Following Kevin Reilly’s (Fox) announcement that they will no longer be participating in the TV Pilot Season process (which we’ve all been doing in this town for the past 50 years or so), I would like to take an even bolder step.
Today, I am announcing that the Manka Bros. Television Group is bypassing the entire DEVELOPMENT process. Because, let’s be frank, the creative executives that work at my studio suck ass and make everything they touch die like the “Boy In The Plastic Bubble.”
So – because of this complete incompetence and our crappy HR department’s inability to replace these pricks with anyone that can read, I have decided that Manka Bros. is now the most talent-friendly studio in town – because we give GREENLIGHTS to writers based on their FIRST DRAFTS!
Suck on that, Fox! Good luck giving that sort of control.
So, writers of TV (and film for that matter) – come to Manka Bros. – write for us and get pretty much anything you want and we won’t change a goddamn thing.
Rejoice, writers – Harvard MBAs will no longer be giving you notes on how to make your blue collar stories more gritty and believable.
Khan Manka, Jr. – Chairman & CEO – Manka Bros. Studios – The World’s Largest Media Company
Bold move.
Mr. Manka: I like your philosophy regarding writers and ignoring Harvard MBAs (I dealt with several in another life and fed one to my lawyers). Therefore, I would like to send you additional information on one my screenplay in the near future. I would add that I appreciate your viewpoint and opinion of the Academy and their politics and share the sentiments. I don’t want to make enemies there but I’ve zero time for games and wasting time and want only fair consideration of my scripts. More to come. Cordially, Steve Chrisman