Wow, Shocking News: Elderly Viewers Keep Ancient Tradition Alive at ‘The Masters’

In a surprising turn of events that has left the sports world collectively scratching its head, it seems that there are still enough old folks hobbling around with golf clubs to keep “The Masters” tournament afloat.

Despite the constant march of time and the relentless onslaught of youth-centric culture, this annual gathering of the geriatric elite somehow manages to cling to relevance like a rusty old putter.

Year after year, we’re treated to the sight of senior citizens in garish polyester pants and sun visors shuffling across meticulously manicured lawns, swinging their clubs with all the grace and agility of a herd of tranquilized elephants. It’s a spectacle that would be quaint if it weren’t so utterly absurd.

While other sports are busy celebrating the raw power and athleticism of youth, “The Masters” boldly bucks the trend by showcasing the slow, methodical pace of aging. Forget about adrenaline-pumping action or jaw-dropping feats of athleticism; here, the most exciting moment is when someone manages to make it through 18 holes without needing a hip replacement.

But hey, who needs excitement when you have tradition, right? Because nothing screams “timeless sporting event” quite like a bunch of septuagenarians puttering around in golf carts, desperately trying to remember where they left their dentures.

Of course, we can’t talk about “The Masters” without mentioning the hallowed green jacket, the sartorial equivalent of a participation trophy for rich old men. Because nothing says “prestigious sporting event” quite like a garment that looks like it was stolen from Mr. Rogers’ closet.

And let’s not forget about the fans – or should I say, fan? Because let’s face it, the only people tuning in to watch “The Masters” are retirees who fell asleep halfway through and woke up thinking they accidentally stumbled onto a rerun of “Antiques Roadshow.”

But hey, who are we to judge? If a bunch of old fogeys want to spend their twilight years chasing a tiny white ball around a meticulously landscaped garden, who are we to stand in their way? After all, it’s not like they have anything better to do – like, say, tackling the real issues facing society or contributing something meaningful to the world.

So here’s to you, “The Masters” golf tournament – may you continue to defy logic, relevance, and the inevitable march of time for years to come. Because as long as there are old people with too much time and money on their hands, there will always be a place for you in the annals of sporting history – right next to shuffleboard and lawn bowling.

I’ll talk at you later…

AARP, Afghanistan, aging, Alf Landon, All In The Family, Andy Rooney, Antonio ( "El Bailarín" ) Ruiz Soler, Arbys, Archie bunker, Ari Emanuel, Art LInkletter, Ben Silverman, bleeding from the ass, brown spot on stomach, cannibalism, Carmen Amaya, Charles de Gaulle, Chiang Kai-Shek, Chinese Civil War, CNN, colon bleeding, colostomy bag, Communists, Confucius, Ding Dong Ditch 'em, dope smoking, Douglas Macarthur, East Lansing, east lansing, Edgard de Larminat, El Farruco, elephant toilet, Erich Von Manstein, Flamenco, Flaming bags of manure, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Friendship 7, Garrison Keillor, George Burns, George Herbert Walker Bush, Iraq, Jeff Weiner, Jeff Zucker, John Glenn, José Greco, Joseph de Goislard de Monsabert, Juan Manuel ( "El Farruquito" ) Fernández, Khan Manka, korean war, Korean War, La Argentina, La Argentinita, la trucha, lansing state journal, Lawrence Welk, Lester, lester aldrich, Lew Wasserman, Maginot Line, manka bros., Manka Bros., Mercury Atlas 6, Michigan, octogenarian, Octogenarian Revolution, old man blog, Paul Harvey, Rupert Murdoch, Satan, Seven Plagues of the Bible, Spain during World War 2, Sumner Redstone, Terry Semel, those damn kids, Those Damn Kids, VFW Hall, Vicente Escudero, Vietnam War, World War 2, World's largest Media CompanyLester Aldrich – Those Damn Kids

I Don’t Give A S**T About Golf Anymore!

Brooks Koepka – Champion – So Proud


This post is not about Those Damn Kids, I’ll get back to that soon enough. Snotty Scotty has been a terror – more on that next time.

This is about the loss in my life of one of the great passions of my life – watching professional golf.

When the Saudis started a rival league to compete directly with the PGA and a few name golfers decided to join up, shunning the organization that gave them everything they have in their life (the PGA), I said good riddance.

The those idiots in the middle east want to give a 55-year-old Phil Mickelson $100 million dollars to shoot 75 round-after-round – fine. Have a great life, Phil.

Phil Mickelson – Choke

You’re the one that has to live with the fact that you’re taking money from a government who harbored terrorists that flew planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and has no problem chopping up a journalist (Jamal Khashoggi, let’s not forget his name) in their own Embassy (and were not penalized, but rewarded, – but I digress).

Same Organization Funded Both Things

So… that, for me, was already a lot to take in. But, seriously, who gives a fuck about Phil Mickelson and the greatest choker in major golf history – Greg Norman.

Greg Norman – Choke

But then a couple of weeks ago, Brooks Koepka, smug asshole that he is,  (another one who took the $100 million from the Saudis  – just to play – not even to win!) was allowed to play in the PGA Tournament. That alone felt like treason. But then, he actually won the damned thing!

Brooks Koepka – Champion – So Proud

Shit, man, I was livid.

I actually threw my walker at the television after that final putt.

My wife wasn’t around so I had to crawl out of my chair to retrieve my walker. I’ve said it before – it sucks to get old. Something I can’t wait for Those Damn Kids to experience in about sixty years or so.

And now… the ultimate Judas kiss.

The PGA – and it nearly kills me just to write it – and the LIV “Terrorist” League are going to MERGE!


All those golfers like Tiger and Rory,  who could have a much higher payday from the Saudis, but decided that they couldn’t be bought and stayed loyal to the PGA, essentially, got screwed.

Phil Mickelson gets $100 million to shoot 75, Tiger and Rory, get bupkis.

Tiger Woods – Rory Mcilroy

So, I’m done with professional golf.  If there is a college tournament on TV, something that is still untainted (don’t laugh at my naivete) – then maybe I’ll watch.

The PGA has broken a lot of Americans hearts today.

Everything is not about money.

Just because someone is paying you a billion dollars to look the other way doesn’t mean you have to take it.


AARP, Afghanistan, aging, Alf Landon, All In The Family, Andy Rooney, Antonio ( "El Bailarín" ) Ruiz Soler, Arbys, Archie bunker, Ari Emanuel, Art LInkletter, Ben Silverman, bleeding from the ass, brown spot on stomach, cannibalism, Carmen Amaya, Charles de Gaulle, Chiang Kai-Shek, Chinese Civil War, CNN, colon bleeding, colostomy bag, Communists, Confucius, Ding Dong Ditch 'em, dope smoking, Douglas Macarthur, East Lansing, east lansing, Edgard de Larminat, El Farruco, elephant toilet, Erich Von Manstein, Flamenco, Flaming bags of manure, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Friendship 7, Garrison Keillor, George Burns, George Herbert Walker Bush, Iraq, Jeff Weiner, Jeff Zucker, John Glenn, José Greco, Joseph de Goislard de Monsabert, Juan Manuel ( "El Farruquito" ) Fernández, Khan Manka, korean war, Korean War, La Argentina, La Argentinita, la trucha, lansing state journal, Lawrence Welk, Lester, lester aldrich, Lew Wasserman, Maginot Line, manka bros., Manka Bros., Mercury Atlas 6, Michigan, octogenarian, Octogenarian Revolution, old man blog, Paul Harvey, Rupert Murdoch, Satan, Seven Plagues of the Bible, Spain during World War 2, Sumner Redstone, Terry Semel, those damn kids, Those Damn Kids, VFW Hall, Vicente Escudero, Vietnam War, World War 2, World's largest Media CompanyLester Aldrich, Those Damn Kids

Manka Bros. Studios – The World’s Largest Media Company

The Open Championship Is My Super Bowl!

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Lester Aldrich, Those Damn Kids, The Open Championship, Rory McIlroy, Dick Shepherd, Tom Watson, Tiger Woods, Snotty ScottyThose damn kids on my block always seem to know when and how to junk up my day.

I get up at 5:00 am every morning.

I suck some oatmeal through a straw because my teeth can’t chew anymore.

I do the crossword.

I read the news on the internet because except for the crossword, newspapers are old news.

But this morning and every morning through this weekend I am getting up at 4:00 am to watch my favorite sporting event – The Open Championship.

On these four days, I don’t care if planes are getting shot out of the sky by Russians or if Israel launches a ground invasion into Gaza.

I just want to watch The Open Championship!

Mrs. Aldrich turns on the TV for me. She liquified some strawberries and poured me a nice big glass of vodka.

I was ready for five hours of peace and enjoyment.

But, apparently, those damned mucky kids were also up and running around the the neighborhood drunk from some all night party.

They were vomiting on my lawn, fighting on my lawn, throwing eggs at my house and, in general, making me wish I was living in eastern Ukraine.

There were THUMPS and SCREAMS and there was nothing I could do.

I called the police but in East Lansing, that doesn’t really get anywhere. They don’t come for loud noise… only murder… but not for a while.

I told them that was a real possibility if those damn kids didn’t shut their yaps and go home.

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Lester Aldrich, Those Damn Kids, The Open Championship, Rory McIlroy, Dick Shepherd, Tom Watson, Tiger Woods, Snotty Scotty
I am choosing not to show images of Those Damn Drunken Kids

While I’m dealing with the noise and waiting on the phone, Rory McIllroy is having an incredible round with some incredible shots.

Tom Watson is, once again, playing for us old guys.

And Tiger Woods is in the hunt. (After Round 2 strike the above comment.)

I sent Mrs. Aldrich outside to try to deal with the situation, but she came back quickly to get some water to put out a bag of flaming shit that she could see outside on the doorstep.

That was it!

Snotty Scotty and his drunken terrorists were finally going to meet their maker.

I was going to kill them, finish watching the 1st round of The Open Championship and then call the police to tell them there has been a justified killing.

Just as was going to get my gun, there was a knock at the door.

If this was ding dong ditch ’em, and I open that door and no one is there, the whole neighborhood is going up in flames. I’ll burn it all down.

Standing in the doorway was my old friend Dick Shepherd – looking worse than ever. Dick has 1/4 of a lung, one working eye, half a tongue and various other horrible ailments.

He had stomped out the flaming poop and there was no one to be seen on my lawn. Just some leftover mess that Mrs. Aldrich will clean up later.

“Dick, what the Hell? Where are those damn kids that were out here?”

“I dragged one off your lawn. There are two passed out drunk on the street.”

“But what are you doing here?”

“It’s The Open Championship – I brought a bottle of vodka.”

Good ol’ one eye, half tongue Dick. I could always count on him.

I’ll talk at you next week…

AARP, Alf Landon, Arbys, Ari Emanuel, Ben Silverman, cannibalism, CNN, east lansing, Jeff Weiner, Jeff Zucker, korean war, lester aldrich, manka bros., Michigan, octogenarian, those damn kids, World's largest Media Company, Paul Harvey, Art LInklletter, Lawrence Welk, Garrison Keillor, Andy Rooney, Douglas MacarthurLester Aldrich – Those Damn Kids

P.S. – Rory McIlroy is leading after the 1st round at -6.



The Terrorist Games of the 22nd Olympiad

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Those Damn Kids, Lester Aldrich, Sochi Olympic Games, Matt Lauer, Vladimir Putin, Pootie Poot, Savannah Guthrie

You know we’re living in a crazy fucked up world when a victory for Russia is that no one gets killed during the Sochi Olympic games.

If terrorists do not strike, I can imagine Vladimir Putin shouting from the Caucasus Mountains: “See, I told you! Now please you to come to Russia for visit. We are safe!”

Yeah, fat chance, Pootie Poot.

The fact is, most people in the world will be very surprised if there isn’t at least one act of violence or terrorism during the games.

I personally believe there will be several acts of violence and probably a couple of countries will leave early because of it.

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Those Damn Kids, Lester Aldrich, Sochi Olympic Games, Matt Lauer, Vladimir Putin, Pootie Poot, Savannah GuthrieWhat’s the point of going there then?

I understand it for the athletes, they been training their entire young lives and this might be their only shot. If you’re a cross-country skier, you roll the dice at that point.

But why do we have to send Matt Lauer and Savannah Guthrie into the shit?

How many morning show hosts are we willing to sacrifice for sport? 15? 20?

Shame on you, NBC.

Send that guy that’s always in the flak jacket in Egypt. He can probably tell you what’s happening in the luge.

There’s no upside for Russia as host of these games. Why would anyone visit a place that needs 40,000 troops to protect you?

A million troops could probably protect South Sudan but you see them trying to host the Academy Awards or even a bowling tournament.

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Those Damn Kids, Lester Aldrich, Sochi Olympic Games, Matt Lauer, Vladimir Putin, Pootie Poot, Savannah Guthrie, Polish ice dancersIt’s such a joke.

Those Olympics venues will look like Sarajaveo’s in a couple of years with grass growing through what used to be a Curling arena or whatever.

I hear they have 40,000 troops guarding the Games.

That has to make one feel secure – 40,000 drunken Russian troops lusting after Polish ice dancers.

The goddamned Polish ice dancers never had a chance.

Oh, well, I’ll be watching.

I love the Olympics.

I’ll talk at you later…

AARP, Alf Landon, Arbys, Ari Emanuel, Ben Silverman, cannibalism, CNN, east lansing, Jeff Weiner, Jeff Zucker, korean war, lester aldrich, manka bros., Michigan, octogenarian, those damn kids, World's largest Media Company, Paul Harvey, Art LInklletter, Lawrence Welk, Garrison Keillor, Andy Rooney, Douglas MacarthurLester Aldrich – Those Damn Kids

P.S. – No report on Those Damn Kids this week – it’s too goddamned cold for even those little pissants to come out from their holes.


Dick Shepherd

Manka Bros., Khan Manka, Lester Aldrich, Those Damn Kids, Dick Shepherd, Michigan State, Tiger Woods, World War 2Dick Shepherd (left picture – 1943) came by the house last weekend and we watched golf and basketball on television.

Michigan State looks good and so does Tiger Woods (though I think if he gets close to breaking Sam Sneed’s record for most victories or Jack Nicholson’s record most major victories, someone should break Tiger’s hands).

Dick Shepherd – or ‘Shep’ as I call him – has been an acquaintance of mine for over 75 years. Neither one of us left the neighborhood after the war like so many others I used to know that are long since dead.

Shep moved to East Lansing in 1935 from Hawaii. And like everyone from that stupid “state,” he’s about as smart as a coconut. He’s got six stupid grandchildren that like to do stuff like hide his dentures and spray him with the hose.

Thank God it was cold outside – so Those Damn Kids from the neighborhood were most likely pissing all over the mall urinals and watching another two hours of Hollywood tripe.

This is not a complaint. I am grateful for the afternoon of peace from those little assholes.

But back to Shep. He’s got one kidney, half a tongue and a quarter lung left. Doctors say, once he gets down to an eighth of a lung, he can being the countdown to his death.

Shep’s looking forward to that countdown – aren’t we all.

He still smokes and chews tobacco at the same time.

Good ol’ Shep.

I’d put a current picture of Shep here – but I promised him I wouldn’t. There is absolutely no resemblance left of that young man up there.

So we’re watching this golf tournament and every one of the damn commercials is about retirement planning or erectile disorder. Is every man who watches golf impotent and in need of financial advice?

But the commercials on the Michigan State basketball game were about young men drinking and trying to have sex with young attractive women.

If those young men want to keep having sex with those young women, they had better watch more golf and figure out how to stay erect and plan for a strong financial future.

Or they’ll just end up like me.

I’ll talk at you next week…

AARP, Alf Landon, Arbys, Ari Emanuel, Ben Silverman, cannibalism, CNN, east lansing, Jeff Weiner, Jeff Zucker, korean war, lester aldrich, manka bros., Michigan, octogenarian, those damn kids, World's largest Media Company, Paul Harvey, Art LInklletter, Lawrence Welk, Garrison Keillor, Andy Rooney, Douglas MacarthurLester Aldrich – Those Damn Kids