Ahmed Lateef, Aida Takla-O'Reilly, Alena Prime, Alessandra Venezia, Alexander Nevsky, Ali Sar, Ana Maria Bahiana, Andre Guimond, Aniko Navai, Anita Baum, Anke Hofmann, Ari Emanuel, Armando Gallo, Aud Berggren Morisse, Avik Gilboa, Ben Silverman, Cameron Diaz, Cher, Dagmar Dunlevy, Dierk Sindermann, Edmund Brettschneider, Elisa Leonelli, Elisabeth Sereda, Elmar Biebl, Emanuel Levy, Erkki "Erik" Kanto, Ersi Danou, Frances Schoenberger, Frank Rousseau, Gabriel Lerman, Gabrielle Donnelly, George Doss, Gilda Baum-Lappe, Golden Globes, H.J. Park, Hans J. Spurkel, Harvey Weinstein, Helen Hoehne, Helena Mar-Elia, Helmut Voss, Herve Tropea, Hollywood Foreign Press members, Howard Lucraft, Isabelle Caron, Jack Tewksbury, Janet R. Nepales, Jean E. Cummings, Jean-Paul Chaillet, Jenny Cooney Carrillo, Jerry Watson, Jill Kennedy, John Hiscock, Jorge Camara, Judy Solomon, Juliette Michaud, Karen Martin, Khan Manka, Kleo Lee, Lawrie Masterson, Lilly Lui, Lisa Lu, Lorenzo Soria, Luca Celada, Lynn M. Tso, Magnus Sundholm, Mahfouz Doss, Manka Bros., Margaret Gardiner, Maria Snoeys-Lagler, Mario Amaya, Marlene von Arx, Maureen Dragone, Max B. Miller, Meher Tatna, Mike Goodridge, Mira Panajotovic, Mohammed Rouda, Munawar Hosain, Nellee A. Holmes, Noel de Souza, Noemia Young, OnMedea, Paolua Abou-Jaoude, Patrica Danaher, Patrick Roth, Paz Mata, Philip Berk, Ramzi Malouki, Ray Arco, Ricky Gervais, Ricky van Veen, Rocio Ayuso, Ruben V. Nepales, Rui Henriques Coimbra, Scarlett Johansson, Scott Orlin, Serge Rakhlin, Silvia Bizio, The Tourist, Theo Kingma, Vera Anderson, Yenny Nun-Katz, Yoko Narita, Yola Czaderska-Hayek, Yoram Kahana, Yukiko Nakajima

The Hollywood Foreign Press Has Done It Again!

Ahmed Lateef, Aida Takla-O'Reilly, Alena Prime, Alessandra Venezia, Alexander Nevsky, Ali Sar, Ana Maria Bahiana, Andre Guimond, Aniko Navai, Anita Baum, Anke Hofmann, Ari Emanuel, Armando Gallo, Aud Berggren Morisse, Avik Gilboa, Ben Silverman, Cameron Diaz, Cher, Dagmar Dunlevy, Dierk Sindermann, Edmund Brettschneider, Elisa Leonelli, Elisabeth Sereda, Elmar Biebl, Emanuel Levy, Erkki "Erik" Kanto, Ersi Danou, Frances Schoenberger, Frank Rousseau, Gabriel Lerman, Gabrielle Donnelly, George Doss, Gilda Baum-Lappe, Golden Globes, H.J. Park, Hans J. Spurkel, Harvey Weinstein, Helen Hoehne, Helena Mar-Elia, Helmut Voss, Herve Tropea, Hollywood Foreign Press members, Howard Lucraft, Isabelle Caron, Jack Tewksbury, Janet R. Nepales, Jean E. Cummings, Jean-Paul Chaillet, Jenny Cooney Carrillo, Jerry Watson, Jill Kennedy, John Hiscock, Jorge Camara, Judy Solomon, Juliette Michaud, Karen Martin, Khan Manka, Kleo Lee, Lawrie Masterson, Lilly Lui, Lisa Lu, Lorenzo Soria, Luca Celada, Lynn M. Tso, Magnus Sundholm, Mahfouz Doss, Manka Bros., Margaret Gardiner, Maria Snoeys-Lagler, Mario Amaya, Marlene von Arx, Maureen Dragone, Max B. Miller, Meher Tatna, Mike Goodridge, Mira Panajotovic, Mohammed Rouda, Munawar Hosain, Nellee A. Holmes, Noel de Souza, Noemia Young, OnMedea, Paolua Abou-Jaoude, Patrica Danaher, Patrick Roth, Paz Mata, Philip Berk, Ramzi Malouki, Ray Arco, Ricky Gervais, Ricky van Veen, Rocio Ayuso, Ruben V. Nepales, Rui Henriques Coimbra, Scarlett Johansson, Scott Orlin, Serge Rakhlin, Silvia Bizio, The Tourist, Theo Kingma, Vera Anderson, Yenny Nun-Katz, Yoko Narita, Yola Czaderska-Hayek, Yoram Kahana, Yukiko NakajimaOK, just admit it guys, you love movie stars and only nominate hot people you would like to ‘go to disco’ with.

I mean, I sort of know where you’re coming from – “The Ides Of March” sucked but, of course, I would rather sit at “The Ides Of March” table with George Clooney than the “Like Crazy” table with the ‘no names’ who would have sat at that table – but come on!

The Hollywood Foreign Press has become more and more of a joke every year (OK, maybe not the Pia Zadora year).

You must LIKE to be hated otherwise you wouldn’t have invited Ricky Gervais back to (hopefully) rip you to shreds again.

Please Ricky – go for a lifetime ban!

You must realize you have zero credibility in the industry.  Stars, agents and executives laugh at you.  Stars only go to the ceremony because stars like to go out and have free drinks and stars like to win awards.  That’s just the nature of the beast – those people need to feel loved.  And you’re always more than happy to oblige.

The problem is, it’s just way too obvious that you don’t want any ugly people to be invited to The Golden Globes.

You just have a mental block – like the inability to quit smoking.  You just can’t do it.

Ahmed Lateef, Aida Takla-O'Reilly, Alena Prime, Alessandra Venezia, Alexander Nevsky, Ali Sar, Ana Maria Bahiana, Andre Guimond, Aniko Navai, Anita Baum, Anke Hofmann, Ari Emanuel, Armando Gallo, Aud Berggren Morisse, Avik Gilboa, Ben Silverman, Cameron Diaz, Cher, Dagmar Dunlevy, Dierk Sindermann, Edmund Brettschneider, Elisa Leonelli, Elisabeth Sereda, Elmar Biebl, Emanuel Levy, Erkki "Erik" Kanto, Ersi Danou, Frances Schoenberger, Frank Rousseau, Gabriel Lerman, Gabrielle Donnelly, George Doss, Gilda Baum-Lappe, Golden Globes, H.J. Park, Hans J. Spurkel, Harvey Weinstein, Helen Hoehne, Helena Mar-Elia, Helmut Voss, Herve Tropea, Hollywood Foreign Press members, Howard Lucraft, Isabelle Caron, Jack Tewksbury, Janet R. Nepales, Jean E. Cummings, Jean-Paul Chaillet, Jenny Cooney Carrillo, Jerry Watson, Jill Kennedy, John Hiscock, Jorge Camara, Judy Solomon, Juliette Michaud, Karen Martin, Khan Manka, Kleo Lee, Lawrie Masterson, Lilly Lui, Lisa Lu, Lorenzo Soria, Luca Celada, Lynn M. Tso, Magnus Sundholm, Mahfouz Doss, Manka Bros., Margaret Gardiner, Maria Snoeys-Lagler, Mario Amaya, Marlene von Arx, Maureen Dragone, Max B. Miller, Meher Tatna, Mike Goodridge, Mira Panajotovic, Mohammed Rouda, Munawar Hosain, Nellee A. Holmes, Noel de Souza, Noemia Young, OnMedea, Paolua Abou-Jaoude, Patrica Danaher, Patrick Roth, Paz Mata, Philip Berk, Ramzi Malouki, Ray Arco, Ricky Gervais, Ricky van Veen, Rocio Ayuso, Ruben V. Nepales, Rui Henriques Coimbra, Scarlett Johansson, Scott Orlin, Serge Rakhlin, Silvia Bizio, The Tourist, Theo Kingma, Vera Anderson, Yenny Nun-Katz, Yoko Narita, Yola Czaderska-Hayek, Yoram Kahana, Yukiko NakajimaIf a hot chick or guy can sort of speak (and even that may not be a prerequisite – look at “The Artist”), they have a chance to get nominated for a Golden Globe.

And, once again, not one film or television show from Manka Bros. Studios gets a nod.  Ever since Khan Manka, Jr. vowed to destroy your little group (and refused to pay your shake-down bribes – sorry, ten cartons of cigarettes and a case of Diddy’s vodka was just too much to pay), you have had it in for the world’s largest media company – and have never been able to see past that and judge the work on its own merit.

It’s truly disgraceful.

But there is a slight positive here – both Cameron Diaz and Scarlett Johansson were in movies this year, but you made the very difficult (I’m sure) decision not to nominate them (especially now that Scarlett is single and you all probably think you have a chance).

I’m sure there were fights and discussions to expand the categories when you couldn’t squeeze them in (but that’s why we have presenters, right?).

Deep down, I love you guys.  I mean, who can resist all that hair and horrible perfume?  I just wish you made more of an effort to try and fool us into believing your were a legitimate organization.

But that takes away some of the fun, doesn’t it?

Hopefully, the Academy doesn’t pay too much attention.

Accel Partners, Ben Silverman, Bob Iger, Chris Hughes, David Kirkpatrick, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Gerald Levin, Greylock Partners, HBO, Jeff Bewkes, Jeff Zucker, Jill Kennedy, Joanna Shields, Jon Miller, Khan Manka, Li Ka-shing, Manka Bros., Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Cohler, MySpace, Nicolas Carlson, OnMedea, Owen Van Natta, Paul Buchheit, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Sheryl Sandberg, Sumner Redstone, Toy Story 3Jill Kennedy – OnMedea




  1. Hollywood Producer · December 15, 2011

    Such a joke. And what is going on between Warner Bros. and HFPA? 1 nomination for Warner Bros after the year they had. there is either a personnel vendetta going on between some executives or they didn’t pay the “shakedown money” – but that’s just bizarre. No Melissa McCarthy? Harry Potter doesn’t deserve it over “Ides of March” – really? You’re right, Jill, it’s a big joke.

  2. Penn · December 15, 2011

    I actually agree with most of the nominations. Weird that War Horse is in there considering it didn’t get anything esle from other critics awards. But most are okay with me. Love the picture.

  3. Tony Cogan · December 15, 2011

    Forr me the major snub was Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy not nominated for any award

  4. Barbara · December 15, 2011

    “The Artist” as front runner?! Looks rigged to me.

  5. Henry A · December 15, 2011

    I suppose no one at the Hollywood Foreign Press saw Season 4 of Breaking Bad. Otherwise, why would Giancarlo Esposito NOT be nominated?

    • Jill Kennedy · December 15, 2011

      I don’t believe the Hollywood Foreign Press actually watches any of it. They look to see how popular the actors are and how they look… period.

      • Lana · December 15, 2011

        I think this is 100% true. How else was Oldman snubbed?

  6. Will · December 15, 2011

    Interesting omissions over on the TV side: Julie Bowen and Ty Burrell from “Modern Family” and Jim Parsons from “The Big Bang Theory,” all Emmy winners this past year.

  7. WTF!!!! · December 15, 2011

    What the fuck?! No BREAKING DAWN!!!!

  8. Publicists ruin everything · December 15, 2011

    Wow – if you go to Twitter and #GoldenGlobes – it’s nothing but publicists and press tweeting about who they will be interviewing and how great it is that they got nominations. I don’t think the general public actually care about this shit.

  9. Lana · December 15, 2011

    I can’t believe Jolie was nominated. Curious what your thoughts are on this.

    • Jill Kennedy · December 15, 2011

      And she was nominated for what? Director of a foreign film? Are you f-ing kidding me? I think it is the ultimate insult to any foreign film directors that have worked so hard to make really good movies and to be upstaged by Angelina Jolie just because the Hollywood Foreign Press wants to have dinner with her and take photos and hope that she goes out with them ‘to disco’ – it’s just so ridiculous. Even the stars should call bullshit on this more often.

      • Lana · December 15, 2011

        I just don’t get Jolie. Sure the effort was there but she is being sued over it! The woman never made a film before and because she is Jolie she is being nominated? Don’t even get me started on Brad Pitt. Moneyball was good but nothing spectacular acting wise from him. He owes his career to being good looking.

      • Just common sense · December 15, 2011

        What is this going out ‘to disco’ you refer to? just curious. I can interpret it in many ways.

    • jere · December 15, 2011

      Why is it so hard to believe angelina was nominated? She wrote and directed a powerful story. I think she deserves it even more for a first time director. It’s an amazing movie……….

      • Jill Kennedy · December 15, 2011

        Oh, please, jere – she was nominated because she’s hot. That’s it. It has nothing to do with the work – regardless of the quality.

      • Lana · December 15, 2011

        The film may be great but compared to other foreign language films there were those who were much better. Angelina is hot in terms of press attention. For now. She is more hype than anything else.

        • Just common sense · December 15, 2011

          I agree that male audience receives a nod from Mr. Dick when it comes to casting votes for female candidates (me being a member of said audience). It’s in our nature.

  10. Jake 671 · December 15, 2011


    • Gonzo · December 15, 2011

      Moneyball was a fantastic movie, and Pitt played his part very well. Give credit where credit is due.

  11. Lana · December 15, 2011

    Brilliant! The only reason Pitt ever had a career was because he USED to be a very good looking guy. Now that Michael Fassbender and Tom Hardy are here, Pitt is useless. Both these men can ACT and are better looking than Pitt in his prime.

  12. So... · December 15, 2011

    So are we to assume the front runner for Best Picture at the Oscars is the gimmicky silent movie “The Artist”? That would make 2011 the worst year ever for movies.

  13. Ha ha · December 15, 2011

    GREAT! I totally agree. But I can’t wait to see the show because I LOVE RICKY GERVAIS! I pray he doesn’t hold back but I have a feeling he will. Especially when it comes to making full of the other celebrities.

  14. Lana · December 15, 2011

    I don’t think he will hold back. That is why they hired him to host again.

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