Duong, Gaurav Tewari, Gerald Levin, Gerald Poch, Greg McAdoo, Greylock Partners, Harjeet Taggar, HBO, Highland Capital Partners, Irena Goldenberg, Jared Polis, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Weiner, Jeff Zucker, Jessica Livingston, Jessica Mah, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, John Hsin, John Palfrey, Jon Miller, Jr., Justin Kan,, Khan Manka, Larry Wilson, Laurence Albukerk, Lawrence Lenihan, Li Ka-shing, Loopt, Manish Patel, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, Matt Nichols, Michael Arrington, Michael Gaiss, MySpace, Nick Marsh, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Paul Cianciolo, Paul Graham, Peter Bell, Peter Thiel, Reddit, Richard de Silva, Richard Heitzman, Rick Heitzmann, Robert Morris, Ron Conway, Rudy Adler, Rupert Murdoch, Sand Hill Road, Scott Shane, Scott Switzer, Sequoia Capital, Sergey Nazarov, Shabbir Dahod, Shawn Broderick, Sheryl Sandberg, Sterling Phillips, Sumner Redstone, Tapzilla, TechCrunch, TechStars, TextPayMe, Toy Story 3, Trevor Blackwell, Y Combinator, google, Eric Schmidt, Tina Brown, The Daily Beast, Barry Diller, Dan Lyons, Google Smear campaign, Burson-Marsteller, Chris Soghoian, Jim Goldman, John Mercurio,As soon as I read The Daily Beast story about Facebook’s alleged smear (whisper) campaign against Google, I immediately thought of the scene in “All The President’s Men” with all the newspaper editors sitting around deciding which stories to run the next day.

When Watergate is brought up, there is stiff resistance from a couple of the editors.

This scene (replacing ‘Watergate’ with ‘Facebook’) could easily have played out at The Daily Beast with the change of a few words in the screenplay:


SEXY BEAST EDITOR: Let me tell you what happened when I was having lunch today at Locanda Verde–

TINA BROWN: Correction – when you were drinking your lunch at the bar of Locanda Verde–

The room erupts in laughter.

1000Memories, Accel Partners, Amish Jani, Andrew Hyde, Andrew Mason, Andy Sack, Ashton Kutcher, Aydin Senkut, Ben Silverman, Bin 38, Bob Davis, Bob Iger, Brad Feld, Brian Kempner, Chris Hughes, Christopher Steiner, Dan Nova, Daniel Gaisin, Danielle Hootnick, Dave McClure, David Brown, David Cohen, David Kirkpatrick, Demi Moore, Demo Day, Diego Gutierrez, Dustin Moskovitz, Edmond Yue, Eduardo Saverin, Emmett Shear, Eric Lefkofsky, Fergal Mullen, FirstMark Capital, Founders At Work, Francis Duong, Gaurav Tewari, Gerald Levin, Gerald Poch, Greg McAdoo, Greylock Partners, Harjeet Taggar, HBO, Highland Capital Partners, Irena Goldenberg, Jared Polis, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Weiner, Jeff Zucker, Jessica Livingston, Jessica Mah, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, John Hsin, John Palfrey, Jon Miller, Jr., Justin Kan,, Khan Manka, Larry Wilson, Laurence Albukerk, Lawrence Lenihan, Li Ka-shing, Loopt, Manish Patel, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, Matt Nichols, Michael Arrington, Michael Gaiss, MySpace, Nick Marsh, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Paul Cianciolo, Paul Graham, Peter Bell, Peter Thiel, Reddit, Richard de Silva, Richard Heitzman, Rick Heitzmann, Robert Morris, Ron Conway, Rudy Adler, Rupert Murdoch, Sand Hill Road, Scott Shane, Scott Switzer, Sequoia Capital, Sergey Nazarov, Shabbir Dahod, Shawn Broderick, Sheryl Sandberg, Sterling Phillips, Sumner Redstone, Tapzilla, TechCrunch, TechStars, TextPayMe, Toy Story 3, Trevor Blackwell, Y Combinator, google, Eric Schmidt, Tina Brown, The Daily Beast, Barry Diller, Dan Lyons, Google Smear campaign, Burson-Marsteller, Chris Soghoian, Jim Goldman, John Mercurio,SEXY BEAST EDITOR: –this Facebook guy, a good one, a pro, came up and asked what is the “Google smear” compulsion with you guys and I said, well, we think it’s important and he said, if it’s so goddamn important, who the hell is Dan Lyons?

INNOVATION EDITOR:  Fake Steve Jobs for one – but I digress.  Ask him what he’s really saying – he means to take the story away from Dan Lyons and give it to his people at the Sexy Beast.

SEXY BEAST EDITOR: Well, I’ve got some pretty experienced people sitting around, wouldn’t you say so?

INNOVATION EDITOR: Absolutely, and that’s all they do, sit sit sit – every once in a while they reprint Michael Arrington, some reporting–

SEXY BEAST EDITOR: Well, what if Dan Lyons get it wrong–

TINA BROWN: Then it’s Barry Diller’s ass, isn’t it?  And we’ll all have to go work for a living.

1000Memories, Accel Partners, Amish Jani, Andrew Hyde, Andrew Mason, Andy Sack, Ashton Kutcher, Aydin Senkut, Ben Silverman, Bin 38, Bob Davis, Bob Iger, Brad Feld, Brian Kempner, Chris Hughes, Christopher Steiner, Dan Nova, Daniel Gaisin, Danielle Hootnick, Dave McClure, David Brown, David Cohen, David Kirkpatrick, Demi Moore, Demo Day, Diego Gutierrez, Dustin Moskovitz, Edmond Yue, Eduardo Saverin, Emmett Shear, Eric Lefkofsky, Fergal Mullen, FirstMark Capital, Founders At Work, Francis Duong, Gaurav Tewari, Gerald Levin, Gerald Poch, Greg McAdoo, Greylock Partners, Harjeet Taggar, HBO, Highland Capital Partners, Irena Goldenberg, Jared Polis, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Weiner, Jeff Zucker, Jessica Livingston, Jessica Mah, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, John Hsin, John Palfrey, Jon Miller, Jr., Justin Kan,, Khan Manka, Larry Wilson, Laurence Albukerk, Lawrence Lenihan, Li Ka-shing, Loopt, Manish Patel, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, Matt Nichols, Michael Arrington, Michael Gaiss, MySpace, Nick Marsh, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Paul Cianciolo, Paul Graham, Peter Bell, Peter Thiel, Reddit, Richard de Silva, Richard Heitzman, Rick Heitzmann, Robert Morris, Ron Conway, Rudy Adler, Rupert Murdoch, Sand Hill Road, Scott Shane, Scott Switzer, Sequoia Capital, Sergey Nazarov, Shabbir Dahod, Shawn Broderick, Sheryl Sandberg, Sterling Phillips, Sumner Redstone, Tapzilla, TechCrunch, TechStars, TextPayMe, Toy Story 3, Trevor Blackwell, Y Combinator, google, Eric Schmidt, Tina Brown, The Daily Beast, Barry Diller, Dan Lyons, Google Smear campaign, Burson-Marsteller, Chris Soghoian, Jim Goldman, John Mercurio,The room clears, only a couple of Editors and Tina Brown stay behind:

SEXY BEAST EDITOR: I don’t think we should cover this story, period.


SEXY BEAST EDITOR: It’s not that we’re using unnamed sources that bothers me, or that everything we print Facebook denies.

TINA BROWN: What then?

SEXY BEAST EDITOR: I don’t believe the goddamn story, Tina, it doesn’t make sense.

TINA BROWN: It will, it just hasn’t bottomed out yet, give it time.

SEXY BEAST EDITOR: Look, why would Facebook do it?  My God, Google is self-destructing before our eyes – just like MySpace did, Friendster, the bunch of ’em.  Why would Burson-Marsteller send emails to bloggers urging them to write negative stories about Google, unless they wanted to get caught?  Why would Burson go to Politico, The Washington Post and The Huffington Post, unless they wanted to get caught?

TINA BROWN: Are you saying Google started a whisper campaign against itself?

SEXY BEAST EDITOR:  Jill Kennedy at OnMedea thinks it’s possible – Google needs some positive press, corruption’s always a good one.  Get off the story, Tina – or put some people on Google’s public relations team – fair is fair, even in our business.


Hey, we’re early enough in this conspiracy where all theories are in play. 

Accel Partners, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Chris Hughes, David Kirkpatrick, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Gerald Levin, Greylock Partners, HBO, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, Jon Miller, Khan Manka, Li Ka-shing, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, MySpace, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Sheryl Sandberg, Sumner Redstone, Toy Story 3Jill Kennedy – OnMedea

Click here to read the scene from the original script of “All The President’s Men”

The Huffington Post Is Dead – R.I.P.

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Arianna Huffington, Eric Hippeau, Roy Sekoff, Jai Singh, Thomas B. Edsall, Willow Bay, Daniel Froomkin, Nico Pitney, Colin Sterling, Ashley McAdams, Ryan Grim, Howard Fineman, Peter Goodman, Anya Strzemien, Danny Shea, David Flumenbaum, Kimberly Brooks, Cara Parks, Alan B. Elias Kornfeld, Katy Hall, Sara Wilson, Adam Rose, Marcus Baram, Jonah Green, Jennifer Sabella, Ethan Axelrod, Amy Hertz, Bianca Bosker, Leah Finnegan, Whitney Snyder, Billy Silverman, Kate Auletta, Paul Raushenbush, Ben Craw, Nicholas Graham, David Weiner, Mark Blumenthal, Emily Swanson, Russell Bishop, Dr. Patricia Fitzgerald, Dan Collins, Simon Johnson, Dean Ornish, Lloyd I. Sederer, Susan Blumenthan, David Katz, Mary Kyman, Rachel Naomi Remen, Mark Smith, Michael Roizen, Janet Taylor, William Sears, Elyse Siegel, Ryan McCarthy, Jeff Muskus, TJ Ortenzi, Alexander Belensy, Carly Schwartz, Clay Chiles, Meghan neal, Hilary Moss, Katla McGlynn, Michael Klopman, Jack Mirkinson, Travis Donovan, Stuart Whatley, Matt Sledge, Derstin Picht, Sebastian Howard, Grace Kiser, Lila Shapiro, Gazelle Emami, Hallie Seegal, Jason Linkins, Sam Stein, Arthur Delaney, Amanda Terkel, Shahien Nasiripour, Chris Kirkham, Laura Bassett, Nicholas Wing, William Alden, Amy Lee, Craig Kanalley, Rob Fishman, Rebecca Harrington, Hunter Stuart, Nora Ephron, Greg Coleman, Phil Cara, Andy Wiedlin, Taylor Gray, Sam Figler, Peter Cherukuri, Terry City, Brian Kaminsky, Hanna Volkman, Cindy Murphy, Marc Walker, Marcia Greenblatt, Laura Krebill, John Shankman, Lauri Baker, Jennifer Carroll, Robert Schmerler, Jennifer Cherniske, Mandy MacKay, Stephanie Barolomeo, Mehmet Cereb, Adam Gross, Rachel Taxman, Lindsey Rempell, Julia Steers, Daniela Perdomo, Camille Norris, Maeve Kennedy, Victoria Wright, Morgan Holland, Lindsay Warren, Stephane Bejhar, Sophie Dabuzhsky, Diana Smith, Trey Green, Michael Macher, Paul Berry, Cindy Jeffers, Sandeep Chayapathi, Theo Burry, Ben Regenspan, Travis Morrison, Mike Sparks, Jim Bartus, Rich Ochoa, Rodrigo Garcia, Amanda Chan, Mari Ruiz, Eric Ashman, Chris Davis, Ellen Shell, Alex Maccallum, Jackie Greaney, Melaine Fuentes, Sharon Dhanraj, MIranda Cheng, Scott Hoos, Mike Cardarelli, Patty Elvey, Jeff Swafford, Lorraine Baker, McCall Marshall, Kathleen Kane, Rachel Truong, Jonah Peretti, OnMedea, Jill Kennedy, World's Largest Media Company, Tim Armstrong, Kathy Andreasen, Jon Brod, Ned Brody, Brad Garlinghouse, Alexander Gounares, Lauren Hurvitz, Jared Grusd, Julie Jacobs, Jeff Levick, Artie Minson, Maureen Sullivan, Alberto Ibarguen, James Stengel, Fredric Reynolds, Michael Powell, Patricia Mitchell, Susan Lyne, Karen Dykstra, Richard Dalzell

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Arianna Huffington, Eric Hippeau, Roy Sekoff, Jai Singh, Thomas B. Edsall, Willow Bay, Daniel Froomkin, Nico Pitney, Colin Sterling, Ashley McAdams, Ryan Grim, Howard Fineman, Peter Goodman, Anya Strzemien, Danny Shea, David Flumenbaum, Kimberly Brooks, Cara Parks, Alan B. Elias Kornfeld, Katy Hall, Sara Wilson, Adam Rose, Marcus Baram, Jonah Green, Jennifer Sabella, Ethan Axelrod, Amy Hertz, Bianca Bosker, Leah Finnegan, Whitney Snyder, Billy Silverman, Kate Auletta, Paul Raushenbush, Ben Craw, Nicholas Graham, David Weiner, Mark Blumenthal, Emily Swanson, Russell Bishop, Dr. Patricia Fitzgerald, Dan Collins, Simon Johnson, Dean Ornish, Lloyd I. Sederer, Susan Blumenthan, David Katz, Mary Kyman, Rachel Naomi Remen, Mark Smith, Michael Roizen, Janet Taylor, William Sears, Elyse Siegel, Ryan McCarthy, Jeff Muskus, TJ Ortenzi, Alexander Belensy, Carly Schwartz, Clay Chiles, Meghan neal, Hilary Moss, Katla McGlynn, Michael Klopman, Jack Mirkinson, Travis Donovan, Stuart Whatley, Matt Sledge, Derstin Picht, Sebastian Howard, Grace Kiser, Lila Shapiro, Gazelle Emami, Hallie Seegal, Jason Linkins, Sam Stein, Arthur Delaney, Amanda Terkel, Shahien Nasiripour, Chris Kirkham, Laura Bassett, Nicholas Wing, William Alden, Amy Lee, Craig Kanalley, Rob Fishman, Rebecca Harrington, Hunter Stuart, Nora Ephron, Greg Coleman, Phil Cara, Andy Wiedlin, Taylor Gray, Sam Figler, Peter Cherukuri, Terry City, Brian Kaminsky, Hanna Volkman, Cindy Murphy, Marc Walker, Marcia Greenblatt, Laura Krebill, John Shankman, Lauri Baker, Jennifer Carroll, Robert Schmerler, Jennifer Cherniske, Mandy MacKay, Stephanie Barolomeo, Mehmet Cereb, Adam Gross, Rachel Taxman, Lindsey Rempell, Julia Steers, Daniela Perdomo, Camille Norris, Maeve Kennedy, Victoria Wright, Morgan Holland, Lindsay Warren, Stephane Bejhar, Sophie Dabuzhsky, Diana Smith, Trey Green, Michael Macher, Paul Berry, Cindy Jeffers, Sandeep Chayapathi, Theo Burry, Ben Regenspan, Travis Morrison, Mike Sparks, Jim Bartus, Rich Ochoa, Rodrigo Garcia, Amanda Chan, Mari Ruiz, Eric Ashman, Chris Davis, Ellen Shell, Alex Maccallum, Jackie Greaney, Melaine Fuentes, Sharon Dhanraj, MIranda Cheng, Scott Hoos, Mike Cardarelli, Patty Elvey, Jeff Swafford, Lorraine Baker, McCall Marshall, Kathleen Kane, Rachel Truong, Jonah Peretti, OnMedea, Jill Kennedy, World's Largest Media Company, Tim Armstrong, Kathy Andreasen, Jon Brod, Ned Brody, Brad Garlinghouse, Alexander Gounares, Lauren Hurvitz, Jared Grusd, Julie Jacobs, Jeff Levick, Artie Minson, Maureen Sullivan, Alberto Ibarguen, James Stengel, Fredric Reynolds, Michael Powell, Patricia Mitchell, Susan Lyne, Karen Dykstra, Richard DalzellYou had a really great thing going, Arianna.

The Huffington Post was one of the more exciting and visually striking destination sites on the Internet.  There was a fantastic sense of community – a “we’re-all-in-this-together” kind of feeling that will be nearly impossible to replicate anywhere else.

Whenever I went to the Huffington Post (before the buy-out), I could literally see the hustle and the bustle (new stories posted by the minute with user comments multiplying before your eyes).

You rallied and recruited celebrities and experts who blogged about subjects that were important to them.  So important they didn’t want or need to be paid.  Huge communities sprung up overnight on hundreds of topics.  It was an amazing success story.

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Arianna Huffington, Eric Hippeau, Roy Sekoff, Jai Singh, Thomas B. Edsall, Willow Bay, Daniel Froomkin, Nico Pitney, Colin Sterling, Ashley McAdams, Ryan Grim, Howard Fineman, Peter Goodman, Anya Strzemien, Danny Shea, David Flumenbaum, Kimberly Brooks, Cara Parks, Alan B. Elias Kornfeld, Katy Hall, Sara Wilson, Adam Rose, Marcus Baram, Jonah Green, Jennifer Sabella, Ethan Axelrod, Amy Hertz, Bianca Bosker, Leah Finnegan, Whitney Snyder, Billy Silverman, Kate Auletta, Paul Raushenbush, Ben Craw, Nicholas Graham, David Weiner, Mark Blumenthal, Emily Swanson, Russell Bishop, Dr. Patricia Fitzgerald, Dan Collins, Simon Johnson, Dean Ornish, Lloyd I. Sederer, Susan Blumenthan, David Katz, Mary Kyman, Rachel Naomi Remen, Mark Smith, Michael Roizen, Janet Taylor, William Sears, Elyse Siegel, Ryan McCarthy, Jeff Muskus, TJ Ortenzi, Alexander Belensy, Carly Schwartz, Clay Chiles, Meghan neal, Hilary Moss, Katla McGlynn, Michael Klopman, Jack Mirkinson, Travis Donovan, Stuart Whatley, Matt Sledge, Derstin Picht, Sebastian Howard, Grace Kiser, Lila Shapiro, Gazelle Emami, Hallie Seegal, Jason Linkins, Sam Stein, Arthur Delaney, Amanda Terkel, Shahien Nasiripour, Chris Kirkham, Laura Bassett, Nicholas Wing, William Alden, Amy Lee, Craig Kanalley, Rob Fishman, Rebecca Harrington, Hunter Stuart, Nora Ephron, Greg Coleman, Phil Cara, Andy Wiedlin, Taylor Gray, Sam Figler, Peter Cherukuri, Terry City, Brian Kaminsky, Hanna Volkman, Cindy Murphy, Marc Walker, Marcia Greenblatt, Laura Krebill, John Shankman, Lauri Baker, Jennifer Carroll, Robert Schmerler, Jennifer Cherniske, Mandy MacKay, Stephanie Barolomeo, Mehmet Cereb, Adam Gross, Rachel Taxman, Lindsey Rempell, Julia Steers, Daniela Perdomo, Camille Norris, Maeve Kennedy, Victoria Wright, Morgan Holland, Lindsay Warren, Stephane Bejhar, Sophie Dabuzhsky, Diana Smith, Trey Green, Michael Macher, Paul Berry, Cindy Jeffers, Sandeep Chayapathi, Theo Burry, Ben Regenspan, Travis Morrison, Mike Sparks, Jim Bartus, Rich Ochoa, Rodrigo Garcia, Amanda Chan, Mari Ruiz, Eric Ashman, Chris Davis, Ellen Shell, Alex Maccallum, Jackie Greaney, Melaine Fuentes, Sharon Dhanraj, MIranda Cheng, Scott Hoos, Mike Cardarelli, Patty Elvey, Jeff Swafford, Lorraine Baker, McCall Marshall, Kathleen Kane, Rachel Truong, Jonah Peretti, OnMedea, Jill Kennedy, World's Largest Media Company, Tim Armstrong, Kathy Andreasen, Jon Brod, Ned Brody, Brad Garlinghouse, Alexander Gounares, Lauren Hurvitz, Jared Grusd, Julie Jacobs, Jeff Levick, Artie Minson, Maureen Sullivan, Alberto Ibarguen, James Stengel, Fredric Reynolds, Michael Powell, Patricia Mitchell, Susan Lyne, Karen Dykstra, Richard DalzellBut it’s gone.

You cashed out.

You became an employee of AOLAOL?  One of the most hated brands in the world.

When I go to the Huffington Post now, the excitement is gone.

Topics have been slashed.  HP content is painfully lacking in any kind of passion.  The only interesting things to read are those that are reposted (some say stolen) from other websites.

You alienated those that meant the most to you – the celebrities and citizen bloggers –  because you couldn’t share the wealth.  You became irrelevant and for what?  $315 million (for which, reports say, you received $18 million).  You were already rich.  Was it worth that extra $18 million to become irrelevant?

Dumb question.  We all need an extra $18 million.  But politically you are nothing now – just another rich person on the cocktail party circuit (which may have been all you wanted anyway).

As for AOL… there’s really nothing to say.  It will always be AOL.  And that’s who you work for, Arianna.

I guess if things really go into the shitter, you can always write columns for the Brentwood Patch.

Accel Partners, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Chris Hughes, David Kirkpatrick, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Gerald Levin, Greylock Partners, HBO, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, Jon Miller, Khan Manka, Li Ka-shing, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, MySpace, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Sheryl Sandberg, Sumner Redstone, Toy Story 3Jill Kennedy – OnMedea


Leo Laporte Gets It

Ben Silverman doesn’t.  He really thinks he gets it but we know he doesn’t – and I seriously doubt Mob Wives will get him to the Promise Land of creating a next generation media business model.

But LEO LAPORTE (founder and chief guru of – or This Week In Technology) GETS IT!

Please watch this 40 minute speech (which I previously posted in October 2009 – but I think deserves a second look) he gave to the Online News Association and you’ll see what I mean.

Accel Partners, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Chris Hughes, David Kirkpatrick, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Gerald Levin, Greylock Partners, HBO, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, Jon Miller, Khan Manka, Li Ka-shing, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, MySpace, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Sheryl Sandberg, Sumner Redstone, Toy Story 3Jill Kennedy – OnMedea


Yahoo’s New Ad Campaign ROCKS!

Ari Emanuel, Bill Gates, Carol Bartz, David Dibble, Elisa Steele, Eric Schmidt, Google, Hilary Schneider, Jack in the Box, Jeff Weiner, Jerry Seinfeld, Jerry Yang, Khan Manka, Mac vs. PC, Manka Bros., Microsoft, Nicolas Sparks, Penny Baldwin, Steve Ballmer, Tapan Bhat, Terry Semel, Tim Morse, Y!ou, Yahoo!, Yahoo's new ad campaign

Ari Emanuel, Bill Gates, Carol Bartz, David Dibble, Elisa Steele, Eric Schmidt, Google, Hilary Schneider, Jack in the Box, Jeff Weiner, Jerry Seinfeld, Jerry Yang, Khan Manka, Mac vs. PC, Manka Bros., Microsoft, Nicolas Sparks, Penny Baldwin, Steve Ballmer, Tapan Bhat, Terry Semel, Tim Morse, Y!ou, Yahoo!, Yahoo's new ad campaignIt simply blows Apple’s Mac vs. PC ads out of the water.  Jack In The Box is Yahoo!’s bitch!

There… that should get a few Yahoo! executives clicking on this entry.

It’s actually a pretty terrible and underwhelming campaign and won’t do anything to help the brand.

On the plus side, it certainly won’t hurt to throw $100 million at the Yahoo! brand.  It does need updating.  But a more creative and less generic middle-of-the-road approach would have been the way to go.

It’s basically the Jay Leno of ad campaigns.  Nice and safe.  Your children will be okay if left alone with the new Yahoo! campaign.

You can sit and drink lemonade on the front porch with the new Yahoo! campaign.  It’s a Nicolas Sparks novel on a rainy day.  It don’t hurt nobody.

Some companies would have gone for a “lock-up your children because HERE COMES THE  YAHOO! CAMPAIGN TO TAKE AWAY YOUR  DAUGHTER ON A MOTORCYCLE” type of approach.  Edgy and exciting.

Maybe in today’s economy, nice and safe is the way to go.  We’ll find out soon enough.  Microsoft was forced to dump a few crappy ad campaigns in the past – hopefully, if it doesn’t work out, Yahoo! will pull the trigger quickly and bring on the motorcycle gangs.

I wish Carol Bartz luck… I’m a big fan.  So is my boss, Khan Manka, Jr.

Accel Partners, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Chris Hughes, David Kirkpatrick, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Gerald Levin, Greylock Partners, HBO, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, Jon Miller, Khan Manka, Li Ka-shing, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, MySpace, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Sheryl Sandberg, Sumner Redstone, Toy Story 3Jill Kennedy – OnMedea

All The President’s Men – Washington Post Budget Meeting Scene

1000Memories, Accel Partners, Amish Jani, Andrew Hyde, Andrew Mason, Andy Sack, Ashton Kutcher, Aydin Senkut, Ben Silverman, Bin 38, Bob Davis, Bob Iger, Brad Feld, Brian Kempner, Chris Hughes, Christopher Steiner, Dan Nova, Daniel Gaisin, Danielle Hootnick, Dave McClure, David Brown, David Cohen, David Kirkpatrick, Demi Moore, Demo Day, Diego Gutierrez, Dustin Moskovitz, Edmond Yue, Eduardo Saverin, Emmett Shear, Eric Lefkofsky, Fergal Mullen, FirstMark Capital, Founders At Work, Francis Duong, Gaurav Tewari, Gerald Levin, Gerald Poch, Greg McAdoo, Greylock Partners, Harjeet Taggar, HBO, Highland Capital Partners, Irena Goldenberg, Jared Polis, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Weiner, Jeff Zucker, Jessica Livingston, Jessica Mah, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, John Hsin, John Palfrey, Jon Miller, Jr., Justin Kan,, Khan Manka, Larry Wilson, Laurence Albukerk, Lawrence Lenihan, Li Ka-shing, Loopt, Manish Patel, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, Matt Nichols, Michael Arrington, Michael Gaiss, MySpace, Nick Marsh, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Paul Cianciolo, Paul Graham, Peter Bell, Peter Thiel, Reddit, Richard de Silva, Richard Heitzman, Rick Heitzmann, Robert Morris, Ron Conway, Rudy Adler, Rupert Murdoch, Sand Hill Road, Scott Shane, Scott Switzer, Sequoia Capital, Sergey Nazarov, Shabbir Dahod, Shawn Broderick, Sheryl Sandberg, Sterling Phillips, Sumner Redstone, Tapzilla, TechCrunch, TechStars, TextPayMe, Toy Story 3, Trevor Blackwell, Y Combinator, google, Eric Schmidt, Tina Brown, The Daily Beast, Barry Diller, Dan Lyons, Google Smear campaign, Burson-Marsteller, Chris Soghoian, Jim Goldman, John Mercurio,

1000Memories, Accel Partners, Amish Jani, Andrew Hyde, Andrew Mason, Andy Sack, Ashton Kutcher, Aydin Senkut, Ben Silverman, Bin 38, Bob Davis, Bob Iger, Brad Feld, Brian Kempner, Chris Hughes, Christopher Steiner, Dan Nova, Daniel Gaisin, Danielle Hootnick, Dave McClure, David Brown, David Cohen, David Kirkpatrick, Demi Moore, Demo Day, Diego Gutierrez, Dustin Moskovitz, Edmond Yue, Eduardo Saverin, Emmett Shear, Eric Lefkofsky, Fergal Mullen, FirstMark Capital, Founders At Work, Francis Duong, Gaurav Tewari, Gerald Levin, Gerald Poch, Greg McAdoo, Greylock Partners, Harjeet Taggar, HBO, Highland Capital Partners, Irena Goldenberg, Jared Polis, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Weiner, Jeff Zucker, Jessica Livingston, Jessica Mah, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, John Hsin, John Palfrey, Jon Miller, Jr., Justin Kan,, Khan Manka, Larry Wilson, Laurence Albukerk, Lawrence Lenihan, Li Ka-shing, Loopt, Manish Patel, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, Matt Nichols, Michael Arrington, Michael Gaiss, MySpace, Nick Marsh, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Paul Cianciolo, Paul Graham, Peter Bell, Peter Thiel, Reddit, Richard de Silva, Richard Heitzman, Rick Heitzmann, Robert Morris, Ron Conway, Rudy Adler, Rupert Murdoch, Sand Hill Road, Scott Shane, Scott Switzer, Sequoia Capital, Sergey Nazarov, Shabbir Dahod, Shawn Broderick, Sheryl Sandberg, Sterling Phillips, Sumner Redstone, Tapzilla, TechCrunch, TechStars, TextPayMe, Toy Story 3, Trevor Blackwell, Y Combinator, google, Eric Schmidt, Tina Brown, The Daily Beast, Barry Diller, Dan Lyons, Google Smear campaign, Burson-Marsteller, Chris Soghoian, Jim Goldman, John Mercurio,Here is a companion to “All The Facebook’s Men” – the actual scene from the original screenplay of “All The President’s Men”


NATIONAL EDITOR: –let me tell what happened when I was having lunch today at the Sans Souci–

ROSENFLED: –correction–when you were drinking your lunch at the bar of the Sans Souci–

NATIONAL EDITOR: –this White House guy, a good one, a pro, came up and asked what is this Watergate compulsion with you guys and I said, well, we think it’s important and he said, if it’s so goddamn important, who the hell are Woodward and Bernstein?

ROSENFELD: Ask him what he’s really saying– he means take the story away from Woodstein and give it to his people at the National Desk–

NATIONAL EDITOR: –well, I’ve got some pretty experienced fellas sitting around, wouldn’t you say so?

ROSENFELD: Absolutely.  And that’s all they do, sit sit sit – every once in a while, they call up a Senator, some reporting–

NATIONAL EDITOR: –well, what if your boys get it wrong?

BRADLEE: (after a beat) Then it’s our asses, isn’t it?

SIMONS: (indicates the meeting is over)  And we’ll all have to go to work for a living.

As the men rise and head for the door, the FOREIGN EDITOR moves toward BRADLEE and SIMONS who remain seated as before.

FOREIGN EDITOR: I don’t think either Metropolitan or National should cover the story.

Bradlee and Simons look at him.

FOREIGN EDITOR (CONT’D): I don’t think we should cover the story, period.


FOREIGN EDITOR: It’s not that we’re using unnamed sources that bothers me, or that everything we print the White House denies, or that almost no other papers are reprinting our stuff.

SIMONS: What then?

FOREIGN EDITOR: I don’t believe the goddamn story, Howard, it doesn’t make sense.

BRADLEE: It will, it just hasn’t bottomed out yet, give it time.

FOREIGN EDITOR: Ben, Jesus, there are over two thousand reporters in this town, are there five on Watergate?  Where did we suddenly get all this wisdom?

Bradlee and Simons say nothing.  They respect this guy.

FOREIGN EDITOR: Look – why would the Republicans do it?  My God, McGovern is self-destructing before our eyes — just like Muskie did, Humphrey, the bunch of ’em.  Why would the burglars have put the tape around the door instead of up and down unless they wanted to get caught?  Why did they take a walkie-talkie and then turn it off, unless they wanted to get caught?  Why would they use McCord–the only direct contact to the Republicans?

BRADLEE: You saying the Democrats bugged themselves?

FOREIGN EDITOR: The FBI thinks it’s possible–the Democrats need a campaign issue, corruption’s always a good one.  Get off the story, Ben — or put some people on McGovern’s finances; fair is fair, even if our business.

He leaves.

Jill Kennedy – OnMedea