My God Is Better Than Your God

I normally attack theater from the review flank. I use my insight to take you, the possible audience member, into the “reality” of what a theatrical event may be like – without you having to actually be part of the reality.  I try to express…

American Idol, annie get your gun, behind the proscenium, broadway manka, Kelly Clarkson, kryle lendhoffer, manka bros., NASCAR, urinetown, ruben studdard, carrie underwood, khan manka, Ben Silverman, Fantasia, male theater group

Robert Blanton’s Straight Male Theater Group

I must admit that I was appalled.  Appalled, and then fascinated.  I was thumbing through Backstage West while sipping a Green Tea Frappuccino at Starbucks (oh, this is a horrid vice, but the Green Tea is so good – except I find that I’m getting…

Romeo and Juliet @ Circle In The O

Oh, dear reader!  What my eyes have seen!  That is, what my eyes have seen RECENTLY! I have just returned home from a theatrical experience that has left me speechless – but thank the gods that it has not left me type-less. I ask (rhetorically,…

Behind The Proscenium Is Back!

[Editor’s Note:  Kyrle Lendhoffer’s column Behind The Proscenium has been on a management-ordered temporary hiatus for the past couple of weeks.  Mr. Lendhoffer would like to set the record straight on recent events and give you some insight into what transpired.  Manka Bros. and the…

Tennessee Williams’ Haunted Alligators [REVIEW]

Theater has existed as long as we have existed.  From the first night when Caveperson “A” told a story to his/her fellow Cavepeople to keep their minds off of the saber tooth tigers roaming in the night – to last night’s performance of Haunted Alligators…

Kyrle Lendhoffer Has Taken Ill

Kyrle Lendhoffer’s column, Behind The Proscenium, will not appear this week.  Mr. Lendhoffer took ill at a preview of Tennessee Williams’ lost play Haunted Alligators and was hospitalized.  He is expected to make a full recovery.  Everyone at Manka Bros. wishes him the best. Here…

Simon Ambrose – Graveyards vs. Mars

This week I had the pleasure of talking to Simon Ambrose.  Intense.  Forceful.  Unique.  Not just words, but an apt description of someone who is bound to become a theatre great. His most recent work, Monkey Spanking Time won several national awards.  His newest work,…

Performance Art

I remember living in the “80s”. It was the time of Wham! and Careless Whisper. It was the time of Broadway’s Les Miserables and Big River. Sadly, it was also the time of Ronald Reagan and Jerry Fallwell and his “Moral Majority”.  The reason I…