Bilderberg Conference – Khan Manka, Jr. Keynote Address

[The following is a transcript of Khan Manka, Jr.’s keynote address to the 2011 Bilderberg Conference in St. Moritz, SwitzerlandMr. Manka insisted a word-for-word translation be put up on the blog.  While physical and legal threats against our lives and livelihoods have been made, we will do as Mr. Manka has asked. His speech is presented here in its entirety. – Signed Anonymous]

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Ben Silverman, World's Largest Media Company, Bilderberg Conference 2011, Bilderberg Meetings, Conspiracy, Suvretta House, St. Moritz, Switzerland, Andrew Kakabadse, Etienne Davignon, Suez Tractebel, Josef Ackermann, Roger Altman, Francisco Pinto Balsemao, Franco Bernabe, Henri de Castries, Juan Luis Cebrian, Edmund Clark, Kenneth Clarke, George David, Anders Eldrup, Victor Halberstadt, James Johnson, John Kerrn, Klaus Kleinfeld, Mustafa Koc, Marie-Josee Kravis, Jessica T. Mathews, Thierry de Montbrial, Mario Monti, Egil Myklebust, Matthias Nass, Jorma Ollila, Richard Perle, Heather Reisman, Rudolf Scholten, Peter Sutherland, Martin Taylor, Peter Thiel, Daniel Vasella, Jacob Wallenberg, David Rockefeller, Bernhard of the Netherlands, Alec Home of the Hirsel, Walter Scheel, Eric Roll of Ipsden, Peter Carrington, Charlie Skelton, Peter Voser, Bob Iger, Peter Guest, John Coleman, Paul van Zeeland, Joseph Retinger, Joseph Johnson, Arnold Th. Lamping, Ernst H. Van der Beugel, William Bundy, Paul Finney, Theodore Eliot, Casimir Yost, Victor Halberstadt, J. Martin TaylorKhan Manka, Jr. – Bilderberg Conference – Keynote Address – June 9, 2011

Lionel Richie is finishing a rousing final chorus to “All Night Long”.  The gathered group of men [and maybe one woman – it’s hard to say] are dancing with abandon in the cavernous Suvretta House hotel bomb shelter.

As Lionel Richie exits the stage and cocktail refills are being served by hooded waiters, Bilderberg Steering Committee Chairman Etienne Davignon comes out to the microphone.

Chairman Davignon (in English): Thank you so much, Lionel Richie.  Would it have killed you to play “Brick House”?

(Big laughs from the room.)

Chairman Davignon: I have a real treat for my powerful friends here today.  When you think about the media and entertainment landscape in the world, you have to start with Manka Bros. Studios.  Not only are they the world’s largest media company, one would argue they are also the most influential in terms of how the people of the world spend their leisure time.  Under great logistical stress, we were able to get Mr. Khan Manka, Jr. here today at the conference.

(Spontaneous applause and some dinging on champagne glasses.)

Chairman Davignon: You can read Mr. Manka’s biography in the handout on the back table by the cheese platter.  What I will say is he has been the Chairman & CEO of Manka Bros. Studios for 35 years now and I’m sure he has seen it all.  Gentlemen and Lady, I present Mr. Khan Manka, Jr.

(Applause.  The piano theme music to “Eyes Wide Shut” plays over the speakers.)

Khan Manka, Jr.: Thanks Chairman-I’m-not-sure-how-to-say-your-name-so-I-won’t-try…

(Big laugh.)

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Ben Silverman, World's Largest Media Company, Bilderberg Conference 2011, Bilderberg Meetings, Conspiracy, Suvretta House, St. Moritz, Switzerland, Andrew Kakabadse, Etienne Davignon, Suez Tractebel, Josef Ackermann, Roger Altman, Francisco Pinto Balsemao, Franco Bernabe, Henri de Castries, Juan Luis Cebrian, Edmund Clark, Kenneth Clarke, George David, Anders Eldrup, Victor Halberstadt, James Johnson, John Kerrn, Klaus Kleinfeld, Mustafa Koc, Marie-Josee Kravis, Jessica T. Mathews, Thierry de Montbrial, Mario Monti, Egil Myklebust, Matthias Nass, Jorma Ollila, Richard Perle, Heather Reisman, Rudolf Scholten, Peter Sutherland, Martin Taylor, Peter Thiel, Daniel Vasella, Jacob Wallenberg, David Rockefeller, Bernhard of the Netherlands, Alec Home of the Hirsel, Walter Scheel, Eric Roll of Ipsden, Peter Carrington, Charlie Skelton, Peter Voser, Bob Iger, Peter Guest, John Coleman, Paul van Zeeland, Joseph Retinger, Joseph Johnson, Arnold Th. Lamping, Ernst H. Van der Beugel, William Bundy, Paul Finney, Theodore Eliot, Casimir Yost, Victor Halberstadt, J. Martin TaylorKhan Manka, Jr.: It was quite a surprise when I was awoken in the middle the night – in my bedroom –  in my secured house – by a couple of Swiss goons talking through some sort of modulator box telling me I had been chosen to speak to the most powerful group of people in the world.  I joked and said “Will I be talking into a mirror?”

(Big laugh.)

Khan Manka, Jr.: The goons didn’t get the joke, so I listened to them.  They told me about this Bilderberg Conference in Switzerland which basically controls which way the Earth’s axis rotates.  I had no idea people controlled that – especially a bunch of old white men in suits.


Khan Manka, Jr.: I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m very familiar with shadowy, creepy cults.  I have to do business with Scientologists for Christ’s sake!  Am I right?

(Uncomfortable shuffling and a lone ‘gasp’.)

Khan Manka, Jr.: I know you didn’t ask me here to call you a bunch of ‘creeps’.  So I’ll just get on to my prepared remarks.  As I was flying over here from L.A. (in a blacked out jet, I might add), I was given the guest list of the conference attendees.  Frankly, I don’t know who the fuck any of you are – but you must be powerful – and you must be influential or you wouldn’t be sitting in a hotel bomb shelter figuring out which way the world turns… literally.

(There are a few ‘boos’ and much chattering in the audience.)

Khan Manka, Jr.:  I spoke at Davos last year, maybe I met a few of you then, but we were all so drunk it’s hard to remember anything, right?  The only person I recognize here is Peter Thiel – a venture capitalist who hit the lottery with a couple of those nutty internet investments.  So I guess that makes you powerful, eh, Peter?  Peter has a new foundation that encourages college students to drop out of school.  I didn’t need a foundation like that, Peter.  I dropped out on my own – so I could focus more on pot smoking and playing bongos on the beach.  Am I right?

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Ben Silverman, World's Largest Media Company, Bilderberg Conference 2011, Bilderberg Meetings, Conspiracy, Suvretta House, St. Moritz, Switzerland, Andrew Kakabadse, Etienne Davignon, Suez Tractebel, Josef Ackermann, Roger Altman, Francisco Pinto Balsemao, Franco Bernabe, Henri de Castries, Juan Luis Cebrian, Edmund Clark, Kenneth Clarke, George David, Anders Eldrup, Victor Halberstadt, James Johnson, John Kerrn, Klaus Kleinfeld, Mustafa Koc, Marie-Josee Kravis, Jessica T. Mathews, Thierry de Montbrial, Mario Monti, Egil Myklebust, Matthias Nass, Jorma Ollila, Richard Perle, Heather Reisman, Rudolf Scholten, Peter Sutherland, Martin Taylor, Peter Thiel, Daniel Vasella, Jacob Wallenberg, David Rockefeller, Bernhard of the Netherlands, Alec Home of the Hirsel, Walter Scheel, Eric Roll of Ipsden, Peter Carrington, Charlie Skelton, Peter Voser, Bob Iger, Peter Guest, John Coleman, Paul van Zeeland, Joseph Retinger, Joseph Johnson, Arnold Th. Lamping, Ernst H. Van der Beugel, William Bundy, Paul Finney, Theodore Eliot, Casimir Yost, Victor Halberstadt, J. Martin Taylor(Lionel Richie is pushed out onto the stage.)

Lionel Richie:  “Brick House” is coming up – right after this speech!  So wrap it up, Khan.

Khan Manka, Jr.: I don’t need some failed Commodore to come out and cut me off, all right?  This happens almost every speech I give and I’m sick of it.

(A couple of black hooded Swiss goons quickly approach Mr. Manka.)

Khan Manka, Jr.: YOU WILL NOT DRAG ME OFF!  You assholes don’t know anything about how the world works!  You drink, you chase chambermaids – THAT’S RIGHT, I SAID IT!  All of this bullshit – these conferences with caviar and champagne – and the world isn’t getting any better–!

(A solid wall of ‘boos’.)

Khan Manka, Jr.: Get your Goddamned hands off–!  Hey, there’s Charlie Rose!  What the fuck are you doing here?  You’re not powerful.  Hey, Charlie, help me–!

(The lights go out – the piano theme “Eyes Wide Shut” plays – there is a scuffle – a couple of shouts.  The lights come back up.  Lionel Richie is on stage.  The opening notes of “Brick House” begin to play.)

Adam Fogelson, Alan Spoon, Alexander von Furstenberg, Angela Bromstad, Ari Emanuel, Arthur Martinez, Barry Diller, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Brad Grey, Brian Roberts, Bryan Lourd, Chase Carey, Craig Smith, David Geffen, David Rosenblatt, Donald R. Keough, Donna Langley, Edgard Bronfman, Electus, Ezra Kucharz, fairy tale movies, Graham Stanton, Greg Blatt, Greg Morrow, Greg Stevens, Gregg Winiarski, Hans Woolley, Harry Sloan, Hey Diddle Diddle, Jason Stewart, Jay Herratti, Jeff Sagansky, Jeff Weiner, Jeff Zucker, Jeffrey Immelt, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Jill Kennedy, Joanne Hawkins, Joey Levin, John C. Malone, John Ferriter, John Foley, John Malone, Josh Abramson, Jr., Kara Swisher, Khan Manka, Louis Castle, Manka Bros., Mark Stein, Michael Eisner, Michael Schwerdtman, Michael Zeisser, Nikki Finke, Notional, On Medea, OnMedea, Paul Telegdy, Peter Chernin, Phillippe Dauman, Richard F. Zannino, Rick Finkelstein, Ricky Van Veen, Ron Meyer, Rupert Murdoch, Scott Garell, Scott Savitz, Shana Fisher, Sharon Waxman, Stacey Snider, Steve Burke, Steve Jobs, Steven Spielberg, Sumner Redstone, Terry Semel, Thomas J. McInerney, Tina Brown, Tony DiSanto, Victor KaufmanKhan Manka, Jr. – Chairman & CEO – Manka Bros. StudiosThe World’s Largest Media Company


41 Replies to “Bilderberg Conference – Khan Manka, Jr. Keynote Address”

  1. I don’t even know why they would invite you. Every time you get into these fights. Maybe you have an anger problem.

  2. I hear members of the Swiss parliament are marching on the Hotel to demand the arrest of Henry Kissinger for war crimes.

  3. wtf, this is bullshit. if anyone of you lot believe this charade then you are just thick as the people this dumb ass story is attempting to portray. hooded waiters, only one lady no names either except some moron called thiel. if this supposed to be some insiders view then why the hell no pictures, look above this, it says ‘image of khan… alleged speech to the Bilderberg Conference has been removed’, er why, anybody got anything on this. Fucking Lionel Richie is a sell out mofo then is he? failed commodore, such shit should not be given anything attention i was forwarded from a story on

    1. WTF, you poor baby. I know you wish you had done something with your life, and that is what you’re so angry about. Maybe there’s still time, though. You can still get some attention in some way other than striking out at imagined threats. Maybe you could open a book store for idiots, where every book is about some ridiculous conspiracy. Or start a taxi service foe fools, and with every ride give out a free “get out of jail free” card. Work, it baby, work it. Use your imagination.

  4. @IllumaTED

    What do you mean about, Lionel Richie? He’s as big a hasbeen as the rest of the BBs – except of course the scions from socil media that are attending this year. Wonder what they have up their sleeves… Something about FB’s new facial recognition system?

    1. Yep, has been millionaires with plenty of power and pull. With lives that others envy, because of their success. Jealousy is an ugly hat to put on, there, Slim.

  5. According to the mainstream, The Bilderberg Group existed only in the minds of kooks, tin foil hat folks, and other delusionals. I bought that story myself. But in recent years the “kooks” were presenting hard evidence that they indeed existed and met yearly. The tune is now changed admitting their extistance, but their meetings are claimed to advance and enhance human the population. So why is everything secret, including membership? The small list of attendees control perhaps 50% of the money on the planet and perhaps 90% of the media. Maybe even more. With this horse power I have zero doubt they control at least US politics and likely the world. Yes voters elect the candidates, but the candidates advance to the ballot only by media coverage. If Joe Smuck runs for office, he needs to get his name and ideas out to the public. Yet the controlled media can and does prevent this, leaving only to secondary media such as the internet and very small newspapers. Radio, TV, and large newspapers are owned and controlled by these people called the Bilderbergs. An outsider does not stand a chance!

    But I do see a glimmer of hope. Most likely some “insiders” can no longer stomach what many feel is anti-human and inside information starts to trickle out. A very slight possibility exists that humans will revolt against this control and restore a true free market world economy to replace the faux version we now have where governments world over “regulate” to grant their friends into monoplies and their enemies out of existance.

    These folks may indeed be rich, but it seems they attempt to substitute wealth and power for wisdom. Looking around the world for the past 50 years it certainly appears they are utter failures leaving death, misery, and destruction as their only legacy to the population of the world

  6. The group of global elites is real. Yes, they have gatherings. However, I have never heard of Khan Manka Jr. or Manka Bros. Studios, The Self Proclaimed Largest Media Company In The World.

    1. infowars is a joke and AJ is shill number 1. FACT

      and the bilderbugers can suck my shlong heartily before i invade their space and rip out the souls for the trash compactor.

      1. C’mon bud, take a chill pill on Alex Jones. The fact of the matter, good sir, is that Alex Jones fights, and I mean FIGHTS, for human universal rights against oppression and tyranny. Why would someone with such a die hard passion and love for humanity be a shill? That doesn’t make any sense! Follow your heart bro, or else your a shill yourself. It is my belief that Alex Jones has been targeted by the Illuminati/Bilderbergs/Rothschilds ETC ETC ETC ETC as A Prime Candidate For A Grass Roots Smear Campaign. I’ve seen them do it a hundred times. Wake the F UP.

        1. Alex Jones is more than a shill. He is a Zionist agent provocateur.

          Early this morning I made a few posts explaining the difference between Zionists and those of the Jewish faith. They are not the same. I love the Jewish people – I loathe Zionism.

          Suddenly I was attacked by a poster who called me a government agent repeatedly. I don’t have to say what that kind of thing could spawn with the growing violence displayed by commenters – all fueled by Alex’s unfounded rages.

          I confronted this poster named “jventuring” to demand a halt. The person was non-cooperative.

          Suddenly I watched as my posts begun to disappear from the screen and I could no longer post.

          I emailed Infowars (Kurt Nimmo) and called their one listed phone number which went to voicemail – requesting that they not delete evidence.

          No return call – no return e-mail.

          I spent the morning researching Alex Jones and I am discovering that he has some interesting skeletons in his closet. You can Google him and see for yourself.

          At this point I am considering a law suit.

          At this point I am creating a website to expose this dangerous man who is playing his listeners like a harp – plucking their strings while they vibrate to the tune of the latest conspiracy.

          He hawks survival gear and gold etc. while twisting facts to create a demand for these.

          He complains about money and constantly asks for it from his state of the art studios from folk who can barely afford it and then retires, laughing to his million dollar home in a gated community.

          Alex you blew it.

          You had a real chance to make a difference Now you just make a buck.

          And I wonder who your backers really are – we will find out soon now won’t we?

  7. Yeah sure, this is the dream of some moron. No names lots of double talk and more bs than you hear at a Republican convention.

  8. This website is a fabrication. This is a test in ignorance, and while funny, If you believe that “Khan Manka, Jr.” is CEO of a “the largest media outlet in the world”, check your wits and your facts. Whoever wrought this is punchier than a kangaroo on speed.

  9. So, if this is some grand fabrication by someone on the inside, then what they are saying is that they know they are creeps? Great revelation in self awareness!


    Manka is a make-believe media baron, son of Bulgarian immigrants, and the creation of John Perry, a real business development executive at Warner Bros.

    Perry, 42, started the website in 1999 with then-co-worker Chris Stengel with a simple but outrageous goal: “Can you start something that’s not real, and actually turn it into the world’s largest media company?”

  11. There are many organizations that arrange a keynote speaker to impart a view to employees. A keynote speaker must be expert so that he is able to motivate the workers to do better. The speeches of keynote speaker are designed to increase productivity and profitability.

  12. Dear Globalists, no matter how much you think we are stupid and ignorant of your murderous desire to bring forth the New World Order, there are millions and millions of ordinary people who know your plans for a New World Order and are actively seeking to stop you.

  13. This is a total ridiculous piece of text. It takes a whole lot more money to be invited to one of these events. Plus you need a large following that believes in your ability to make political change. Mr Richie has none of these qualifications.

  14. Bilderberg 2010 was even more interesting. I can see why they locked it down this year and no reporters allowed on the grounds, because in 2010 they photographed those ministers, ceo’s and others that took a lunch break to meet with male prostitutes for a quickie. LOL Boy that was a scandel and a half. LOL

  15. khan knows he is a marked man – I believe a black felt tip pen he habitually carries in his left breast shirt pocket is leaking – seriously though Khan your ‘speech’ did not go down well – I imagine you have started to see the effects on your meedja empire – although most of that is due to your own incompetence we have managed to eliminate so far 31 promising starlets from your stable of bollywood box office potentials – think on this my friend and get your chauffeuse to keep an eye on the rear view mirror – fatal accidents can and do happen all the time on the Mumbai Beltway

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